Quote Of The Day

Regarding my post about the reinstatement of Comic Con and the pics of costumed chippies, Reader WVHillbilly commented:

“Usually you have women who are six sizes too large to wear a skintight costume parading around like overstuffed sausages..”

You mean like these?

Point taken.  However, there are some who use their curves to good advantage:

Nothing too wrong with that.

Incomprehensible Witch

Over at Taki’s place, Ted Dalrymple takes aim (metaphorically speaking;  he’s a Brit) at some total loony university professor:

Professor MacCormack’s book defeated me, not only sapping my will to read further but inducing a state almost of catatonia.  It certainly cured me, at least temporarily, of my obsessional desire to finish any book that I have started.  Her style made  The Critique of Pure Reason  seem as light and witty as  The Importance of Being Earnest.  She appears to think that the English plural of manifesto is manifesti rather than manifestos;  I admit that it conjured up in my mind a new Italian dish, gnocchi manifesti.
Open the book at any page and you will find passages that startle by their polysyllabic meaninglessness combined with the utmost crudity.  By chance, I opened the book to page 144 and my eye fell on the following:

The multiplicity of becoming-cunt as an assemblage reassembles the tensors upon which it expresses force and by which force is expressed upon its various planes and dimensions.

And Dalrymple notes:

I have known deteriorated schizophrenic patients to speak more sensibly and coherently than this.

No kidding.  Let’s take a look at this paragon of literacy, shall we?

…and not in drag:  

This Oz bint is, and I quote:  “a professor of continental philosophy at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England” (whatever “continental philosophy” may be).  Also, Anglia Ruskin University is not part of Cambridge University, but a separate school with campuses scattered across several towns, Cambridge being but one of them.

One wonders what John Ruskin (after whom it’s named) would think of this example of its academic excellence.


Hell To Pay

Seen as part of this article:

“The real question is not whether Trump will leave office in the event that he loses, but whether Democrats will accept the result if he wins.”

Hell, they didn’t accept his election in 2016, so expect the Loony Hysteria Switch to be pushed from 10 to 15.

It may involve mass rioting — worse than at present — and overt rebellion.  Clean yer guns and make sure of your ammo stocks:  this could get interesting.

Simple Explanation

Many tears have been shed (tears of laughter, but nemmind) over this report:

Pro-Black Lives Matter mayor calls attack on her house “domestic terrorism”
Olympia Mayor Cheryl Selby has been a loud supporter of Black Lives Matter, and the related protests following the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police department—but she has since changed her tune after her home was vandalized by protesters.
Selby referred to the vandalism as an act of “domestic terrorism” following a siege of her house.
Selby, who was among the first Democratic leaders to take a knee for the protest movement, says she had difficulty processing the violence after rioters struck her neighborhood on Friday.

Try not to burst out laughing or choke on your morning’s Bloody Mary when you read the whole sorry tale.

I can explain it simply for Herronner.

  1. Despite your possessing ladyparts, to the public at large (and especially to the BLM / Pantifas), you are The Man.  Da Mayor(ess).  The Head Cheese.  The Establishment.  Of course they’re going to target you, despite all your kowtowing [sic]   and prostration.
  2. You didn’t have any kind of property protection in the form of security guards or [shudder]  off-duty policemen to protect your property, despite the fact that you’re a high-profile target (see 1. above).  Whether this was because you hate the police / don’t think you should need them / think your house is protected by its dome of Magic Pixie Dust is all irrelevant.  Mobs prefer marshmallow houses to fortresses.
  3. All the public prostration actually made it more likely that you were going to be a target, and the fact that you are probably anti-gun personally made you even more vulnerable.  (Ask yourself this, Cheryl:  have you read any reports of similar acts of “domestic terrorism” being inflicted on, say, former TexGov Rick Perry’s house?  No?  Perhaps it’s because these “social justice warriors” know that Perry would use his eeeevil AR-15 assault rifle (that nobody needs) to turn their worthless bodies into colanders should they try.  Maybe you should take a leaf from his book.  Just sayin’.)
  4. The expression  “When it’s a matter of seconds, the police are only minutes away”  is not just a clever-dick mantra of Deplorable Gun Owners;  it’s a fact of life.  And should you go along with the other Commiesymp (i.e. Democrat) big-city mayors and decide to “defund” your Olympia P.D., those minutes will turn to hours, and  what happened to you is going to get worse.  And to your neighbors, not that you would care about those peasants.

You stupid bitch.  Enjoy reaping the whirlwind from the winds you so blithely sowed.


I see that the Usual Suspects are demanding the removal of all those Rebel hero statues in Tennessee.  But where it gets funny is that they’re talking about replacing them with “real” Tennessee heroes — or in this case, a heroine:  Dolly Parton.

Now, I have to say, the idea has a certain appeal.  I mean… Dolly?


The problem, of course, is that dues-paying members of the Insane Clown Posse are also the feminazis, to whom a statue featuring Dolly’s ummm  assets would be yet another victory for the Eeevil Drooling Patriarchy or some such bullshit.  Which means that Dolly’s “approved” statue would be more likely to look something like this:

…for a twofer, in that the Extremist Muslim Asshole Mob would also be appeased by the covering up of The Whore Parton’s body.  Ugh.

I think I’ll just post another pic or three of Dolly, just to make us all feel better.

Yeah, the hell with that old Klansman, Nathan Bedford Forrest;  in fact while we’re about it, let’s dynamite that stupid Statue Of Liberty, and put up a Statue Of Dolly, using that last pic as a model.  Because if that pose doesn’t say “Welcome!”, nothing does.