
Oy.  When you’re going to try to assassinate someone for the first time, perhaps you shouldn’t ask Google for help:

Nicholas Roske searched on Google for the “quietest semi auto rifle” and the “most effective place to stab someone” before he arrived outside Kavanaugh’s home in June.

I don’t know much about stabbing (okay, I do, but not as much as I know about semi-auto rifles), but “quietest semi auto rifle” ?  How about, NONE, you fucking moron.

Okay, a little .22 semi like a Ruger or Marlin wouldn’t be as loud as, say, an AR-15 or even a Remington 7400;  but if we’re talking serious man-killer chamberings, I think I’m safe in saying that they’re all pretty fucking loud.

In a way, though, I’m glad the little prick was so stupid.  Had he been a serious shooter, Kavanaugh might have been in trouble.

Even better, though, was this:

The 26-year-old also said in an online chat forum he was going to “remove some people from the supreme court” to “stop roe v wade from being overturned.”
“I could get at least one, which would change the votes for decades to come,” Roske said, “and I am shooting for 3.”  [sic]

Uh huh.

By the way, isn’t that Rem 7400 a cutie?  And it’s in the manly .30-06 Springfield, which I doubt that our Gen Z wannabe-killer would be able to handle anyway.

Wedding Party

One of Rupert Murdoch’s grandspawn got married over the weekend.  Normally, of course, I would ignore nonsense like this, but I had to share the fun with My Loyal Readers.

First, there was the fact that the day before the wedding, ol’ Rupert told wife Jerry Hall (the ex-Mrs. Mick Jagger) that he was dumping her — told her this by email.  Pretty classless, but more or less standard behavior of the man christened the “Dirty Digger” by various press outlets.

Second, there was the bridal party, and I’ll leave it to you to find the flyshit in the sugar bowl:

And lastly, there was the bridal couple:

Here’s a full frontal of Rupert’s granddaughter:

Black and white, in color.  The tattoos don’t even match the dress pattern…

It all just shows, as if we ever needed a reminder, that money doesn’t buy class.

Quote Of The Day

From the bony* Ann Coulter:

Consistent with liberal psyches, the attack on the Supreme Court last week was completely schizophrenic —



[ANSWER: One’s in the Constitution, and one isn’t.]

Then again, expecting logic (not to say Constitutional familiarity) from the Left will always be a fool’s errand.

Read more

Forewarned Means Nothing

Like nobody could see this coming.  From Buffalo NY:

“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after.”

This led to a referral for the troubled teen to a mental health evaluation.

[But] Gendron was later able to purchase firearms in the state.

I was told that NY had the strictest gun-purchasing laws in the U.S., and their politicians are always wailing about criminals getting their guns from out of state.

Not our boy Payton.  Bought his AR-15 right there near his home town in NY, and then went a-hunting at a supermarket 200 miles away.

He should be executed, of course (and Charles Lehman agrees with me), but he won’t be.

Instead, we’ll be told that blame for this little episode lies with the gun / White supremacists / the NRA / Tucker Carlson / websites like this one, etc., instead of with a troubled kid and the authorities who knew all about him and did nothing.

And if the above seems a trifle strong to you, see what City Journal suggests.

Nazzo Fast, Guido

There’s this (no link because paywall):

Ummm, at the risk of offending some people — and I have no truck with pro-abortion loonies harassing judges and bombing pro-life organizations, believe me — it seems that I do need to remind everyone that the anti-abortion groups have had their own nutcases in the past:  murdering abortion doctors, blockading and bombing abortion clinics and so on.

This is not a tu quoque  argument, by the way.  If someone tries to terrorize a judge for his opinion or ruling, or bombs a building, that by definition is terrorism.

Both sides stand accused.

And the “activist” media are assholes (and not just in this instance, either).

Staying Away

I don’t often visit Target stores because they so seldom have anything I want, and if they do, it’s at a premium price.  Guess I won’t be going there anytime soon anyway, what with this bullshit going on:

Target will be selling breast binders and packing underwear as part of its latest clothing collection just ahead of “Pride month” in June.

The retailer is known for celebrating June in a splashy, rainbow-colored way. It has been criticized for offering a pride collection for kids, specifically babies, for years. Now the company is catering to the trans community by promoting specialty garments specifically made for them.

According to Bustle, Target partnered with TomboyX and Humankind for the collection, which are both “queer owned, female-founded brands.” Merchandise will include the expected rainbow-colored messaging that’s become commonplace for these collections. It will also have some new items that a mainstream retailer like Target hasn’t sold before.

In the adult collection, a poem that includes the line, “For the queer lovers and everyone in between, for the rebels that fight to forever be seen,” is featured on tote bags, shirts, and beach towels.

There are also pride flag cat toys, including a giraffe designed in lesbian flag colors and stuffed teacup with rainbow tea, and three tea bags with the lesbian, transgender, and bisexual pride flags.

Call me whatever-phobic, but I just can’t see that any of that merchandise will be suited to me.

Idiots, or evil?  I report, you decide.