Bad Behavior

Back when I was still on the dating scene (shortly after someone discovered fire), I was thankfully spared the prospect of my date behaving badly by being glued to her cell phone during the meal.   (Back then, I didn’t even have a landline phone because the phone company — in South Africa, the Post Office — had a three-month backlog on new home phone installations.)

However, that was then and this is now.  Here’s what one guy did when faced with such a situation:

A man has caused a debate after admitting to walking out on a date without paying his portion of an $80 bill because his potential love interest was ‘constantly on her phone’. The man, who is from a major US city, revealed he met up with the woman after matching on a dating app. The pair hit it off and decided to meet in person.

The man was quick to brand the woman as a ‘vapid moral monstrosity’ who had the ‘attention span of a gnat’, after she spent a whole five minutes ferociously texting as they waited for their food.

When they finally began to chat she was quick to, yet again, start answering her ‘buzzing’ phone . The man attempted to make a few hints to his date about her antisocial behavior by joking and even saying he would throw the phone out of the window if it continued. However, his incessant hints fell on deaf ears as her eyes continued to be glued to her phone screen.

An appetizer and two drinks later, the man realized he was miserable and there was no possible way to turn this date around. He headed to the toilet, promising himself that if her eyes were still locked on her phone screen, then he would be making a swift exit out of the door.

When he came out to find her eyes fixed fixed on the screen, he validated that promise by quickly leaving. He detailed: “I looked the other way and there was a service door open behind the kitchen. I turned right instead of left and exited into the sweet, sweet air of freedom.”

And here’s the kicker:

It was only 30 minutes after he had left that the date even realized his absence, texting him: “Did you leave?”

Good for him.  I’m even glad that she got stuck with the tab, because having such appalling manners deserves to be punished.

I don’t even know why there would be a “debate” on the topic.

Oh Diddums

I would have posted a link, but the article is slammed behind a paywall.  Still, we have ways…

Viagra is turning the UK into a nation of dirty old men – it should be banned

12 October 2023 • 6:00pm

There are not many upsides to growing older, but surely the freedom from 80-something sex addicts on pills is one of them

Then follows a whole bunch of words, basically going wah wah wah men are pigs, even old ones.  My take:  shut the fuck up and leave us alone, you foul harpy.  (I should point out that said harpy was once extramaritally bonked by Boris Johnson…)  Read the rest, if you want.

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Hidden Depths

I have to admit that while I can appreciate Renaissance art — paintings, I mean, not the sculptures, which I love — I’ve always found the old guys to be a little too much on the Christian thing.  I mean, how many Madonna w/Baby Jesus renderings are there?

Take Agostino Carracci, for example.  Here’s his “Judith As Woman” work, which should make her the idol of ultra-feminists everywhere:

Then there’s the “Last Communion of St. Jerome”, which may have been big news back in the day, but which is not that relevant in today’s world.

Happily, Carracci (Agostino, not his several brothers, sons and cousins — all artists themselves) didn’t just confine himself to religious themes.  Here’s his “Landscape with Bathers”:

…wait, what’s that detail over on the right?

Nekkid bodies?  With no carefully-draped linen (see Jerome, above) to disguise their nekkidness?

Well;  it turns out that ol’ Aggie had a whole ‘nother body of work in the I Modi school, which probably gave people fits. I’m not quite sure how many of the examples below are his — the style varies, and some were printed from his woodcuts — but here are a few:

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Turns that occasionally-funny Brit comedian Russell Brand has been a Naughty Boy:  shagging women all over the place, molesting women on set, hosting orgies, groping strange women… all the stuff that makes Teh Wimmynz angry.

Golly, if only there had been some kind of clue,,,

I remember him being interviewed by two stern TV female journos on, I think, Faux News.  As much as they tried to shame him, or make him look like a fool, he just overpowered them with wit and savage mockery.

At the end of the interview both women gave identical statements:

Then there’s this tragic tale… try not to giggle.

Women just love a Bad Boy, and our Russ is now being pilloried for actually being one.

Noise And Sighing

Here’s something in the Daily Mail  that I actually agree with:

Ignore this hyped-up nonsense about women’s sex lives

Turn on the TV or flick through the pages of any glossy magazine and you’ll get the impression that women in their 50s and beyond barely have time to catch their breath between steamy sex sessions with their (more or less) significant others.

Visions of flowerbeds abandoned, knitting unattended, reading glasses discarded, Marks & Spencer shapewear scattered underfoot as the nation’s menopausal matriarchs maintain meaningful dialogue with their nether regions. The only trouble is, it’s all hyped-up nonsense. This notion that our sex lives begin at 50 is not borne out by the facts.

And while I don’t doubt that Carol Vorderman et al are having a super time boudoir-wise, for most women the reality is rather less thrilling.

A survey of 5,000 Brits has found that 47 per cent of women aged 50 to 54 had not enjoyed any intimacy in the previous three weeks, rising to 52 per cent for those in their late 50s. Among women in their early 60s, that figure rose to two-thirds.

Three weeks?  Among women of my approximate vintage, I’ll wager that the time period can be measured more accurately in months — except that most people lie like Clintons about their sex lives.  They may be too ashamed that the last time they had any nookie was New Year’s Eve, and even then it was more like a drunken fumble before both participants passed out.  So when asked the question, they’ll cross their fingers and say “Quite recently, actually.”

Considering that most of the women in Sarah Vine’s article can most charitably be described as whores (media, attention-seeking, gold-digging, power-chasing whatever), it doesn’t surprise me that their concomitant sex lives with toyboys, ageing billionaires and their male celebrity counterparts are going off like alarm clocks.

And still more to the point:  when did the details of people’s sex lives become anyone else’s business?  I know it pays to advertise, and if I know anything about men — and I do — it’s obvious that by these women blaring out the workouts that their well-trodden pudenda are willing to offer, at least some guys are going to go after the well-aged honey in those wrinkly pots.

But as Mrs. Vine points out, that’s not the way to bet when considering normal, non-celebrity women.

The Two-Front War

It was always a nightmare for the German generals’ war plans:  having to fight a war in both the West (against France, Britain etc.) and in the East (Russia).  Once in that situation, Germany was always going to lose as it lacked both the resources and the stamina to win both simultaneously — although they gave it a good old college try in WWI, and might actually have succeeded had they not been shackled to the hopeless and hapless Austro-Hungarians, and pissed off the Americans.

But I’m not here to talk about history.  What gave rise to the above is this little snippet:

A bigamist former soldier’s double life was exposed when his daughter from one of his marriages messaged his second wife on Facebook asking what her connection to him was.

Jason Hayter, 48, had five children with his two wives and lived with one family in Germany, where he was stationed with the Army, and visited the other in the UK.

Neither woman knew about the other as he explained his lengthy absences on being away with the Army and, after he left, training as a paramedic, or on mental health problems.

Mental health problems?  Speaking as one who has raised only one family (okay, maybe two, but in series rather than in parallel), I can quite imagine that having to deal simultaneously with two wives, each with children, would drive any man around the bend — especially when secrecy has to be maintained.

I can see the attraction of having a wife and family and a mistress, provided that she’s French (like Mitterrand’s Anne Pingeot) and understands the rules — FFS, his wife and mistress not only both attended his funeral but stood side by side at his graveside.

That, I can understand.  But to actually marry two women in parallel?

Our buddy the bigamist has been sentenced to seven years in jail — a blessed relief for him, to be sure — and I bet he’ll be the only prisoner in history to argue against his own parole.  Anything to get away from Wife Squared.  (And it is indeed squared, not doubled, as any man with experience will testify.)