You have to be utterly self-absorbed and narcissistic to post something like this:
Apparently some things are too much, even for the French, and I can see why. Fucking hell, I’ve seen more demure clothing on the midnight shift during Fleet Week. From now on, every new edition of the dictionary will feature this woman’s picture under “Trashy”, and rightly so.
And of course, every bloody barracks-room lawyer is going to whine that the Louvre’s rules (note the capitalization, idiot) technically allow any outfits, even one like hers inside the building. Yeah, fine, and I’m quite aware that the museum isn’t a church too.
But: let’s hear it for the Louvre guard who didn’t want the priceless works of art inside his building sullied by this whore I mean “influencer”. (Oh yeah, she has X thousand “followers” and groupies, so that excuses everything. Not.)
Of course, she is Australian so it’s understandable that she would have no class, manners or sense of decorum, but that just makes me all the more satisfied that someone would actually step up and say, “Non!”
There should be more of that. A lot more.