The Right Stuff

For my long-suffering Brit Readers, who often have to deal with my barbs and jibes:

For my Murkin and Non-Colonial Readers, here’s a brief explanation if this heroic man is unknown to you.  We have no such role model, try as the DemSocs may to create one:

Our guy [sic]  definitely had the more striking outfit, although it’s probably not the best choice to adopt if one is trying to sneak into a government building.

Killer Chick

If you watch this little episode and don’t fall in love with KC, we can’t be friends.  (Here’s her story, if you don’t have the time to watch the video, although the video does her more credit.)

And astonishingly, she went back out the very next day (in a new aircraft, as hers was just scrap at that point).

I’ll bet that there is not a man alive — a real man, that is — who wouldn’t take a bullet for KC.

Good Things For A Hero

This is a Good Thing:

A Republican representative [Jim Lucas] from Seymour, Indiana, has created a GoFundMe account for 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken, the young man who stopped a mass shooting at a mall earlier this month.
Dicken has retained legal counsel, Lucas noted. “I ask for your contribution to help with Eli’s legal and financial challenges that lay ahead of him,” the Republican said. “EVERY PENNY of your donation goes to Eli to be used for his legal defense, counseling, potential time off of work or whatever financial challenges he may be faced with.”
The account, which has been confirmed by The Republic, has already raised more than $62,000 for Dicken.

I gave $20;  I only wish it could be more.  And one last thought: 

Sometimes, good things come in a plain wrapper…

Man’s Man

So you complete an impossible voyage across the Pacific Ocean on a flimsy craft with no modern navigation aids, end up becoming a world authority on boat building — all while shagging and living with multiple women simultaneously, (which should earn some kind of award all by itself).  As if that wasn’t enough, at age 80 you sail the 4,000-mile Lapita voyage, following an ancient Pacific migration route on two double canoes, from the Philippines to the remote Polynesian islands of Anuta and Tikopia, accompanied only by (of course) two women.

Then having lasted another decade afterwards, you eventually decide you’ve had enough of that Alzheimer’s bullshit, and off yourself without any more fuss, having lived a good, satisfying and rewarding life.

My favorite part of the story is this:

Perhaps because of his unconventional lifestyle, public recognition came late in life — in 2018 he finally won a lifetime achievement award from Classic Boat Magazine — but he wasn’t bothered.

Read all about James Wharram.