Fair Warning

Following on from the decision of credit card companies to “flag” sales made at gun stores, we have this development:

Twenty-four Republican attorneys general sent a letter to Visa, Mastercard, and American Express Tuesday warning them to drop plans to code and compile gun sales in America.

The new code will not protect public safety. Categorizing the constitutionally protected right to purchase firearms unfairly singles out law-abiding merchants and consumers alike. First, efforts to track and monitor sales at gun stores would only result in vague and misleading information. This categorization would not recognize the difference, for example, between the purchase of a gun safe and a firearm. Nor would it capture firearm purchases made at department stores, resulting in arbitrarily disparate treatment of “gun store” merchants and consumers.

More importantly, purposefully tracking this information can only result in its misuse, either unintentional or deliberate. Creating and tracking this data only matters if your institutions are considering using that information to take further, harmful action—like infringing upon consumer privacy, inhibiting constitutionally protected purchases by selectively restricting the use of your payment systems, or otherwise withholding your financial services from targeted “disfavored” merchants.

And my favorite part:

Social policy should be debated and determined within our political institutions. Americans are tired of seeing corporate leverage used to advance political goals that cannot muster basic democratic support. The Second Amendment is a fundamental right, but it’s also a fundamental American value. Our financial institutions should stop lending their market power to those who wish to attack that value.

Be advised that we will marshal the full scope of our lawful authority to protect our citizens and consumers from unlawful attempts to undermine their constitutional rights. Please keep that in mind as you consider whether to proceed with adopting and implementing this Merchant Category Code.

Give it to the bastards good and hard, boys and girls.  Make ’em sweat, and make ’em bleed if they ignore you.

Legal Strangulation

Oh, this is nice:

Gabby Giffords’ gun control group, Giffords, is calling on major credit card companies to flag gun and ammunition purchases.

Before I get stuck into this, let me just ask the relevant question first:  who gets control of the “flagged” purchases?

Because if it’s you, or the police, or anyone other than Gun Owners of America, you can all get fucked.

Of course, BankWoke will be only too pleased to get into Giffords’ rancid panties because #AllGunsAreEvil, and there isn’t a single bank that I know who would go against the Big Banks if they decided to do this.  (I wish Nolan Ryan’s R Bank would, but they don’t have any branches around here.  When they do… I’m gone.)

On a more cheery note:

On March 9, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Visa refused to succumb to the pressure, noting that it is not the credit card company’s job to “[set] restrictions on the sale of lawful goods and services.”

And as long as they do, I’ll continue to use Visa.

By Lawyers, For Lawyers

I swear, there should be a warning in the masthead at Volokh Conspiracy which states:  “If you are not a lawyer, most of what follows will be incomprehensible.”

As is their latest post (via Insty, who is also a lawyer and therefore unaware of the consequences of links to this website). Will Chevron Get the Lemon Treatment?  talks about SCOTUS judgements called Lemon and Chevron  without any explanation (however brief [sic] ) of what those judgements were or what they mean to our society or polity.

Even a link to each would have sufficed, but no doubt m’learned friend was too busy to supply one.

Well, I did a quick search, so here’s the Lemon Test and here’s Chevron.

No need to thank me, it’s all part of the service.  Even knowing the facts, Adler’s post is just barely readable.  Fucking High Priests need a reality check.

Evil Bastard Update

From Reader Mary, on this matter:

The Court appearance for the eviction today was continued for 30 days to allow them to get a rental agreement in place (he’s agreed to dismiss the eviction once that is in place). Evil Bastard has agreed to rent them the house for a reasonable rate and now they’re just working out details. The fact that I had lawyers working behind the scenes (thanks to your Readers’ help) gave Kris the ammo she needed to get this done!!

I also sent his Probation Officer (for his Bond) a copy of the map I had a surveyor create showing that there were all kinds of children living within 500 feet of that house proved that he cannot live in the house so renting to his daughter / granddaughter might be the best way to go. That helped, as did the fact that I promised Evil Bastard that if he evicted the family I would be filing a civil lawsuit against him and taking everything he owned or ever would own — which apparently helped tip the balance in Kris’s favor!!

There is no way I can express my undying gratitude for your help and the help of your readers. I could not have gotten this done without knowing we had funds for legal help. I’m not good at expressing my appreciation, but know that you and your Loyal Readers will forever be Angels to myself and my family.

I have the best Readers of any website on the Internet.
My personal thanks to you all.

Where The States Stand

…on the abortion issue, that is.

I have to say, I think South Carolina’s is the most commonsense:

In 2021, Republican Gov. Henry McMaster signed a bill prohibiting most abortions from being performed after a fetal heartbeat is detected, with exceptions for medical emergencies, fetal anomalies, rape, and incest.

The Socialists are all about “let the people speak” until the people actually say something they disagree with, in which case it’s Jackboot Time and compulsion then becomes the order of the day.

Personally, I hate the idea of abortion — most especially when it’s used as contraception — but at the same time I don’t really have a problem with abortifacients like RU-486 (the “morning after” pill) provided that it is used the morning after and not five months into the pregnancy as some silly women have tried, with disastrous consequences.

Also, I’m uncomfortable with government charging people with murder for having an abortion, because that seems to be a swing of the pendulum too far.

Of course, as always, the wealthier women will always be able to procure an abortion simply by traveling to where they’re available, whereas the poorer women won’t.  On the other hand, if the fear of pregnancy does evoke even a little bit of personal responsibility — as opposed to the hook-up culture and utter licentiousness of our oh-so modern society — then making abortion difficult to obtain may have even a little social benefit.  In the meantime [Dr. Kim sez] :

If there was a single aspect of the human condition that I could solve, unplanned / unwanted pregnancy would be it.

On the lighter side:

Yeah, Sure

Daughter’s fiance was in hospital after some minor surgery, so yesterday I went to see how the patient was doing (fine, but that’s not why I’m writing this).

As I breezed past the stupid 30.06 sign posted on the door (TX state law forbidding guns on the premises), I checked to make sure my 1911 was well concealed.

Why did I disobey the law?  Take a flying guess.

Police said at a Thursday morning news conference that a surgery patient targeted a specific doctor at Tulsa’s St. Francis Hospital campus because his back continued to hurt after an operation.

That’s fucked up, but at the same time, the mook shot the doctor and three other innocent people before offing himself.

A long time ago, I made myself a vow never to be a helpless victim.