Like we couldn’t see this one coming: we suck.
Results of the 2018 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) found American teens showed no actual improvement in reading, math, and science compared to the 2015 results.
Our ranking improved, though. Why?
The ranking of U.S. students improved only because the scores of students in other countries dropped.
So we’re getting dumber at a slower rate than the rest of the world’s kids? How nice. And guess what?
As Education Week reported, PISA reading results indicate American teens are able to comprehend the main idea and draw simple inferences in a medium length text, but comprehension and comparison skills when other texts and ideas are introduced – so-called critical thinking skills – are lacking.
Despite a decade of the Common Core State Standards, an Obama-era progressive education reform that was touted as one that would improve students’ critical thinking and eliminate the achievement gap between white and minority students, U.S. public schools appear to be failing in both areas.
So Common Core is failing… along with just about every other nostrum provided by the education establishment, most notably No Child Left Behind, which should now be renamed “Every Child Left Behind”. Here’s some more on the topic.
But all is not lost: I see that SecEd Betsy DeVos has managed to shed 600 useless functionaries from the Education Department in just a couple of years. Go, Betsy, go! MOAR reductions!!!!