Health Update

Getting sick of being sick, but there it is.  Waiting for the dozens* of medications to start working.

An Old Broad set tomorrow, and Monday should see the resumption of the usual.

I hope.

*slight exaggeration

Summer Cold

I haz it.  Sore throat, occasional rasping (yet “productive”, as doctors put it).  Light-headed, no energy.

And I got it from New Wife.  Who works in the petri-dish environment known as “preschool”.

Posting may be light tomorrow.  Please bear with me.


I may have said it first, but Steve Sailer says it with data and stuff:

Fortunately, in the current global outbreak only three people outside Africa have died so far, none in the U.S. Hopefully, there’s something different between African monkeypox and Western gay monkeypox.

Of course, monkeypox in America and Europe is overwhelmingly being spread by gay men to gay men.

For example, in New York City, none of its 336 victims so far have been women, in comparison to seven who are listed as “TGNCNB,” an acronym new to me that stands for “Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Non-Binary.” Similarly, in Washington, D.C., which has the highest per-capita infection rate in the country, not one of the 122 patients is a woman.

Of course, one cannot mention the unthinkable:

“It’s unclear if this version of monkeypox spreads sexually or through more general skin-on-skin contact, or, most likely, both. It might also transmit through the air, but, at the moment, it appears to usually take a gay bacchanal to strew it far and wide.”

…lest one is accused of homophooohhhbia, but let’s be honest and at least acknowledge that in this case at least, there’s an ironclad correlation between buttsex and homopox.

New Name

Seeing as we’re renaming every damn thing — women to womyn, Latino to Latinx, his/her to xis/xir, Wuhan virus to Corona virus, and of course homosexual to gay, I think we took a hard look at this monkeypox thing, and courtesy of Insty, I think I’ve come up with the (data- / reality-based) proper name.

First, the data:

All patients identified as men who have sex with men and there was a median age of 41.  90% of the patients who responded to the questions on sexual activity (47/52) reported at least one new sexual partner during the three weeks prior to symptoms, and almost all (49/52) reported inconsistent condom use in this same time period.  Over half of the patients (29/52) had more than five sexual partners in the 12 weeks prior to their monkeypox diagnosis.”  [my emphasis]

So, ladies and gentlemen, as monkeypox has in fact got pretty much nothing to do with monkeys, herewith its new name:


Please adjust your grammar / spelling correction systems accordingly.

Well, Now

…are we heading back to the 1980s, pox-wise?

The world faces a monkeypox pandemic — said pandemic having originated not in Wuhan this time, but in Africa, the traditional ground zero for most shitty modern-day plagues and illnesses — such as HIV/AIDS.

But wait! there’s more!  Let’s look at the breadcrumbs:

The U.K.´s Health Security Agency said Monday there were now 470 cases of monkeypox across the country, with the vast majority in gay or bisexual men.  According to U.K. data, 99% of the cases so far have been in men and most are in London.


First monkeypox patient to go public is a gay HR manager from London who was deported from Dubai just weeks ago for testing positive for HIV


American man, 48, vacationing at a Mexican resort for gay men fled a Puerto Vallarta hospital after being told that he might have monkeypox: He flew to Texas where he tested positive for the highly infectious virus

Of course (just as with AIDS), there’s the obligatory warning for heterosexuals:

Scientists warn that anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, is susceptible to catching monkeypox if they are in close, physical contact with an infected person or their clothing or bed sheets.

…which is true, of course, but unless you’ve been sleeping in some fegelah‘s unwashed sheets or snogging his boyfriend, your chances of catching this latest little present from Africa seem to be remote.

And of course, the CDC is ever ready to play its part in this maskirovka, putting out a pamphlet like this one, which depicts (surprise!) a hetero couple and not someone from Greenwich Village.

Even our old ‘Rona friend, the oh-so scientific (not) “6 feet apart” rule, has made a comeback.

What a load of crock.  Needless to say, the Covidocrats are just itching [sic]  for some new pretense to lock us all down again, but it ain’t gonna work this time.