Gentler Clothing

The other day, I caught a glimpse of Hot Mommy Christine McGuinness:

…and yes, she’s very sexy and has lovely legs, fine breastworks and all that.

But those clothes:  aren’t they a little too hard for a woman who’s not going to some dominatrix costume party?

Am I the only man who prefers women to be a little more feminine, and who misses the days when Laura Ashley was the designer of choice, with whites, pastels and soft floral prints?

And the style can carry through to nighties, too:

Was there ever a man whose heart would not beat a little faster when seeing that clothing in his bedroom?

Quite So

From Andrea Shulman at the Daily Mail:

“The crypto currency FTX collapsed last week, losing $32billion of value overnight. Sam Bankman-Fried, the youthful founder once hailed as a crypto legend and now facing possible extradition to the US from his Bahamas base, is always seen in a pair of shorts.  So are we surprised by FTX’s downfall?  Not at all.  Why?  It’s simple.  Never trust a man who wears shorts outside of his holidays.”

What she said.  I don’t know or care what or who FTX is/was, but her last sentence resonates with me, as you all knew it would.

This look is so over, and even more so when billions of dollars are being discussed.

On the other hand, “crypto-currency” isn’t real currency either, so maybe the small-boy look is appropriate.

Still Inappropriate?

Last week we saw how a woman was sent home from work because her tits were hanging out of her dress.

So she covered up completely, only to run afoul of HR once more:

The worker was wearing a midi length, high neck, black bodycon dress when she was approached by HR for the second time in a week about her ‘distracting’ and ‘revealing’ clothes.

Yeah, the dress is tight-fitting, but it’s actually very modest.  I remember seeing women dressed like this not just as daily office wear, but for formal meetings.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you simply have to tell HR to fuck off, and I think that time has come for our young lady.

Fashion Changes

Back when I were a callow yoot, my body wracked with frequent floods of hormonal changes, this kind of dress was popular with the girls:

…and for very good reason, if I may say so — not quite see-through, but the loosely-fitting fitting material made the dresses wonderfully sexy in any kind of a breeze.

Frankly, this is far preferable compared with fashions today, where everything is out in the open:


Of course, I may be wrong — I sometimes am — but not in this case, I think.

Just by way of exposition, the lady in the top photo is BritTV star “Yorkshire Shepherdess” and mother-of-nine Amanda Owen (48), while the lower photos are of some young houris  of no particular significance.


So this young couple got married, in a church, even.

The priest looked priestly, the bride looked lovely, and the groom:

…looked like a complete twat.

Seriously:  at some point this moron looked at all the clothing choices he had available for his wedding day, and decided on the Sunday Brunch Outfit?

I’m not a believer in the “body language” thing, but it’s no wonder the bride is leaning towards the priest rather than her poor choice of a husband.

The Usual Grump

…about clothing, and the appropriate wearing thereof.  First, the plaudits.

I have always had an old-man crush on Anya Taylor-Joy, the chick from that chess movie, and her latest appearance did nothing to end that for me:


Best legs I’ve seen in quite a while, so why shouldn’t she show them off?

Her boyfriend, despite looking a little like a taller Frodo Baggins, was at least appropriately attired:

The same stylish and appropriate attire did not extend to some of the rest of the male(?) attendees.  The Skarsgård boy (Anya’s co-star in the movie) wore a tee shirt:

…while the editor of British Vogue  looked like a morning Tube commuter:

…and the whole thing went rapidly downhill from there:


This post has been brewing for a while, because a couple weeks ago at some other movie premiere / red carpet thing, we were treated to this horrifying nonsense:


Seriously?  At a formal evening event?

Compare the above with the 1940 Academy Awards banquet:

‘Nuff said.