I see that the German Watermelon Party is doing their usual outrage thing:
Members of Germany’s Green party are furious after the country’s ruling Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, ordered that the country’s remaining nuclear power plants be kept in operation beyond 2022, reversing an earlier plan to have the facilities decommissioned by January 1st 2023.
…this despite the fact that Germany is facing catastrophe without their beloved Russian natgas supply over the winter.
Here’s my thought: the Germans are famous for their ability to interfere with the lives of its individual citizens — their “rain tax” alone is evidence thereof — so why doesn’t the KrautGov simply turn off all Green politicians’ household electricity from, say, November to April, and give these fuckwits a taste of what their outrage would mean to ordinary citizens, if allowed to direct national power policy?
I know, that’s way too simple a thing to ask, and no doubt the Kraut media storm would be deafening as older Greens start to die of cold (a feature not a bug, but you know what I mean).
I’d suggest mass executions (to save electricity, of course), but the Germans do that kind of thing a little too well, as we all know.