
Not that we should believe anything that Josh Sugarman’s Violence Policy Center ever says, but even for them, this is egregiously terrible:

“More Than 2,500 Non-Self Defense Deaths Involving Concealed Carry Killers Since 2007, Latest Violence Policy Center Research Shows”

Yeah, except that the data shows no such thing — unless you lie, twist and conceal data which negates your premise, that us.

When you discount all of the categories that don’t match VPC’s horrid headline—suicide, murder/suicide victim, cases still pending, accidents and cases still under investigation—the final total is 625 over a 17-year period. Do the math, and it equals 36 a year, equal to about two holiday weekends in Chicago.  (Of course, this assumes that VPC’s figures are even close to being correct.)

And they pretty much aren’t.  Considering that only a (shamefully) small percentage of gun owners carry concealed, I wouldn’t even believe that annual number of three dozen.

The only problem with bullshit like this — Sugarman would call it a feature, not a bug — is that the numbers will be uncritically used by The Usual Hoplophobic Suspects — media, Congress, etc. — to bolster their demands that All Guns Should Be Confiscated, Right Now.

Uh huh.  Dream on, assholes.

Double Whammy

I know it was just a coincidence, but these two headlines came one after the other at Townhall.com last Thursday, and the combination thereof has pissed me off mightily, for two different reasons.

Here’s the first:

Dem Congresswoman: Musk Can’t Be Trusted Because He’s an Immigrant

…because he’s only been here for 22 years, you see, so naturally his patriotism must be suspect.

Well fuck you all to death, Congresswoman Kapur.  Like Elon Musk, I’m a naturalized U.S. citizen (since 1990, i.e. 34 years ago), and I was living here for four years before that.  That’s nearly five decades, you fucking socialist sow, and I’ll tell you what:  I’ll put my (and Elon’s) patriotism ahead of yours, for one, any day of the week.

You see, Musk and I have a lot in common.  We were both born into the same racially-stricken society.  He left to get away from it, while I (briefly) struggled against it — by lawful means, of course — but left because I could see no solution to the problem that would not involve pain and bloodshed.  We both arrived in this country legally, and both made our respective ways as productive, law-abiding citizens (he a lot more successfully than I, but that’s the way it goes).  What we came to was the promise of America, where everyone was equal under the law, and had the freedom to seek the happiness and success that would probably have been denied to us in our country of birth.  Our story, or its foundation, is no different from millions of others, and what the country has come to mean is a place which has absolutely replaced any allegiance to another, and instilled in us a lasting gratitude for the opportunities we were able to grasp.  Our patriotism is not one that we were born into, but one we chose — and in all fairness, it may run still deeper in us than in many native-born Americans.  We were not changed by the “magic dirt” of the United States;  we found that magic for ourselves, and I bitterly resent your belittlement of our patriotism.

Then there’s this little slur (behind a paywall,sorry,  but the headline says it all):

Violence Policy Center Tries to Paint Citizens Carrying Concealed as Threat

Fuck me, another country heard from.

Listen, assholes:  I am a gun owner who carries a gun, and I can say categorically that the only person who could ever be “threatened” by my gun is someone who wants to do me or mine harm.  In other words, it would be a reaction to a threat, and not a threat to others.

I came from a country where not everyone was “allowed” to own a gun, because there was absolutely no Second (or First, or any other) Amendment.  And guess who was denied that right?  Yeah, Black people.  That’s how oppression was maintained, and it was one I fled as rapidly as Elon Musk did.  And the only way my right to own a gun (or carry;  the two are indistinguishable) might ever be a “threat” is to those who would deny me that right.  Or to threaten me with violence, in any form, whether felonious or State-inspired.

That’s it.  End of sentence, end of statement, end of story.  Leave me alone, and all will be well.  The alternative is your choice.

These people — both groups (and there is considerable overlap between the two) — make me fucking sick, projecting their fears and their prejudices onto me and others like me.  I won’t stand for it, and I will fully exercise my First Amendment right to make statements like the above.

Fuck you, all of you.

Okay, Congressman

Here’s an interesting take:

Congressman Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) reminded the country last week why the Second Amendment is so vital to the United States.

The former Long Beach mayor called on the Democratic Party to “bring actual weapons” in the “fight for democracy.”

So you’ll bring your “actual” weapons to fight for democracy — what you call democracy, at any rate.

Challenge accepted.  Be White, and make the first move.  We’ll see how this plays out.

Are they really this stupid?

Congress Playing Their Part

Hey, how can you argue with proposed legislation to rein in the jack-booted thugs of the ATF — especially when it’s known as the RIFLE Act?

Under the Biden Administration, ATF’s zero tolerance policy forced small and mid-sized gun stores out of business. The agency revoked Federal Firearm Licenses due to minor clerical errors like missing a customer’s middle initial or using a state’s abbreviation rather than the state’s full name. In 2024 alone, ATF saw the highest levels of gun store license revocations in 20 years—the third consecutive year of increased license revocations under President Biden’s leadership. Last week, the Biden Administration claimed it reversed its zero tolerance policy. Upon further review of the updated enforcement guidance, it appears to remain fully in effect.

Rep. Mann (R-KS) told Breitbart News, “President Biden did everything in his power to weaponize the federal government against gun store owners in the Big First District of Kansas and across the country. His zero tolerance policy undermined the Second Amendment and trampled on the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens. Since day one, I have rigorously pushed back against this unconstitutional policy and fought for more oversight to rein in ATF’s abuse.”

He added, “On November 5, 2024, the country made it clear—our constitutional rights are not up for grabs. My bill makes that crystal clear by fortifying the Second Amendment rights of local gun stores and seeking to restore a degree of wholeness to individuals whose livelihoods were destroyed by this federal abuse. I look forward to working with President Trump to further strengthen the protection of the Second Amendment, deliver justice for our FFLs, and get our country back on track.”

Who’s the new head of the ATF, again?  (I know, I know:  a decent head of the ATF would rescind the enforcement instructions off his own bat — I know I would, if my application to head up the ATF had been successful.  But then again, considering that I’d have started shutting down the entire agency from Day 1 of my appointment, the whole issue would have been moot.)


And then there’s this:

To be brutally honest, a high-capacity magazine ban is kinda pointless when you consider that one only needs a single bullet to commit suicide.

But that only goes to show that apart from being a loathsome, shameless opportunist, this Marxist bitch also proves that there’s absolutely no depth that Gun Control Inc. will not stoop to in order to push their foul agenda.


Bad Dads, BAD Dads

Apparently, CNN (who?  I dunno, never heard of them either) seems to have a problem with Dads buying their kids guns for Christmas:

CNN began the article with a story of an Oregon dad, Paul Kemp, who bought a hunting rifle for his son, Nathan, when he turned 16 years old. Nathan had been hunting with his dad since he was 7 years old.

CNN then stated, “Parents looking to purchase a firearm for their child for the holidays have to balance their hopes for the gift with the risks that come with such a purchase, such as an accidental shooting, suicide or the gun being used in a crime.”

In an attempt to bolster their position, CNN said, “For example, the teenage school shooting suspects in Oxford, Michigan, and Winder, Georgia, allegedly used firearms they had received as Christmas gifts from their parents, and those parents have faced criminal charges.”

I don’t want to get into dueling statistics here, but I just wonder how many deaths have been caused by teenagers getting into road accidents with cars given them by their parents?

Never mind;  giving guns to our kids for Christmas is a tradition that goes back generations, as these few ads prove:

Of course, as the Left hates the very concepts of both tradition and the family with a passion, these would be seen as pure evil.

Me, I just wish we could see more of them, updated for today’s market.

And I absolutely love this one:

…because as any fule kno, every man should have owned at least one Mauser in his lifetime.