Let’s assume that your name was Mahmood El Snaipah, and you wanted to bring attention to the Holy Cause Of Islam by orchestrating attacks on critical energy facilities by targeting an oil pipeline in South Dakota and an electrical substation in North Dakota.
Can you spell T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-M, children? Of course you can.
Then there’s this asshole:
Cameron Smith, a 50-year-old Canadian national, used a high-powered rifle, to inflict significant damage to both a transformer and pipeline equipment, resulting in widespread disruption of electrical services and interrupting pipeline operations.
But he’s not a Muzzie terrorist; he’s an eco-terrorist, you see:
Smith told the court his actions were driven by frustration after years of trying to raise awareness of climate change through lawful means.
… so his behavior must be excused?
Not bloody likely:
Smith has been sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for orchestrating attacks on critical energy facilities in the United States.
Now we come to the boo-hoo part:
He said he chose remote locations to avoid harming people, and he argued for a lesser sentence, citing his autism and Crohn’s disease.
“This is tantamount to a life sentence, and I don’t think that’s right,” Smith said. He expressed doubt he would receive adequate medical care while incarcerated.
And the takeaway quote:
“I won’t survive this,” Smith said.
I hope you shit yourself to death. Painfully. Over the next twenty-odd years.