Proud To Be Murkin

So, prompted by this silly survey which asked Brits what made them proud to be British, I ask of my Readers:  what makes you proud to be an American?  (If you need any kind of inspiration, follow the link to see what kinds of things the Brits suggested.)

For once, by the way, I’d urge you all to shed your (well-founded) gloom and pessimism about the current state of affairs under Biden and his bunch of filthy Commies, and think of the good stuff — and there’s lots, let me assure you.

Keep your list to the top 10, unless you can’t.  My own list will appear tomorrow.

Don’t Mess With East Texas

While not a Righteous Shooting (an ordinary citizen wasting a goblin), this shooting is certainly righteous.

Executive summary:  Scumbag waves a gun in a woman’s face as she’s sitting in her car.  She calls her husband and the cops.  Cops arrive, find said scumbag who points the gun at them, whereupon they shoot his ass dead, tra-la, tra-la.

I know that part of East Texas quite well.  This is not a population you would want to mess with.  As the goblin discovered.

Slim Pickings

I have to say that for an armchair commentator and pundit like me, there’s not much to write about at the moment — I’m really bored with politics — which is why the posts on this here back porch have recently been mostly about cars, boobs, guns and a little bit of art.

Not, as one Reader told me, that this is necessarily A Bad Thing, especially when it comes to the classics:

1935 SS (later Jaguar) 90 Airline

Yvonne Furneaux

And just for the hell of it, a different take on the venerable Ruger 10/22:  a twin-gun mount with a Gatling-style actuator and two 25-round mags:

John Atkinson Grimshaw — Boar Lane, Leeds

I would respectfully suggest that all the above are desirable, for different reasons.

And About Damn Time

It really is time for a little pushback, a little pruning of Sorostic prosecutors, and the Show Me State is showing us how:

And by the way, Missouri’s official motto is:  “The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law”.

Not To Mention An Actual Life Skill

Longtime Readers will all be aware of my support for the trades — electricians, plumbers, carpenters and so on — so you can imagine my grin of satisfaction upon reading this article:

Skilled tradespersons tradesmen* such as welders, plumbers, machinists, and carpenters “are in super-high demand,” Sasse observed.  Take-home pay for skilled trade workers is typically between $80 and $200 thousand per year, Sasse determined.  He said a construction superintendent in South Dakota recently informed him that concrete finishers were being paid $75 per hour for a particular project.

And let’s not even mention the financials:

“Most trade schools are six-to-nine months versus a four-year college,” Sasse stated, “but the minute you get out of that trade school — guess what — you get to go to work. So you’re going to make money for three and a half years while your buddy, who’s in a four-year college [program], is just racking up more and more debt. So you get this massive three-and-a-half-year jump on anybody that’s the same age.”

Yup. Not to mention the fact that at the end of the day, you could also start your own small business, to make the serious money.

And by the way, I like what Sasse’s organization stands for — follow the link for more detail.

Good stuff, indeed.

*Yeah, I know women can do most of this stuff too (see below).

But that’s not the point.  This is.

I don’t use “chairperson” because the position is “chairman” OR “chairwoman”, “spokesperson” because the function is “spokesman” OR “spokeswoman” (if we’re going to be pedantic), and “head teacher” when the correct words are “headmaster” OR “headmistress”, depending.

“Tradespeople”?  Nonsensical, as so much PC bullshit is.