As we enter Week 3 of the annual Help Keep The Repo Man From Kim’s Door event, please let me first thank all those of you who have made donations already, from the blogger who I happen to know is himself struggling, to the Regular Readers whose names I recognize, and to the Readers whom I don’t.
Thank you, one and all.
And to those who haven’t yet stepped up to the (collection) plate, please do so if it’s at all possible.
Honestly, it’s your responses and donations that make blogging worthwhile — I don’t do this for the money (or else I’d have ads and paid advertorials all over the place), nor do I write these daily missives for some kind of self-justification.
But it really is nice to be appreciated, and your generosity shows me that, in spades. Thank you.
One last thing. This website is having increasing issues with connectivity — I get those “dropped connections” notices often, sometimes as I’m writing the posts themselves and sometimes when I try to respond in Comments. Even my emails crash when I try to respond to messages. It’s not my wi-fi at home, it is very definitely happening at Hosting Matters, so please be patient as TS II and I try to resolve the thing.
I have no idea why this is going on — it’s a damn nuisance — but I am aware of the situation. If you’re having problems commenting, just wait a few minutes and try again, as I do. Sorry about all that, but it’s outside my control.