Wrong Target

We all know that the eco-loons are bereft of wit (in the old fashioned sense — i.e. they’re clueless), but this little game surely takes the Golden Moron Award of 2022 (amidst, it should be said, strong competition from the Biden Maladministration):

The 10th stage of the Tour de France was halted for 10 minutes on Tuesday after half a dozen climate activists tried to stop riders on the road before being pulled out by police and a senior organisers’ official.

Look, I don’t agree with anything these fuckwits are doing, but at least I can see the logic behind blocking a motorway, if you are all about stopping Big Oil or whatever.

But blocking a bicycle race?  Where’s the eco-harm in that?

I know, I know;  it’s all about the publicity and has nothing to so with logic.

What I want to know is:  what’s going to happen in 989 days?

Actually, never mind.  Whatever they say will happen then, won’t.  Especially if they’re relying on climate “models” for their Doomsday prediction.

Bullshit Spreaders

In the headline to this post, I can make a wee suggestion for change:

NPR Spreads Misinformation About Climate Change and Models (Again)

Actually, you could put it as “NPR Spreads Misinformation About _________ (Again)” or even just  “NPR Spreads Misinformation (Again)” if you want to go for brevity.

However, let me not spoil your enjoyment of the article itself, which is brimful of all sorts of anti- Green / Net Zero / glueball wormening or whatever the Watermelons are calling it nowadays.  A taste:

Since climate is an average of weather in a region over the span of 30 years, right away attempting to attribute individual storms to climate change is unscientific at best. Attribution research has been widely criticized for its inability to be repeated through testing, falsified, or measured in the real world—all necessary characteristics of science—and for the fact that predictions made by the models are based on emission scenarios that don’t match real world emission data, and are, in some instances, impossible.

All that, and so much more.  Read it, and chuckle.

Seeing The Light

I see that BritPM Boris Johnson has decided to try and save Britain from future electricity shortages by opening seven new nuclear reactor plants.

And better yet, this is happening against rising resistance towards the unreliable, inefficient and costly wind farms.

I’m hoping out next Republican president adopts the same action here, even though it would take decades to implement because of all the stupid regulations the things have to get past in order to get made — and I would also hope that a Republican Congress would work to get rid of most of said regulations.

I also want Tinkerbell to sprinkle magic dust on my lottery tickets, but that discussion can wait for another time.

Facing Up To Reality

Boy, it’s all very well to have those Green Dreams of making us all free of Evil Oil&GasCorp International, but when someone punches you in the nose and says, “No more oil!” you’d have to be completely stupid to keep on with the foolishness.  Take Germany, for example:

Germany is considering reopening some of its decommissioned coal power plants in the hopes of getting a handle on its ongoing energy crisis.  The reopening of shuttered plants is seen as an option as the country struggles to ween itself off of its addiction to Russian fossil fuels.


However, the RWE head was keen to emphasise that no U-turn on the phasing out of fossil fuels was occurring, and that the stop-gap measures being suggested did not represent a rollback of the country’s climate change plans.
“It’s not a backwards roll, but at most a step aside for a limited time,” the energy Tsar said.

Uh huh.  Till the next crisis, when they’ll have to step aside again, and again, and again, when that back-and-forth is going to resemble a country two-step dance competition.

Morons.  And lest we forget, most of their problem is being caused by their panicked overreaction to the Fukushima meltdown and the resulting knee-jerk shutdown of all their own nuke power plants.  Morons times two.

I thought Germans were supposed to be pragmatic and logical, but clearly I’ve been misinformed.