The Street Pharmacist (excellent nick) thinks that the cops have brought a lot of the current shit on themselves:
The police have had a real image problem for years. It is no surprise that when the crap hits the fan, many people are willing to watch them fry. What is happening right now is a direct result of the mindset that police have had- the US-versus-THEM, “thin blue line” horseshit that they have been following. Now they are paying for it, and the law abiding citizens will, too. You have lost the support of much of the public, and you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Read it all, because the details are quite shocking.
I’m kinda with him, although my real ire is directed at the badge-carrying assholes who shoot innocent people at 4am when executing [sic] a no-knock warrant at the wrong address. And I’m doubly pissed when the prosecutor or whoever shrugs and says in effect, “Boys will be boys” and in the end the only bad thing that happens is to the victim and his family.
Compared to that, glad-handing a speeding ticket or two is small potatoes — although the consequences of refusing to glad-hand can be horrible.
I have many friends in law enforcement, and I know that a goodly number of my Readers are either serving- or retired LEOs. Since arriving in the country in the mid-1980s, I’ve had nothing but good experiences with cops, even when I was busted (twice, in 35 years) for speeding or for some admin screwup (e.g. expired license) on my part. So 90% of the time, I’m going to be on the side of the blue because I respect what they do.
But the converse of that is when they fuck up, they need to ‘fess up, take the lumps, and to hell with the blue wall of silence. If that doesn’t happen, my attitude will do a 180 faster than thought.
I’ve written about the militarization of the police for years now, and the way the public is referred to as “civilians” (hint: don’t do it). That “us vs. them” attitude is understandable — the definition of police work is coming into daily contact with scumbags and scrotes — but it’s still wrong.
Once again, it’s also understandable that the aforesaid criminals will hate cops. Where the cops have screwed up is turning the law-abiding citizens’ opinions of them away from respect to dislike. (In Britain, even the law-abiding refer to the cops as “rozzers” or “The Filth”, and we’re starting to turn in the same direction.)