Oh, How Charming

Via Insty comes this cheery news, which I ranted about a while back:

The Department of Justice is opening a new unit to investigate acts of domestic terrorism, a top national security official said during a Senate committee hearing Tuesday.

And will this unit be mobilized against, say, Antifa or BLM, given the following:

While there is no specific federal domestic terrorism statute, the federal government defines domestic terrorism as criminal acts dangerous to human life that appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce civilians or the policy of a government.

Of course it will.  [/sarc]  As with all things, the devil will be in the details.

Given that we already have such an agency (that would be the Fucking Bastard Institution), would this new bunch of Gummint agents be of a more, ummm, paramilitary nature?  (Also unnecessary, given the Feebs’ Swatties, but nemmind.)

My guess is that this crew will be dedicated to going after the so-called (and non-existent) “Rightwing extremists”, and if they can’t find any, they’ll create them (see:  David Koresh, Randy Weaver, Ashli Babbit, etc.) to justify their existence.

Whatever they call it, it would have sounded better in the original German:  Gestapo.

Sigh.  Just another rat’s nest to be rescinded by Executive Order on Day One of the new Republican presidency in 2024.

In the meantime, I guess it’s time to visit a Toyota dealership…

…because I’d hate to disappoint the new guys.

Quote Of The Day

Truthfully, it’s the newspaper article of the day:

Djokovic is the whipping boy for angry Australians who realise their two-year obsession with zero-Covid has done their country more harm than good but still can’t bring themselves to admit it.

In fact, it’s the Australian government who are the angry ones, because they’re the ones who panicked.

The most devastating thing for public health in Australia has been two years of some of the most draconian and ultimately failed lockdowns in the world, including the near total closure of the international borders, illegally banning citizens trapped overseas for much of that time.
Such a policy meant, until the inevitable Omicron outbreak, there was virtually no natural immunity, so Covid is now predictably ripping through society, as it was always going to.

Small wonder that the Aussie population is getting pissed off.  And there are elections looming…

Coming Attractions

What do you do when you’re so far in debt that your annual interest payment amount is so high that it’s getting close to your annual income?

Why, all you need to do (according to the U.S. government) is borrow (and spend) more and go deeper into debt.

We all know what happens in the end:

After decades of irresponsible, profligate federal spending by Congress and presidents, and the Federal Reserve printing money like we may run out of ink any day, our economy now has an entrenched addiction to easy money and Congress has the same addiction to spending whatever it wants, regardless of revenues. There is never even a serious discussion about living within its means.

Read the whole thing, although you probably don’t need to.

Still Relevant

This was my post-catastrophe piece from earlier in the year, and it’s just as relevant now — as we approach the chilly part of Texas winter — as it was then.

Cliff Notes:  Texas needs to become completely self-sufficient in power generation.

I hope that some action has been taken, or else there will be all hell to pay.

So Much For Security

Here’s one that made me go “Hmmm”:

Cocaine trafficker, 28, was caught by police after moaning on encrypted phone network Encrochat about how Covid lockdown was affecting his international drug dealing business.

Now I don’t care about this asshole — he got 16 years, and that’s good — but I can’t help wondering…

No, I’m not wondering.  It’s clear that all this encryption protection that the public imagines they’re getting is no more than a figleaf.

And yes I know, EncroChat was nothing more than a criminal enterprise facilitator — but remember that it’s the Fuzz who decides what exactly constitutes a “criminal enterprise”, and if they could penetrate EncroChat, they could have — and may already have — penetrated any encryption system or software.

Caveat emptor.

Age Limit

There are several reasons why there are age limits set for holders of public office — the POTUS has to be over 40, for example — but here’s a classic case to support why youngins need to be kept away from the levers of power:

[Democrat lawmaker] Aaron Coleman, 21, was arrested early Saturday morning on suspicion of drunken driving, the Kansas Highway Patrol said. Coleman was already out on bond from him being detained over suspicions of domestic battery.

But that’s not all, folks!

Coleman has been a regular source of controversy in Kansas since he was elected in 2020. A legislative committee reprimanded the 21-year-old Democrat in February due to alleged past abuses against girls and young women. He was also barred from the Kansas Department of Labor due to alleged “disruptive, intimidating and berating behavior.”


The Kansas Democratic Party withdrew its support of Coleman in 2020 after he admitted to posting revenge pornography.

Talk about an overachiever… this being the 2020s and he being a Democrat, I wouldn’t be surprised if he runs for President, next.  Never mind that Constitutional nonsense, it’s racist or something.

I know, you want to know what this little shit stain looks like:

Thomas Jefferson would be so proud.