I see that the Usual Suspects are demanding the removal of all those Rebel hero statues in Tennessee. But where it gets funny is that they’re talking about replacing them with “real” Tennessee heroes — or in this case, a heroine: Dolly Parton.
Now, I have to say, the idea has a certain appeal. I mean… Dolly?

The problem, of course, is that dues-paying members of the Insane Clown Posse are also the feminazis, to whom a statue featuring Dolly’s ummm assets would be yet another victory for the Eeevil Drooling Patriarchy or some such bullshit. Which means that Dolly’s “approved” statue would be more likely to look something like this:

…for a twofer, in that the Extremist Muslim Asshole Mob would also be appeased by the covering up of The Whore Parton’s body. Ugh.
I think I’ll just post another pic or three of Dolly, just to make us all feel better.

Yeah, the hell with that old Klansman, Nathan Bedford Forrest; in fact while we’re about it, let’s dynamite that stupid Statue Of Liberty, and put up a Statue Of Dolly, using that last pic as a model. Because if that pose doesn’t say “Welcome!”, nothing does.