It’s shit like this that makes the RCOB drop faster than a Kardashian’s panties:
According to one woman, the China Grove police improperly seized several firearms belonging to her and her husband almost four years ago, and despite the fact that no charges have ever been filed against the couple, they’ve been unable to get their property returned to them.
Read the whole thing to get the full flavor of the bureaucratic bastardy involved. (Red Curtain Of Blood Alert.)
Here’s what I think. Either those guns are part of the China Grove PD’s inventory, or they were just taken as personal property by one or more of the cops, or they were sold off at a gun show by the police and the proceeds pocketed.
At the very least, the couple involved should get full restitution for the guns, at today’s prices. What I would like to see is the PD or its officers being charged with theft, with prison sentences very much in play.
When cops act like thieves and hide behind the badge, they should expect no mercy from the law that they allegedly swore to uphold.