By Any Other Name, Part Deux

Let’s assume that your name was Mahmood El Snaipah, and you wanted to bring attention to the Holy Cause Of Islam by orchestrating attacks on critical energy facilities by targeting an oil pipeline in South Dakota and an electrical substation in North Dakota.

Can you spell T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-M, children?  Of course you can.

Then there’s this asshole:

Cameron Smith, a 50-year-old Canadian national, used a high-powered rifle, to inflict significant damage to both a transformer and pipeline equipment, resulting in widespread disruption of electrical services and interrupting pipeline operations.  

But he’s not a Muzzie terrorist;  he’s an eco-terrorist, you see:

Smith told the court his actions were driven by frustration after years of trying to raise awareness of climate change through lawful means.

… so his behavior must be excused?

Not bloody likely:

Smith has been sentenced to 25 years in federal prison for orchestrating attacks on critical energy facilities in the United States.

Now we come to the boo-hoo part:

He said he chose remote locations to avoid harming people, and he argued for a lesser sentence, citing his autism and Crohn’s disease.

“This is tantamount to a life sentence, and I don’t think that’s right,” Smith said. He expressed doubt he would receive adequate medical care while incarcerated.

And the takeaway quote:

“I won’t survive this,” Smith said.

I hope you shit yourself to death.  Painfully.  Over the next twenty-odd years.

Rolling Back The Greenies #17

…and about fucking time, too.  More goodness from POTUS:

I am hereby instructing Secretary Lee Zeldin to immediately go back to my Environmental Orders, which were terminated by Crooked Joe Biden, on Water Standards and Flow pertaining to SINKS, SHOWERS, TOILETS, WASHING MACHINES, DISHWASHERS, etc., and to likewise go back to the common sense standards on LIGHT BULBS, that were put in place by the Trump Administration, but terminated by Crooked Joe. I look forward to signing these Orders.

Or, to be more formal about it:

President Donald Trump is waging war against former President Joe Biden’s green energy regulations on Americans’ household appliances.

Is there any way to make this stuff permanent?  Oh wait, that would require Congressional assistance.


Just a reminder of what he’s talking about:

Biden imposed climate standards for some appliances, including gas stoves, washing machines, and dishwashers during his only term as president.

In July of 2023, the Biden administration cracked down on water heaters by slapping them with greater efficiency standards.

The following month, Biden imposed a ban on incandescent light bulbs, limiting what kinds of lighting would be available for consumers.

In 2023, Biden proposed a rule targeting ceiling fans.

…and the list goes on and on, all about Big Gummint sticking its nose into our private lives, and screwing it all up.

Quote Of The Day

“The United Kingdom is in trouble; their energy supplies are insufficient for their needs, and the policies that put them in this position are the same policies that the climate scolds want to implement here.” — Ward Clark

This comes as Norway is going to cut off their sales of natural gas to Britishland, because those sales (and likewise to Germany — another country with a bad energy policy) are causing domestic prices of gas to rise… and the Norwegian voters, unsurprisingly, don’t see why they should have to subsidize other countries’ bad energy policies.

By the way:  the UK’s backup gas provider is the U.S., which would sting them because the hated POTUS has ordered natgas production to ramp up.  Sadly for them, though, DJT has indicated that said increased gas supply will be used to drive down Biden-high energy costs for Americans.

Rock, meet hard place;  and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of smug Green assholes.

Never Mind That Pesky Reality Stuff which the Climate Doomsayers are once again embarrassed by actual events:

Last year reinforced previous conclusions that hurricanes are neither becoming more frequent, nor more intense, as measured by the number of the stronger Cat 3, 4 and 5 storms and by accumulated cyclone energy (ACE), an index used to measure the activity of a cyclone/hurricane season.

Meanwhile a new study has found that the destructive power of hurricanes has declined in the Indian Ocean since the mid-1990s. Elsewhere there has been little trend at all, the study found.

And there are charts and charts of recorded data to underline those findings.

Not that this would trouble the Doomsayers, of course:

The BBC continue to ignore the real world data as well as the verdict of hurricane experts. Instead they remorselessly push the lie that hurricanes are getting worse.

At the end of last year’s Atlantic hurricane season, weatherman Ben Rich proclaimed that the season had ‘broken records’, when it was barely above average. He went on to state that global warming had made every Atlantic hurricane last year stronger, a claim propagated by the climate lobbyist group, Climate Central, without a shred of data to back it up.

Yeah, well, as everyone knows:  if the facts do not support the theory, they must be ignored.

And never so much as when the Great Lie of Global Warming Climate Cooling Change© is being propagated.

And That’s Just ONE

At this rate, I’ll need to post articles from a fainting couch.  Why?

Consider just this Executive Order sent out under God-Emperor Trump’s signature.  It’s entitled “Unleashing American Energy” but its real title should be “Fuck You, Greenies”.  An excerpt:

Sec. 4.  Revocation of and Revisions to Certain Presidential and Regulatory Actions. 

(a)  The following are revoked and any offices established therein are abolished:

(i)     Executive Order 13990 of January 20, 2021 (Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis);

(ii)    Executive Order 13992 of January 20, 2021 (Revocation of Certain Executive Orders Concerning Federal Regulation);

(iii)   Executive Order 14008 of January 27, 2021 (Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad);

(iv)    Executive Order 14007 of January 27, 2021 (President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology);

(v)     Executive Order 14013 of February 4, 2021 (Rebuilding and Enhancing Programs to Resettle Refugees and Planning for the Impact of Climate Change on Migration);

(vi)    Executive Order 14027 of May 7, 2021 (Establishment of the Climate Change Support Office);

(vii)   Executive Order 14030 of May 20, 2021 (Climate-Related Financial Risk);

(viii)  Executive Order 14037 of August 5, 2021 (Strengthening American Leadership in Clean Cars and Trucks);

(ix)    Executive Order 14057 of December 8, 2021 (Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability);

(x)     Executive Order 14072 of April 22, 2022 (Strengthening the Nation’s Forests, Communities, and Local Economies);

(xi)    Executive Order 14082 of September 12, 2022 (Implementation of the Energy and Infrastructure Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022); and

(xii)   Executive Order 14096 of April 21, 2023 (Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All).

That’s twelve of FJB’s ghastly Green New Deal EOs overturned, with a single EO.  Talk about efficiency.

And the followup clauses (b, c, d and e) are enough to make any Greenie’s head explode.

The other sections contained in the EO might well give you even greater pleasure, so hie thee hence and read the whole thing.

Just this single EO — among the hundreds of similar nature — actually makes me giddy with delight.  Years and years of needless, not to say hostile Green bureaucracy abolished.

Keep ’em coming, Boss.

I Wish I’d Said That

From Steve Kruiser:

People Who Blame All Natural Disasters on Climate Change Should Be Clubbed Like Baby Seals

Not that I have any desire to club baby seals — my own prescription would be to tie them to a chair and beat them with chains — and as Kruiser himself says, “By the way, the headline about clubbing baby seals… was a joke. I hated seal-clubbing the one time I did it.”

But whether being clubbed or beaten with chains, these eco-loons deserve it.