In East Germany Australia, the Stasi Gummint is stepping up their efforts to spy on its slaves citizens:
The next generation of speed cameras being rolled out in Western Australia don’t only catch lead foots but also snap drivers using mobile phones or not wearing seat belts.
In a $1.5million three-month trial, the first mobile point-to-point road safety cameras in Australia will be deployed in and around Perth.
Six cameras, which work in pairs, will measure the average speeds of drivers over a distance, which means those who only slow down when they spot a camera are more likely to be caught.
This is why the OzGov has been so keen to disarm their populace — those fucking intrusive cameras make awfully tempting targets.
I especially like this one:
However, during the pilot the cameras will not be directly used to issue infringements as laws would need to be passed to allow this.
But (and you knew this was coming):
For now they will be tested for their suitability but police can use the data to determine where certain offences are happening.
West Australia’s
StrassensicherheidtsgauleiterRoad Safety Minister Paul Papalia said images showing particularly dangerous behaviour would be passed onto police to investigate.
Someone explain the difference to me between:
“directly used to issue infringements”
“passed onto police to investigate”
From the perspective of the end user (which end of the user needs no explanation) there’s NO difference.
Bastards. Still another reason to avoid the poxy place