Ask And Ye Shall Receive

…and how.

Seems as though the city of Miami got sick of the annual Spring Break bacchanalia, and tossed it out, with the expected outcome:

After dropping a tongue-in-cheek video last year about “breaking up” with Spring Break, the city’s slapped on some serious restrictions. For the weekends of March 13-16 and March 20-23, they’re enforcing rules like curfews and bag checks.

Some liquor stores are shutting at 8pm, DUI checkpoints are in place and beach access has been restricted. Miami Beach’s Chief Wayne Jones put it bluntly: “We apologize, but this is necessary. I know it’s painful. Short term pain for long term gain.”

As a result, Spring Break’s taken a hit. Footage from Miami shows deserted beaches and glum party-goers who have found the once-heaving strip eerily quiet.

Some Spring Breakers who jetted off to Miami are now regretting their decision. On TikTok, a duo warned their followers with a blunt “don’t come”. They then declared: “Spring break ain’t the same in Miami no more.”

So what’s a party-hearty Spring Breaker to do?  Where to go?

Well… there’s always the old standby, Fort Lauderdale, who rolled out the red carpet:

Students who live for the party scene have found a new haven as Fort Lauderdale opens its arms wide to welcome them. The city is becoming the go-to spot, with Mayor Dean Trantalis declaring that “anyone” is invited to join the fun.

Mayor Trantalis explained: “We have a different vibe here in Fort Lauderdale versus Miami Beach. I think the mood is edgier in Miami Beach and honestly, I think the beach is sort of an afterthought when it comes to the reason for that destination. Most people are drawn to the party scenes.  Everyone under the sun is welcome. We appreciate everyone regardless of their background, their faith, their race, who they love, Fort Lauderdale is a place for everyone.”

What happened next?  Oh, say it ain’t so:

Spring Break brawl erupts on controversial beach

Would you look at that, it’s mid March and Spring Break is well underway for sun-seeking US college students. Great weather, booze and hundreds of wannabe party-goers all in the same place. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, just when police at the Florida city of Fort Lauderdale thought they’d seen it all after years of annual shenanigans, images from the beach this week may just be a first. You’d be forgiven for allowing American Pie to paint an idyllic Spring Break scene of lads throwing a ball around with a few tins of cold ones to pass the time during the day. At Fort Lauderdale this week, however, it was an altogether more violent sport drawing masses on masses of crowds – boxing.

And pandemonium ensued, so:

Police stormed the ruckus to pull the plug on proceedings. The city of Fort Lauderdale authorities responded to the violence with a statement: “Fort Lauderdale Police witnessed and broke up two incidents on the beach and the crowd complied both times without further issues. There have been no reported or confirmed cases of betting. This type of behavior will not be tolerated.

“Our police department is out along the beach in full force to make this spring break season safe and enjoyable for visitors and residents alike. We encourage anyone who witnesses a disturbance to call 911.”

Until April 12 in high-traffic beach areas, Fort Lauderdale has placed a blanket ban on alcohol, coolers, tents, tables and live or amplified music.

To Hizzoner Mayor Trantalis:  you asked for it;  you got it.  You said it’s “a place for everyone”;  well, not “everyone” is someone you want coming into your town, of course.

In the tags above, this post falls under “Morons & Idiots” — that’s the city of Fort Lauderdale management.  The “Train Smash Women”, of course…

Their dads must be so proud.

Darwin Smiles

In the Heart Of Stone category comes this predictable outcome:

Lance Crosby wanted to be at one with nature, choosing to rely on his senses rather than carry bear spray or his mobile phone…

…and it goes without saying, “or a gun”, so:

…that decision was to cost him his life after he was eaten alive by a grizzly bear in Yellowstone National Park. The 260lb adult female bear, along with her cubs, feasted on the 63-year-old from Montana.

So he became “at one with nature” all right, by becoming bear nom-noms, kinda like berries.

I’m just amazed that being from Montana, he didn’t understand the situation vis-à-vis bears, but apparently he was a nurse from Billings (and not some hippie from Missoula, which would have been my bet).  And at 63, you’d have thought he had more sense, but he didn’t.

The worst part of all of this is that the rangers tracked down and captured the mama grizzly, tested her to see if she was the actual Lance-eater. And when they established that she was, they slaughtered her and sent her cubs off to a zoo.

So because of one moron’s starry-eyed stupidity, everyone came out of this sorry episode just fine and dandy.

Makes me want to find his grave, and pour a pint of gin over it.

After first passing it through my kidneys.

So Much For Compassion

Okay, you would truly have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this one:

A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.

The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10.

It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants.

But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24.

Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is ‘continuing to increase’ and has swelled to around 300 people.

Who could have seen this coming?  Raise your hands…

Oh… everyone, huh?  [exit, howling with laughter]

Layers And Layers

It should have been a speed bump, but there was no grammar involved.  See if you can spot the absolute howler in the caption to the pic below, as it appeared in the Daily Mail:

Hint:  there’s photographic proof of what the guy actually wrote on his armband, you fucking morons, yet you not only misread it, but gave it a completely different meaning.

Where did I put my flamethrower?

I should point out that Breitbart got it right:

English Premier League Star Who Wrote ‘I Love Jesus’ on LGBTQ Armband Breaks Silence

Clearly, they actually looked at the pic before writing the headline… unlike the Mail  idiots.

Unnecessary Death

I once knew a fellow-immigrant who had arrived in the U.S. because his parents had moved their family out of Iran.  When I asked why they’d done so, he replied, “They were Catholics.”

Here’s one that intrigued me:

UAE officials have arrested three people suspected of killing an Israeli Rabbi who went missing in Dubai.

…which makes me ask:  “What was a rabbi doing in an Arab country to begin with?”   Seems like you’re asking for trouble — like being a rabbi in Bradford or Dearborn, only worse.

Oh… this explains it:

He had been working for the Chabad movement in Abu Dhabi since late 2020 – when the UAE recognised Israel as a state.

For the benefit of my Gentile Readers, the Chabad Lubavitch movement is akin to the old London Missionary Society, which sent priests and nuns out into foreign lands to convert the natives to their specific brand of Christianity.  Chabad is the kosher version.

As with the Christians, though, who have traditionally come to a gruesome end (#CongoleseMurderAndRape) my sympathy is somewhat tempered by the questions: “What the hell were you thinking?” and “How else did you think this was going to end?”

It’s a little like hearing that the guy who made his living in a circus by putting his head into a lion’s mouth eventually had his head bitten off — and we’re all supposed to get the sadz because #OhTheHumanity.

Nope.  Try selling that at some other address.

I can say with absolute certainty that I am never going to get attacked by a shark, because I have no intention of ever swimming in the sea, even if someone tells me it’s all part of Saving Teh Whales or something.

Don’t go where you’re not wanted.

Update:  I couple of my Readers have written to remind me that Chabad does not go outside Israel to proselytize, but to minister to the existing Jewish population is there. I knew that, but my writing was sloppy, so thankee for the correction.

My last sentence, however, remains unchanged.  Why ANY Jews would willingly go to the UAE, or indeed to any Muslim country is beyond me.

Let’s Hear It For The Pollsters

I think this little debacle — initially seen in 2016 with Trump’s first electoral victory — can be summed up thus:

So much for them, then:  they were as clueless as all their US counterparts, all of whom called the election as “close” when (barring vote fraud) it was never going to be anything like that.

I know, I know:  everyone tries to hedge their bets in the prediction game, but never so egregiously.  It was obvious to any disinterested observer that they were cooking the  stats by slanted sampling and so on.

One would think that the pollsters would have learned their lesson from 2016, but noooo.

What I want to know is:  why should we believe anything these assholes tell us from now on?

Anyone?  Bueller?