Your suggestions in Comments…
Category: Friday Feature
5 Worst Things You Can Say In A Business Email
In ascending order of “you’re gonna get fired”:
- “Screw what H.R. says.”
- “When I was in San Quentin…”
- “My project will come in well over budget and a year late.” (unless you’re a liberal politician, in which case you’ll be just fine; you might even get a promotion)
- “I’m sorry about the affair with your wife, but…” (bonus points if you’re a woman)
- “On our next business trip together, bring some edible panties… again.”
Your contributions in Comments. Bonus points if your contribution ever got you actually fired.
Caption Competition #31
Your suggestions in Comments. (By the way, I love R. Crumb’s cartoons.)
5 Worst Times To Start Your Own Business
Ranked in ascending order of horrible:
- When you live in Venezuela or Zimbabwe
- When your business partner is part of the Mafia or the Russian mob
- When your business is a Christian bookstore and you live in Saudi Arabia
- When your business model was designed by a Harvard MBA
- When you live in California.
Your suggestions in Comments.
Caption Competition #30
Your suggestions in Comments. No wolf-whistles, please.
5 Worst Jobs
In ascending order of hideousness:
- Flight attendant on the New York – Ft. Lauderdale flight
- Male employee at Salon magazine
- Kathy Griffin’s personal trainer
- Product tester at a refried-bean canning factory
- Any job where Michelle Obama is your boss
Your suggestions in Comments.