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Category: Friday Feature
5 Worst Excuses For Leaving Work Early
We’ve all done it, but here are the worst, in ascending order of ridiculousness:
- I have to leave now, it’s Happy Hour at the Rose & Crown
- I have to pick my grandmother up at the airport (bonus if the speaker is over the age of 50)
- I have to get to the liquor store before it closes
- I broke my fingernail and I have an emergency appointment at the nail salon (female; if male, I don’t want to talk to you)
- I have to take my Mom to the maternity ward
Bonus points for guessing which one was mine.
Your suggestions in Comments.
Friday Night Movies
I have to admit to a secret addiction: watching the election results of November 2016, most especially this half-hour summary.
Watch as the presenters manfully try to suppress their growing dismay at the inevitability of God-Emperor Trump’s election, and giggle like a little girl at the “We’ve lost but I don’t have the balls to tell you that!” speech of Hillary Bitch Clinton’s lickspittle weasel campaign manager, John Podesta.
Of course, there are other wonderful videos to watch, and as a public service I’ve added a couple more, for your delectation:
“Trump Can’t Win” — a retrospective gloatfest
Liberal assholes’ stunned meltdown — “Get your abortions now!”, “This was a Whitelash!”, “You’re awake, by the way; you’re not having a terrible, terrible dream,” etc.
Enjoy, enjoy… and feel free to add your own links in Comments.
Caption Competition #27
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5 Worst Sex Manuals
Ranked in ascending order of awful:
- The Antifa Guide To Lovemaking
- Pulling The Train Without Pain, 3rd edition (Kamala Harris)
- Rockstar Sex (Nancy Pelosi)
- Six Great Foreplay Tricks (Hillary Clinton) (illustrated)
- Helping Uncle José To His Happy Ending (4th Grade Textbook, Los Angeles County School District)
Your suggestions in Comments.
Caption Competition #26
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