Here’s one Righteous Shooting that has had an unhappy ending:
Mario Roggero shot at three thieves in Grinzane Cavour on April 28, 2021 after they entered his store, bound his daughter’s hands behind her back, threatened to kill his wife and helped themselves to expensive jewellery and watches.
Fearing for his life, Roggero was seen on CCTV chasing them out of the shop and shooting at least five times.
Andrea Spinelli and Giuseppe Mazzarino died a few yards from the shop entrance, one in the street and the other on the corner with a side street. A third robber was injured and later arrested.
Of course, had this happened in, say, Texas and not in Yurp, there’d be parades in his honor and several attaboys from the police (and me, for instance) for ridding society of three violent assholes. Instead:
Roggero has been sentenced to 17 years in prison.
Disgusting. But not entirely unexpected in gun-hating Europe.
Also, in Texas the asshole prosecutors would be facing all sorts of anger from the voters and almost certain loss of office; but in Yurp, they’re quite happy to lick the chains that enslave them.
Range time, Kim? I think so.
Update: And it gets worse.