Working Well, Then?

Here’s yet another abject failure of Nanny Government and gun control:

One gun is being seized in London every day as gangs fuel a ‘vicious cycle’ of drugs-related violence, a Met commander warned today – as footage emerged showing officers finding a loaded weapon in a child’s drawer. 

Cdr Paul Brogden said more than half of shootings in the capital are related to drugs gangs or organised crime, with firearms being used to take out rivals or threaten people who owe money.

This is clearly fake news, of course, as the BritGov banned private ownership of handguns many years ago;  so this is doubleplusunpossible.

But we all knew it was a waste of time — well, by “all” I mean sentient people (of any nation) whose collective head was not stuck up its ass.

Monday Funnies

What made me think it was Monday already?

So let’s continue in the same spirit:

And speaking of goths…

Yeah, go to work dressed like that, and see how The Boss likes it.  And that goes for my Lady Readers, too.

First Report / Second Report

At first, the viral video showed some asshole Manhattan finance type [redundancy alert]  punching a woman unconscious, and the general reaction was anger at the man’s brutality.

Well, Nazzo fast, Guido.  Seems as though there was more to the story than first met the eye:

Millionaire investment banker Jonathan Kaye was threatened, called anti-Semitic slurs, and doused in a mystery liquid, moments before he was filmed punching a woman at a Brooklyn Pride parade, a source with knowledge of the incident told

Insiders close to the 52-year-old banker claim the viral clip did not capture the full clash on Saturday, which began when a group of four female ‘Queers for Palestine’ supporters started allegedly taunting Kaye — who is Jewish — as he returned from dinner.

Kaye is said to have told the group that they were ‘on the wrong side’, prompting the women to gang up on him, the source said.

By the way, it was an excellent punch.

And when they’re acting like thugs (like the punchee was), I for one can’t see the problem with beating the shit out of a Palsymp shitforbrains anyway.  There should be a lot more of it.

“Queers For Palestine”, my aching Gentile ass.  Can you say “Deport these queers to Palestine to see how they’re received”, children?

Usual Response

When the Left wins elections (even through fraud), conservatives mutter darkly and go back to work.

When it’s conservatives (“right-wing”) who win elections, the Left goes all hair in fire, e.g.:

French police across the country have launched tear gas at furious activists protesting the far-Right’s massive gains in the European Union elections over the weekend.

Marine Le Pen’s hardline National Rally party won a sweeping victory on Sunday night, taking home 32% of the vote during the election, the first time the continent has voted since 2019.

Of course, the French are revolting (“Always have been, dear heart” murmurs Mr. Free Market) as their collective temper has a hair-trigger at the best of times.  Hell, I remember a time when the loss of an international rugby match got ten thousand angry Frogs parading around the Parc des Princes stadium, screaming “Demission au selecteurs!”

So it can hardly come as a surprise that the Frog Commies would be the first to lose their shit, just at the possibility that their “progressive” agenda may be interrupted by the will of the people.  (Note that it’s only a possibility;  I’ve read the National Rally’s manifesto and it sounds like something JFK’s Ted Sorenson might have written.)

It makes the prospect of a Trump electoral victory in November all the more inviting, dunnit?

Papieren, Bitte

…or however they say it in French.  This story made me howl with laughter, although I still think the paras should just have turned their little Fairburn-Sykes stickers on the bureaucrats.

If they’re still allowed to carry them, that is.

I see that the above is actually a replica, the FOX Fairbairn-Sykes FX-5934.  I love Fox knives, already have their 685 bush knife, and now I want this one really badly.

If anybody else is interested (and who wouldn’t be?) it’s apparently on sale here (as above) and here (in “tactical” black).