Life Lesson

…well, not for me, nor for most of my Readers, but this story reminds us why we should never believe what the fucking government tells us:

Michael Shellenberger’s Public today released a blockbuster story, “First Person Sickened By COVID-19 Was Chinese Scientist Who Oversaw “Gain Of Function” Research That Created Virus,” which generously credits Racket. The story cites three government officials in naming scientist Ben Hu, who was in charge of “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as the “patient zero” of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is a major story, contradicting early official explanations pointing to zoonotic cross-species “spillover” at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, colloquially known as the Wuhan wet market. The mystery bat or pangolin suspected of transmitting the disease to humans at that market was never found. The Public story for the first time asserts the source of contamination: a Wuhan Institute scientist fell ill after exposure to a virus engineered at his place of work.

The implications of this are enormous and represent a major problem for the federal health bureaucracy, several intelligence agencies, and the news media, to say nothing of politicians in both parties (but particularly those on the Democratic side) who’ve deflected public interest from the Wuhan Institute and gain-of-function research. The secrets of both the pandemic’s origin and the reason for America’s at-best-sluggish investigation of same have become the mother of all political footballs, and today’s news is likely to be just the first in a series of loud surprises.

So all that bullshit about “markets” and “bats” was just that:  weapons-grade

My trust in government was always on the low side, having grown up in a totalitarian society.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that our own American government is, if anything, worse than that.

Trust nobody — and most especially, don’t trust anything the government tells you, when the likely outcome is that they can increase their control over us, with our consent.

Like I said:  a life lesson.

Terminology Change Alert

Just FYI, remember these guns?

These of course were always referred to as “assault rifles”, “weapons of mass destruction”, “evil black rifles”, “military-only weapons”, etc., etc.

No longer.  According to our very own Gummint, these guns — which have been issued en masse  to IRS agents, USPS inspectors, Fish & Wildlife agents, Dept. of Education bureaucrats and pretty much the entire sub-strata of the Deep State — have been classified as…

Personal Defense Weapons (PDW)

Now I know that one’s first thought would be “Defense against whom?”  because as far as I’m aware, these government thugs agents are not being mugged or attacked in the streets of Baltimore, Oakland or even Chicago, nor are they being ambushed in the deep woods (unless by bears, in which case they’d need something a little more effective than an AR-15) or in post offices (unless by their own coworkers), or in similar situations.

Clearly, these weapons are to be used in “self-defense” against… us.  Against We The People.

Oh, and they’re not being issued with semi-auto AR-15s, but with full-auto M4-style battle rifles (once again:  “battle against whom?”  but I think we all know where this is going).

I don’t think I have to say any more on the topic because we’re all intelligent people, and can draw our own conclusions from the above.

Also just FYI:

(via Ammoseek)

…and the above rifles are two examples of Bushmaster’s M4 “Patrolman’s” line.  Apparently, they are reportedly head and shoulders above the older Bushmaster models, which were always a hit-or-miss proposition [sic], quality-wise.

Click on either pic for the link.

Finally, if you’re ever reproached by some gun-fearing wussy (GFW) about your “assault rifle”, you may correct him with the proper term, as defined by our own Gummint.

And About Damn Time Too

Finally, the Supremes wake up:

The Supreme Court on Thursday slashed the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulatory control over water bodies in a win for conservative critics who argued the agency wielded too much power.

The court ruled that the 1972 Clean Water Act, which allows the EPA to regulate wetlands, only applies to wetlands that are obviously connected to larger regulated water bodies.

Now go and read the details of the case, because if ever there was an example of gross bureaucratic overreach, this would be it.

And I’m glad that the USSC (for once) did the right thing, instead of punting or letting the gummint get away with this.  Otherwise:

(I know, “Where are the tar and feathers?”  but go with me…)

Pushing And Shoving

It is worth noting that almost every instance of an ordinary citizen going crazy and killing government agents has come as a direct assault on his property rights.  In some cases it’s been linked to eminent domain seizures — e.g. that farmer in Missouri who gunned down two local government surveyors (and then shot himself immediately after)  over a “right of way” infringement on his land.  (I can’t find a link to the incident, but it happened at least ten years ago and I still remember the salient details.)  Here’s a more recent situation of Gummint getting too big for its britches (although as yet, there’s been no gunplay because Amish).

Anyway, all that’s unimportant to this post, because enter Fuckface Kerry:

John Kerry claimed that US farm confiscations are not off the table, as he stated that small farms contribute significant greenhouse gasses.

And no doubt he got his loony idea here:

Recently, the governing body of the European Union officially endorsed measures to compel farmers to vacate their lands as part of the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme, which categorizes farms as significant emitters of nitrogen. Under the plan, farmers would be offered 120 percent of their farm’s value through a “buyout” program. However, those who decline this offer would face the risk of being forcibly removed from their land without any financial compensation.

Farmers in Holland are undergoing the most radical regulations that are causing the culling of herds and destroying crops.

Because the Dutch farmers are unarmed, of course they have to resort to peaceful protests by blocking highways with their tractors.

Our American farmers (and their many supporters) are not similarly disadvantaged, and I think that anything that Fuckface starts is going to make the Cliven Bundy episode look like a Sunday church picnic.

Pass the popcorn, Simon.

All Your Kid Are Belong To Us

From the Department of Child Abuse comes this cheery little thought:

Teachers know what is best for their kids because they are with them every day.
We must trust teachers.
— Secretary Miguel Cardona

Yeah… trust our kids with teachers.  Like this teacher, or this teacher, or this teacher, ad seemingly infinitum.

Now let’s talk about teachers showing kids porno in classrooms…

Frankly, when it comes to criminal abuse by authority figures, I see little difference between fucking a kid’s body and fucking up a kid’s mind with this evil shit.

Glenn said it best:  leaving your kids in the care of the public school system is nothing short of child abuse.

And they’re not even being educated — except, it seems, with trannie agitprop and blowjob lessons in the curriculum.

This, I Love

It’s not often I chortle just be reading a headline, but this one got me, oh yes it did:

And here’s the story:

Highway chiefs are hunting a phantom pothole filler after an enraged motorist poured concrete into a huge crater that closed the road for months. The work was carried out in Lostwithiel, Cornwall, as the mystery volunteer decided to patch up the road which has been shut since April.

But Cornwall Highways said the work was done ‘without consent’.

Colin Martin, Cornwall councillor for Lostwithiel and Lanreath, said: ‘The latest is that the road has been closed again and will remain closed until it is ‘properly’ repaired by Cormac, but they say this could be weeks away as all available teams have been diverted to filling smaller potholes on roads which are still open.

Here’s the pic of the vengeful road re-closing:

I’m just waiting for the metal screens to “disappear”… not that I would want anything like that to happen, of course.

I love it when officialdom gets a busted nose for their inefficiency.  And I love it more when they get upset about it.

Here’s the background to all this:

So now you know.