…and to his own daughter, no less:
Four Weddings and a Funeral writer Richard Curtis says he was ‘stupid and wrong’ for the way he wrote about women and joked about people’s size in his films after he was confronted by his own daughter.
Curtis, 66, says he regrets much of his work and he was ‘unobservant’ and ‘not as clever’ as he should have been.
The comedy screenwriter poured scorn over many of his films and said he would never use the words ‘fat’ and ‘chubby’ again.
Oh FFS. One of the best parts about the achingly-funny Four Weddings movie was that I could recognize every single one of those appalling female characters in girls of my own acquaintance. I had also been to weddings of similar ilk several times — okay, nobody actually died of a heart attack during any of them, but someone in the bridal party did noisily puke her guts out during the groom’s speech, which surely qualifies.
Also, one of the main attractions of Four Weddings was the realistic dialogue — once again, I’ve heard people say things precisely as they were uttered in the movie, only with a South African accent.
Four Weddings And A Funeral was of its time, people actually spoke, thought and behaved like that, and it saddens me to no end to think that its creator has forgotten the whole point of the satire he so wonderfully wrote.
All because his pissy little woke daughter objected.