Of course:
Not gonna happen? Damn right it won’t.
Here’s another one which blows the cuff off my arm:
During a town hall on the Fox News Channel on Tuesday, U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) argued that “we don’t want to do fracking on federal lands.”
In the first place, I’m guessing that by “we” he means “we asshole Democrats who are in thrall to the Greens”. But that’s not what gets me going, because one expects that kind of bullshit from a candidate, especially one of the DemSocs.
Am I the only one who thinks that the only lands that belong in federal hands are military bases, fedgov offices and national parks? Or is the Gummint the landowner in only those circumstances today? (I know what the Constitution provides, but have they overstepped this one, as they have so many others? The map seems to support the latter supposition.)
If I’m wrong about this, then feel free to let me know in Comments, with supporting arguments.
It’s not often that I think we can learn much from Them What Ain’t Murkins, but this would definitely be one of those times:
Sweden’s new right-wing government has sparked an outcry after scrapping the Ministry of Environment in a move the opposition has branded “devastating”.
The Enviros are now part of the Swedish Commerce Dept., which is where they belong, if anywhere at all. And the only thing “devastating” about this decision is the hair-on-fire response.
Creating the Dept. of the Environment was perhaps the worst thing Richard Nixon ever did, and elevating this bunch of wackos to a Cabinet position is in the Top 3 Worst for Jimmy Carter (it’s difficult to rank the awful things Carter did, there being so many, but a top 3 for this one is certainly appropriate).
Well done, Sweden! Bra jobbat!
Here’s a recent situation which set my teeth on edge:
Mackenzie Croxford-Cook, 14 and from Deal in Kent, died on August 3 this year after entering a fairground in Pencester Gardens in Dover before it opened to the public.
He and a number of friends gained access to the fun fair and used the dodgems and trampolines before the teen was trapped and fatally injured on a ‘superstar’ machine.
So far, so good: irresponsible / lawless teens go exploring, start fucking around on equipment that in normal times would be responsibly operated and controlled, and find out the ultimate cost of trespass and said behavior. Sad, but teenagers do this kind of stuff all the time (although not always with a tragic end), and we all feel for the grieving parents of said hooligans etc. etc.
Here’s what blows the cuff off my arm:
The inquest into his death was due to conclude on Monday at County Hall in Maidstone, but area coroner Katrina Hepburn adjourned the case so further information could be gathered.
The coroner would like to question ride operator, Luke Shufflebottom, as well as Dover District Council which owns the land.
Ummm what for? Was said funfair locked up? Were signs posted which said, “Warning: Equipment Should Not Be Operated Except By Fairground Employees”, or something like that? If so, then we all move on — if not, then fines can be issued and so on.
Ms Hepburn wants to have ‘all of the information’ needed to both conclude the inquest and potentially issue a Prevention of Future Deaths (PFD) report, if necessary, due to any failings or shortcomings which could have contributed to the death. She explained: ‘Mackenzie and his colleagues had access to this ride outside its hours of operation with such tragic consequences. I believe there is missing evidence looking at the fencing of this ride and questions about access to this location for these teenagers on that morning. Mackenzie was trapped in a fairground ride but I don’t have evidence about how that location was being fenced and monitored at that hour in the morning.’
Errrr no. You’re the fucking coroner. Your responsibility begins and ends with determining the cause of death. If there’s any kind of culpability to be sought, that’s actually the job of the police to determine — assuming they’re not too busy tracking down and arresting perpetrators of hateful online texts, that is.
And excuse me, but it is not the responsibility of the fairground operator to have security constantly patrolling the (locked) premises just in case a bunch of thrill-seeking, irresponsible punks happen to come calling.
I’m heartily sick of criminal behavior being excused because there weren’t a thousand warning signs posted or a security guard stationed at five-yard intervals just in case some scrote feels like breaking the law. A fence, a locked gate and a warning sign should be all that’s necessary to prevent you from accidentally getting hurt. After that, you’re on your own and if bad things happen it’s your fault, and your problem.
Some people, such as the above coroner, are no doubt going to disagree with me, but I don’t care. They’re wrong, and I’m right.
President Braindead issued his latest piece of stupidity a few days ago, and of course hilarity followed soon after:
President Joe Biden told NowThis News during a Sunday interview that he is pushing to limit gun owners to having no more than “eight bullets in a round.”
I know, I know; it’s just another bit of Biden Droolspeak, and of course it’s laughable.
What’s really laughable is that an 8-round magazine capacity restriction (for that is what the First Moron is actually talking about) won’t ever pass into law, and even if it did, it’s unenforceable.
Or maybe Ol’ Stumbles really wants to turn few score million gun owners into de facto criminals (which frankly, given the Socialists’ penchant for controlling the population, is not that far-fetched).
Roll on, Election Day 2022.
I was actually going to write this post, except that someone far more qualified than I wrote it first. And with far less profanity than I would have, too. A sample:
Fascism didn’t really come into play as a functioning ideology until Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini, defined it as the state as an organic being, controlling everything. “Everything in the state, nothing against the state, nothing outside the state” became the definition of a totalitarian state (total control over the economy, society, and culture). Where Marx envisioned the “withering away” of the state (totally skipping over human nature and the drive for power and control, whether over other people or just your own life), Mussolini and Gentile envisioned the state as the sole arbiter of life, the universe, and everything.
Small-government conservatives, by definition, are therefore not fascists.
It’s a lot easier to define “fascism” or “fascist” as an epithet by using George Orwell’s remark, written in 1944:
The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable.’
…to the accuser.