So by now we’ve all heard about the raid on Trump’s Mar-A-Lago house, and of course they did the full stormtrooper thing, despite appearances (or maybe because of them, see below).

And then they let loose the 7th IRS Panzer Division on him too.

After all, one might ask:  if the Swamp Stormtroopers can do all this to a former president, is anyone (other than Hillary Clinton) safe?

Joel Pollak says that this was why his family left the thuggish apartheid South Africa.  Wasn’t my first reason, but was certainly 1a, seeing as I myself had been a minor target of those assholes for years.

Here’s my theory.  The Stasi apparatchiks  know they won’t find anything incriminating in whatever papers Trump’s been keeping at Mar-A-Lago.  What they are trying to ascertain, methinks, is whether their actions will provoke a sharp (read: over-the-top, like Jan 6th) response from Trump supporters.  This is the American Socialists’ Reichstag Fire:  a manufactured provocation.

My advice:  ride this one out, don’t get upset, keep our eyes focused on the November elections.  If there’s a massive outcry — demonstrations or worse — from conservatives after the Mar-A-Lago Incident, it would be a handy excuse to declare a state of emergency and either block or somehow nullify the elections, leaving these assholes with control of the House and a tied Senate.

Don’t let them con us.  Keep outwardly cool, but keep the anger simmering, and let’s buy more ammo and guns.

By the way, RedState’s Bonchie agrees with me.

Not The Bee?

I have to admit, when I saw the “Dark Brandon” poster, I thought it was an inspired tongue-in-cheek satire from the Babylon Bee:

The real Biden can’t even rise to an occasion.

That said, if it means that the gloves are going to come off and his minions (FBI, DOJ, ATF etc.) are going to go Full Totalitarian on us…

If you’ll excuse me, it’s time for a little range session.

Quote Of The Day

We have a 3-for-1 series of quotes today:

From former Hong Kong governor Sir John Cowperthwaite, talking about his refusal to let his government collect data from the population:

“If I let them compute those statistics, they’ll want to use them for planning.”

From Eric Erickson, speaking about the BidenReich and the latest example of its bastardy:

“They don’t care about your privacy. They don’t care about your gun rights. They don’t care about congressional laws that prohibit the formation of a gun registry. They want to be able to target and harass gun owners.”

Mencken’s reminder:

“The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol to his head. Put it in his hand and it’s goodbye to the Bill of Rights.”

Never more true than it is today.

Hurts, Don’t It?

In the Kurt Russell movie Tombstone, Wyatt Earp catches a guy whipping a horse in the face — whereupon he snatches the quirt from the man’s hand and whips him across the face, and when the oaf whimpers Earp says quietly, “Hurts, don’t it?”

Over the weekend, about half a dozen people sent me this video of someone getting a taste of his own medicine;  and I have to warn you now, if at the end your Schadenböner isn’t straining at your zipper, we’ve can’t be friends anymore.

We need more of this — a LOT more of this.

Sorry, I have to go and watch it again;  I am so weak…

Fixed the link, thanks for the heads-up.

Open Contempt

And the Feds wonder why we gun owners prefer to buy guns from each other, rather than through an FFL?


According to the ATF’s own rules as laid out in documents provided to AmmoLand news by Gun Owners of America (GOA) through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, IOIs are only allowed to photocopy ATF 4473 or other documents to log violations. Those copies must be treated as “evidence.” The ATF’s own rules strictly prohibit the mass copying of 4473 forms or any other documents. In the video, the ATF employee can be seen photographing the entire A&D logbook instead of just the relative sections. The surrendering of documents is also supposed to be voluntary by the FFL.


Helping The Fibbies

It wouldn’t surprise me, after over two decades of expressing the opinions that I hold, that I appear on one or more FBI lists of “potential” domestic terrorists.

On the other hand, they’ve also been proven to be utterly fucking incompetent.  So to help matters along, and in view of their criteria for the above, allow me to post the following:

5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ___ , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.


At Ruby Ridge, Vicki Weaver was murdered by Lon Horiuchi, a federal agent.

Why I Own A Gun

Then there are my posts about guns… but really, just follow this link to get an idea — although this post in particular is quite representative.

And when it comes to gun pics… oh hell, let me offer up just one example:

Finally, for any FBI stalker:



I trust that all this will help.

For the FIBBIES:  I am not a domestic terrorist.  The only way I’d ever become one is if you were to turn me into one.

As J.D. Tucille once wrote:

“If cops continue to play at being an army of occupation, they should expect the subjects to play their role in return. Vive la résistance.”
