Learn It Or Don’t Bother

Oh boo-hoo-hoo.  In his latest oh-so-Hitler initiative, POTUS Trump has caused massive heartache to immigrants:

In keeping with his March 1 order making English the official language of the United States, the president has directed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to cancel a contract with a translation service provider, according to Government Executive magazine.

The translation service was offered to migrants calling the department for information about their status under E-Verify and other government programs.

The administration is also now directing agency call center employees to terminate any call from a caller who can’t make his needs known in English.

Yup:  as in most countries, if you don’t speak the country’s official language, you’re screwed.

Here’s the real deal.  The article linked above talks about audio translation services.  What is not discussed is the paper (and processing) cost of providing documentation to would-be immigrants — in multiple languages.

It’s complete bollocks.  Nothing screams inefficiency like having to do everything twice — or more times — which in essence is what’s being ended here.

As I’ve said countless times before, if you’re going to move to a foreign country, learn to speak its fucking home language before embarking on the journey.  Nothing is more irritating than having to deal with people from another country who insist that you speak their language in dealing with them.  It’s nothing less than a divisive and arrogant attitude, coming from people who have no right to be so in their adopted country.

As an immigrant, you’re here on sufferance, not entitlement.  And the sooner the huddled masses learn that lesson, the easier it will be for them in the long term.  Fit in or fuck off.

“Dear POTUS”

Dear President Trump:

As much as I enjoy watching you shrink the federal government, make English the official language of the United States, and strive to help the American people escape the ravenous fangs of the Internal Revenue Service, there are a couple of things you’re also doing which are starting to get up my nose.

Greenland.  Stop talking about annexing Greenland, or colonizing Greenland, or any of that nonsense.  If Greenland is that important to our national security — and I’m willing to accept your arguments in that assertion — then negotiate with Greenland/Denmark/whoever to build a series of military bases there.  They don’t have to be an actual state for this — we didn’t make Germany a state when we were faced with the USSR problem in post-WWII Europe, after all, we just put military bases Over There.  It worked then, and it would work as well with the CCP problem now.

Canada.  It may have been fun to bust Trudeau’s (minuscule) balls about making Canada the 51st state, but that schtick is just getting tiresome.  The plain fact is that while some citizens of Alberta or Saskatchewan may love to be part of the U.S., trying to get Ontario to assimilate would be damn-near impossible because they’re a bunch of screaming socialists, and we have enough of those in California and the Pacific NW already.  Let’s not even start talking about those Francophone morons in Quebec, who insist on the rest of Canada being bilingual — and would probably resist, with violence — any attempts to suppress the French language in government.  The hell with them:  they’re not worth the hassle, and that applies equally to the rest of Canada, especially the “First Nations” scam artists.

Your constant chatter about this silliness is getting counter-productive.  Don’t forget that you were NOT elected to make us a fifty-two state nation;  your electoral mandate is to end socialism in the existing fifty, to get government off our backs, to end the DEI foulness and to Make America Great Again.

America will not become greater by grabbing Canada and Greenland — in fact, the reverse is more likely — so quit talking about it, and don’t even think about doing it.

Respectfully, from one of your most ardent supporters,

Please Go

I love capitalism.  Why?  No sooner had the ink dried on the fraudulent-but-ultimately pointless counterfeit ballots in Pennsylvania. Michigan etc. when (courtesy of Reader Mike L.) I learned that the Smart Marketing Guys got going:

US cruise company offering four-year escape during Trump presidency

A Florida-based cruise company is offering disgruntled US voters the chance to escape by traveling the world during Donald Trump’s upcoming four years in office.

Villa Vie Residences has capitalized on the election results by offering Americans a four-year escape – the length of a presidential term – starting at around $160,000 per person, taking guests to more than 425 ports in 140 countries. [more details at the link]

My only requirement is that the trip is non-refundable after the ship has left port — in other words, if the travelers are suddenly overcome with buyer’s regret or whatever, they don’t get any money back, and they have to make their own way home from whatever country they happen to be in.

And if the poor regretful souls, having spent all their savings on this 4-year escape, are unable to afford the cost of a flight back to the U.S., I’m sure some private transport company will be only too willing to step up to the plate and help them get out of wherever they are for the return trip…

…if you see what I mean.