Category: Funny Stuff
Mail, I Get Mail
Every so often my Brit buddies send me mail that gets me going. From Mr. Free Market:
“Sitting in the BA First Class lounge this afternoon. Guess I’m going to make Greta cry again…”
And from The Englishman:
“I think the menu for a Defender launch event says all I need to know about the target customer…”
(From Kim: No Full English Brekkie, nary a steak pie or sausage roll, and forget about a good bacon butty*. My earlier post about this silly vehicle is quite appropriate, I think. And WTF is a “frittata”?)
From Reader PaulG, who isn’t a Brit but could be:
And so say all of us.
Then Mr. FM gets serious:
The addendum to your post [yesterday] on 6.5mm should be along the lines of this:
6.5 Creed is ballistically better than the Swede but in the real world, not enough.
More critically it fails the “where do I get ammo?” test. Sure sure in the US you have aisles dedicated to Creedmore: not so in the rest of the world.
The first time I went to Africa there were 3 chaps from Texas there. They’d become detached from their ammo — but the real problem was they were all shooting some sort of WSSM & we were in a Safari camp!!!
If the Swede isn’t enough for you, shoot 270. Your PH or stalker will have a box of it in the glove box.
True dat.
* “bacon butty” (for my Murkin Readers):
End Times, California Style
It’s not often that I burst out with incredulous laughter when reading stuff on Teh Intarwebz, but this succeeded in making me do so:
There doesn’t seem to be any easy solution to the yearly wildfire season, and California policy has always seemed to work in opposition to fire safety. Environmentalists have, for decades, fought the clearing of underbrush that serves as fuel for these raging fires. Instead of doing basic maintenance, almost one million people will have to live without power. No one is ready for it.
The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that people are stocking up on liquor and few of them have safety readiness kits. One resident they spoke to said she “knew she was woefully unprepared for days without power. Despite living along an earthquake fault and within a half block of where the 1991 Oakland conflagration destroyed the whole neighborhood, Weld didn’t have a comprehensive emergency kit ready to go.”
Then Megan Fox unloads on these idiots, wrathfully. And I bet that 90% of them voted Democrat in past elections.
And Californians make fun of Southerners… while the ghost of Charles Darwin sniggers.
Fuck ’em. I hope these Commie-enablers all go up in flames.
Monday Funnies
Another Monday, another week of this ahead…
So to scrub that ghastly image from yer brains, try a couple of these:
(Must be in Alabama somewhere…)
And on with the show, this time in an airliner not far from you:
And on that topic, it’s time for a little lift-me-up. How about something from the 1950s, like Vikki Dougan?
Don’t get into any hot water this week…
Birthday Gift
And speaking of t-shirts, New Wife has found one for my birthday:
Am I that grumpy?
So this cool cat heads out for a little pussy, and in what must be a PUA record, scores with five different ladies in a single night. Here’s a pic of our exhausted hero, who needed an IV drip after his big night out:
My own record (back in the “rock star” period [eyecross] ) was four in a row… over an entire weekend — and I recall needing an IV as badly as he did. One night? Formidable, Monsieur Chat.