Waking Up

Insty has noted that even Ultra-Rich Asshole Bill Gates is getting a little fearful of the coming draconic enforcement of the Green New Deal (a.k.a. Net Zero 2030 and similar tropes).  Maybe he’s afraid that his corporate jet may be banned, or something.

In Virginia, the Republican (natch) VAGov is going to walk back on their similarly-stupid mandate for Duracell cars (EVs):

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) is looking to repeal the state’s electric vehicle mandate if his party does well in Virginia’s November elections.

A spokeswoman for the governor claimed the mandate, which adopts California‘s strict air quality standards and is designed to increase the use of electric vehicles, has had poor results in California. Virginia’s adherence to the mandate was put in place during former Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam’s administration, making Virginia one of only 17 states tied to California’s emission standards.

Wait:  seventeen states have signed on to this foolishness?

Anyway, while this other Glenn has the right idea, I’m a little miffed that he’s using the “anti-California” mantra to stop his state from falling into chaos instead of pointing out that the entire eco-frenzy is not only unsupportable (by the actual science) but also unsustainable (in terms of its implementation.

But hey, whatever works, right?

I just hope that the Virginia Republicans use this as a campaign issue, but I fear that a lot of them may not only have bought into the EV-foolishness, but even of not, be afraid to use it lest the ecofreaks and Jackals Of The Press [much overlap]  go all hair-on-fire on them.


Here’s the Hall of Shame:

Alfa Romeo?????

As for the rest, I hope they all go out of business.

No doubt, some of them will continue to sell gasoline-powered cars here in the U.S. (to keep their poxy profits up), but as for me:  I wouldn’t buy any of their offerings, just on principle.

“Climate warriors”, my aching right foot.

Simple Cure

Here are two different stories, but with a common link.  First, the news from Volkswagen:

Volkswagen’s managing director has warned the sale of electric vehicles is ‘stagnating’ as a poll revealed just 2 per cent of drivers would buy one in the near future.

Alex Smith warned there are currently few incentives to buy EVs.

He claimed sales are in ‘stagnation’ with EVs still ‘relatively expensive’ compared to petrol and diesel cars, adding: ‘It’s true to say that with the retail price of an electric car, you will find a premium.’

Not so much “find” as “get beaten about the head by” that premium, but let me not interrupt the thread.

It came as a poll of 2,375 UK motorists found that just 2 per cent would buy an EV right now. The survey, carried out for industry body the Society for Motor Manufactures and Traders found more than half are not planning to buy one until 2026 or later.

The figures led to growing calls for more support for private buyers to switch to EVs ahead of the planned ban on new petrol and diesel car sales from 2030.

The “support” is, of course, a bribe I mean government subsidy.  Funded with taxpayer money.

But apart from the price “premium” (exorbitant cost), why would people’s enthusiasm for Duracell cars be weakening?  Of course, there’s that small matter of there being not enough power sockets — even in tiny Britishland — to replenish the battery when the juice runs low:  “Oh, the government should just pay for those” (with taxpayer money).

Then there’s this little wrinkle in EV ownership:

An electrical vehicle fire at Nissan Headquarters Tuesday afternoon required several more hours and 45 times more gallons of water to put out than a conventional vehicle fire.

It’s a challenge the Franklin Fire Department warns “all fire departments are struggling with” because lithium-ion battery fires often cannot be extinguished until the battery cell has released its energy.

Firefighters were dispatched around 4:42 p.m. after the car caught fire in the parking lot of 1 Nissan Way. According to Franklin Fire Marshal Andy King, the vehicle, a Nissan Leaf, had been charging on a Level 3 charger, which is the fastest charging device.

That’s when its lithium-ion battery cell reportedly overheated, went into a thermal runaway condition and caught fire. He said firefighters applied water to cool the battery cell for several hours before the fire was extinguished.

No damage occurred to the charger or other vehicles. According to King, firefighters are accustomed to responding to conventional vehicle fires, which are typically put out with one fire engine and anywhere from 500 to 1,000 gallons of water.

However, Tuesday’s fire required nearly 45,000 gallons of water and multiple units, including an engine, tower, battalion chief, rescue, hazmat, and an air response vehicle. In a news release, the fire department urged EV owners to take precautions against fires.

The very best precaution against these kinds of fires, one would think, would be not to buy these spontaneously-combusting wheeled Roman candles in the first place.

As for dealing with the fires themselves:  I think that every charging station should be required to have a large tank of water — maybe double the size of a normal backyard swimming pool — so that the fire department can just push the burning vehicle into it until it’s completely submerged.

Then, when all the fuss has subsided and the fire has finally died, the car’s owner should be required to drink a pint of water from the tank.

And now I think I need to head off to the range, because when I read how Gummint is trying to force everyone to buy one of these fucking firebombs, I can feel myself going into a “thermal runaway condition”.

Spanking Opportunity

Here’s a way to deal with the Glue Movement — okay, first a little background from Reader Mike L.:

Coco Gauff’s U.S. Open semifinal victory over Karolina Muchova was delayed by 50 minutes because of a disruption by four environmental activists in the Arthur Ashe Stadium stands Thursday night. One protester glued his bare feet to the concrete floor.

My first reaction to this little reindeer game was to think:  “If they’re glued to the floor, they can’t run away, can they?”

Which led to the following (perhaps unworthy) visual:

Oh sure, like I’m the only one who thought of that when reading the article…

Quelle Surprise

Well, well, well.  Turns out that the massive fire in Hawaii which caused all those deaths has absolutely nothing to do with Global Cooling Climate Warming Change©, but instead has the grimy fingerprints of incompetent officialdom all over the place:

The Maui fire is proving to be the worst wildfire in American history, having taken over 100 lives and likely many more by the time the count is complete. The fire itself was started by downed power lines, which was poorly fought (it was declared contained before it raged out of control), was made deadly by an incompetent Emergency Management official (Karen wrote about this in her VIP column earlier today), and to cap it all off was made difficult to fight by a government official who refused to approve the use of water to fight the fire.

That’s a trifecta of terrible, right there.  But it gets worse:

It turns out that nine years ago, a report by Hawaiian fire researchers sounded the alarm that the area was at extremely high risk of burning. Many key recommendations were ignored.

Where have we heard this before?  Oh yeah, in California.

And needless to say, one of the gummint lackeys is not only incompetent, but a woketard:

During the inferno that devastated part of the island of Maui, wiping entire towns off the map and possibly killing more than a thousand people (once a full assessment can be made), people on Maui begged state officials to allow West Maui stream water to be diverted to fill up reservoirs for firefighting. That request went to M. Kaleo Manuel, Deputy Director of Hawaii’s Commission on Water Resource Management, and he delayed approval of that water for five hours – five hours in which the once-contained fire exploded. By the time the approval was received, workers were unable to reach the siphon release so that the water could be diverted. Now we’re learning that Manuel, an Obama Foundation Leader for the Asia Pacific Region, is a climate change activist and DEI devotee who’s said, “Like, we can share [water], but it requires true conversations about equity.”

Yeah, having more than a hundred people die unnecessarily sounds pretty equitable to me.  And the highlighted part  of the above goes without saying because of course this stupid tit is an Obama lickspittle.

When Panic Costs Money

The Greatest Living Englishman has turned his ire towards the BBC, and at climate fearmongers in general:

Amazon Prime star has slammed weather forecasters for spreading what he has described as “green propaganda” in his latest column.

The presenter, 63, went on to explain that due to inaccurate weather reports, he and many other farmers and been forced to “take a massive financial hit” for “absolutely no reason”.

Jeremy recalled how earlier this week, weather presenters had claimed “an apocalyptic storm would arrive in Britain on Tuesday night”.

The Former Top Gear host went on to explain how, due to predictions of weeks of “torrential rain and gales”, he had felt forced to harvest his crops even though they weren’t ready because the moisture content was too high.

“Yes, I’d have to pay £10 a ton to dry the grain after it was harvested but better to take that hit than have the whole lot ruined by the storm,” he wrote in his column for the Sun. 

“We worked tirelessly until 11pm and when I finally crawled into bed, utterly exhausted, I noticed that all of my neighbouring farmers were still out here, doing the same thing.”

Here’s what he was talking about:


The ex-BBC star went on to express his outrage when he had expected to see “Armageddon” the next morning only to be greeted by “blue skies and a gentle breeze”.

“So the farmers had brought in their harvest early and taken a massive financial hit that they can’t afford… for absolutely no reason,” Jeremy fumed.

So he lashed out.

“They feel compelled, when it’s warm, to paint their maps dark red and talk about ‘extreme heat’. And similarly, to keep Greta and the snowflake army happy, they need to say when it’s a bit chilly, that we will all soon be buried under a 20-foot snow drift,” he complained.

“They see their weather forecasts now as political weapons. Baseball bats which can be used to beat the oil companies into submission. And they’ll mangle statistics if that’s what’s necessary.”

He then went on to beg weather forecasters to share “the truth” with farmers and to save their “propaganda forecasts” for people who need to “turn the heating down”.

“They think that the constant wrongness doesn’t matter, because a wonky weather forecast only affects people planning barbecues,” he stated. “But to farmers, it bloody well does matter.”

Frankly, if I were a British farmer, I’d subscribe to an actual meteorogical service and learn to interpret the data for myself.

And refuse to pay the BBC license fee, like millions of other Brits are doing.