I love my Readers.
In response to this little comment of mine in the last News Roundup:
From the Dept. Of “Defense”:
...if I were a donor, I’d also hold off till they rename it the “Robert E. Lee Military Institute”.
…Reader Mike S. suggests via email:
I am second to none in my respect for General Lee (I’ve a framed print of him in my library), but VMI should be renamed “Thomas J. Jackson Military Institute.”
Gen. Jackson was a professor at the Institute before the Late Unpleasantness.
Gen. Lee was a graduate and later the commandant of West Point. THAT facility should be renamed for Lee.
All good points. However, most people (especially the Racial Grievance Industry) probably have no idea of who Thomas J. Jackson was (maybe unless “Stonewall” is included in the nomenclature), but every damn one of them knows about Marse Robert.
So historically I’m in full agreement with Reader Mike; but in terms of social impact on the Wokists…?
It’s a tough call.