Socialist politician: “ZOMG an assault rifle leaves an exit wound a foot wide in the human body!!!”
Some Millennial Kid: “Pull my Garand Thumb.”
Hilarity ensues.
Not even close. But we all knew that.
Socialist politician: “ZOMG an assault rifle leaves an exit wound a foot wide in the human body!!!”
Some Millennial Kid: “Pull my Garand Thumb.”
Hilarity ensues.
Not even close. But we all knew that.
Here’s one for the ages:
Gun buyers defy Pelosi and Democrats, sales top 1 million a month for three straight years
In breaking the record, people delivered a strong message to liberal Democrats, who last week passed a ban on buying the nation’s most popular firearm, the modern sporting rifle, and other semi-automatic weapons and parts.
Suck it, gun-grabbing assholes.
I know that the Socialists in Congress have “shelved” their attempt to ban “weapons of war” i.e. ARs and AKs (for the moment), but this little exchange should prove interesting:
As Massie puts it (I paraphrase slightly): “Who are the Department of Agriculture and Department of Education planning on going to war with, if their employees are to be excepted from this prohibition?”
Let us record the words of the late (and dearly-missed) H.L. Mencken, who stated:
“The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol to his head. Put it in his hand and it’s goodbye to the Bill of Rights.”
And quod erat demonstratum, today.
Reader Simon M. sends me this story which is so… I can’t describe it, but here’s the opening:
A young lady in NYC decided to write a diary. Being a young lady what she wrote in her diary she considered to be private. It was her thoughts, her fears, her wants. It was for her.
Unfortunately, her brother was an uncultured clod and when he discovered her diary in a public area, knowing it was private, decided to read it. We can guess about how the brother handled such private disclosures.
The young lady realized that she needed some what to secure her diary from prying eyes. The idea of wrapping it in chains probably didn’t appeal to her. Like wise, it is unlikely she was able to get a high level wizard to spell lock it.
She found a small portable safe at a second hand store and bought it for cheap. She then proceeded to lock her personal items in the lock box to keep her private stuff private.
And then the S. Hit The F.
Read all about it*.
And to answer the author’s question: no, there isn’t.
*To Reader Simon: please resend the email, if you can. She was broken.
Oy. As if Hanoi Jane hasn’t been enough of a festering pustule on society’s buttocks long enough, the tired old tart has to weigh in once again:
Left-wing actress and activist Jane Fonda suggested America “redefine vaginas as AK-47s” in response to the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.
In her case, and by her own admission, her well-trodden vagina is more akin to a rusty old Brown Bess musket, but that’s not what I wanted to talk about.
As an AK owner myself, let me say that the AK rifle works perfectly as designed, seldom requires much in the way of cleaning and maintenance, can be shared among friends as often as desired, and as such is about as far from a vagina as one could imagine.
So this unwarranted slight on Mikhail Kalashnikov’s excellent device is simply off base — not that this is far from Fonda’s norm, though.
And one last thought: a new AK-47 costs about a thousand bucks — and I’ve known many men who have paid a lot more than that, just for part-ownership of a vagina.
After the Supremes finally decided that the Constitution (and its Second Amendment) is, after all, the supreme law of the land, the Scumbag States are scurrying around, trying to find loopholes.
New York and a half a dozen other states with similar laws now must decide their next steps. As with New York, California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island all have legislatures controlled by Democrats who could propose measures to ensure that guns will not be allowed in certain places.
Of course, “blood will run in the streets”, “violence will increase” (like it hasn’t already, even with those earlier laws in place), and my favorite: “The epidemic of gun violence sweeping our nation demonstrates daily the folly of introducing more guns into this boiling cauldron.” All the usual scare tactics, and all the usual disregard of actual facts — that carry laws haven’t caused any such thing.
Still glad to be living in a state which isn’t afraid of its citizens being armed.
Afterthought: by the way, the article states that the Supreme Court’s decision was “an expansion of gun rights”, which is a total lie. What the decision did was reaffirm gun rights, rights which should never have been infringed in the first place.