Uniformed Thieves

It’s shit like this that makes the RCOB drop faster than a Kardashian’s panties:

According to one woman, the China Grove police improperly seized several firearms belonging to her and her husband almost four years ago, and despite the fact that no charges have ever been filed against the couple, they’ve been unable to get their property returned to them.

Read the whole thing to get the full flavor of the bureaucratic bastardy involved.  (Red Curtain Of Blood Alert.)

Here’s what I think.  Either those guns are part of the China Grove PD’s inventory, or they were just taken as personal property by one or more of the cops, or they were sold off at a gun show by the police and the proceeds pocketed.

At the very least, the couple involved should get full restitution for the guns, at today’s prices.  What I would like to see is the PD or its officers being charged with theft, with prison sentences very much in play.

When cops act like thieves and hide behind the badge, they should expect no mercy from the law that they allegedly swore to uphold.

Recalibration Necessary

Good grief.  In talking about some shady assholes who have been bribing SecServ agents, we find this laughable part:

Second, they were heavily armed:

[F]irearms and ammunition were seized. Specifically, a Glock 19 9mm handgun loaded with 17 rounds of ammunition, including one in the chamber, seven rounds of .308 caliber ammunition, and an ammunition box with over 35 rounds of handgun ammunition…
Law enforcement also seized firearm components typically used with long guns or assault rifles including, among other things: (1) a firearm barrel of an unknown caliber; (2) weapon stock attachments1; (3) foregrips2; (4) pistol grips; (5) a magazine cartridge; and (5) scope(s). In addition, law enforcement recovered a spotting scope, which can be used in a sniper/spotter team.
law enforcement seized a Sig Sauer P229 with five fully loaded magazines, containing a total of 61 rounds.

Heavily armed?

Lemme see… in my immediate reach as I sit here in my armchair, I have a 1911 with one loaded mag in the gun, one round in the pipe and another three mags next to it  (33 rounds), and a S&W 637 with a loaded cylinder and two speedloaders (15 rounds).

Five steps away in one direction will get me to a pump shotgun (5 rounds) and an AK-47 (60 rounds in three mags), as well as to a loaded Browning High Power and four spare mags (46 rounds).  Don’t ask what happens if I manage to open Safe #1.

Five steps in the other direction (I live in a small apartment) is a little less promising, with only a loaded S&W .357 Mag revolver (Ye Olde Beddesyde Gunne) with four speedloaders (30 rounds total).

And by the way:  seven whole rounds of .308 Win, and three dozen handgun rounds in an ammo can?  My God, it’s… an arsenal!

Which leads me to the contents of Ye Olde Ammoe Locquere, which are nunya, but I can assure you that it contains a little bit more than three dozen rounds.  (Even after Doc Russia and Mr. Free Market tried manfully to deplete my supplies a couple weeks back…)

Finally, I have more gun-related stuff in any one of my “Gun Junk” trunks than these mopes have.  Including spotter scopes, bipods, grips, stocks and rifle scopes.  And bayonets, too.

I don’t own any brass knuckles, because I prefer sap gloves.

Good thing I’m not working for Iran and bribing Secret Service agents, then.

Nationalized Healthcare

Here we go again:

Police probing a brutal mother-blaming hospital trust at the centre of the biggest ever maternity scandal to strike the NHS are now investigating 600 cases.
A damning five-year inquiry, published today, revealed 201 babies and nine mothers died needlessly during a two-decade spell of appalling care at the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust.

By the way, guess why these assholes would push [sic]  natural childbirth?  Because that’s a cheaper option than Caesarian (C-section) birth.

And with Government, it’s always about cost, not quality.

Fun With The Bureaucracy

Executive Summary:

British mother worries that her incel loser son may be dangerous, and reports him to the rozzers under the Prevent Terrorism thing.
Rozzers, of course, are doubtless too busy chasing down racists and other hurtful people on Twitter, so they sit on it.
Incel Boy gets his shotgun license and shotgun back because rozzers did nothing to stop him getting one.  (Added stupidity:  it had previously been revoked and his shotgun taken away after Incel Boy assaulted a couple in a park the year before.)
Incel Boy takes newly-reissued shotgun, then shoots and kills his mother and three other people, as well as a three-year-old girl.
In the only good news of the day, Incel Boy eats his shotgun muzzle before the rozzers can arrive.

Needless to say, there will be no consequences for this atrocity for the incompetent assholes in the bureaucracy — okay, maybe a note in their HR docket, but not the public stoning that one would expect and enjoy.

Anytime Democrats and other associated filth start blathering about “commonsense” gun laws, remember this tragic incident.

Fed Forces Gather

Well, now:

The Department of Defense (DOD) said that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved the deployments of the guards, which had been requested by the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) and U.S. Capitol Police (USCP).

“The people who live, work and visit the District are part of our community, and their safety is our first mission priority,” Maj. Gen. Sherrie L. McCandless, D.C. National Guard commanding general, said in a statement to news outlets.

Sure sound nervous about a bunch of truckers, don’t they?  Oh wait:

“Our MPD and USCP partners have asked for our help in ensuring people can demonstrate peacefully and safely, and we stand ready to assist.”

Oh, so they’re going to guarantee the safety of the protesting truckers, are they?  Against whom, precisely?  BLM?  Zombies?  Militant vegans?

Fucking lying bastards.

And since when was the National Guard a “partner” to law enforcement?  (I know, since forever, never mind that pesky Posse Comitatus  thing.)

Anyway, here’s the tally:

The approval will enable around 400 D.C. National Guard members to “provide support at designated traffic posts, provide command and control, and cover sustainment requirements.”

“Sustainment”?  Getting food and such to the protesters?

Guards deployed to the area will not be armed and will not help with law enforcement or carry out domestic surveillance activities.

Pull the other one.  Fool me once, etc.

Austin also approved USCP’s request for assistance for up to 300 National Guard troops from outside the Washington area to help at certain traffic posts and Capitol entry points, Breitbart reports. That will begin later than 7 a.m., on Saturday, February 26, according to Breitbart, who note that 50 large tactical vehicles will also be placed at designated traffic posts on a 24-hour basis in the area.

“50 large tactical vehicles”, eh?  And their purpose is… what, exactly?  How about this:

Police around DC area have told the [National] Guard that the trucker convoy intends to shut down the [DC] Beltway and major roads leading in and out of DC. The Guard is scrambling to secure heavy tow trucks to haul away semis which may try to block roads.

My question (and it’s a serious one):  Are the feds trying to provoke a confrontation?

The evidence seems to support that they are.