
Remember the old (not so funny) joke:  “If guns are banned, can we use swords?”

Seems as though the Kiwi criminals and sickos, like their Brit compatriots, have taken this to heart:

Four people have allegedly been stabbed after a knife-wielding man went on a rampage on the beach in New Zealand.
The rampage is believed to have come to an end after a local construction worker hit the alleged stabber with a walking crutch.

My takeaway from this is that had I been the construction worker, I’d probably have beaten the scumbag to death, thereby becoming the bad guy.

Here’s a graphic account:

One woman had headed down to the beach to take her dog for a walk when she was confronted by the man and his ‘big knife’. She said the man had started walking towards her but then broke out into a run.
‘And – fight or flight – I turned away and ran the other way and I looked back and he had a big knife, running at me,’ the woman told the NZ Herald. ‘I was screaming, calling out for help because he was chasing me with this big knife.’
The woman managed to get away from the man unharmed, and immediately called police.

The police arrived far too late to do anything of value, of course, because by the time they got there Our Hero had stopped the attacks.

It would have been far easier for the woman above just to pop a couple of .45 bullets into the goblin’s chest, of course, but the Kiwis aren’t allowed to do that. It seems that for the New Zealanders and their elected politicians, the alternative — helpless victims slaughtered — is preferable.

Oh, Really?

From our worthy Texas Senator:

Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) brushed off NRA opposition to his gun control package Wednesday, noting that the gun rights group cannot be allowed to “veto good public policy.”
The bill expands background checks for some gun buyers, uses taxpayer money incentivize red flag laws, and broadens the NICS prohibited purchasers’ list (by using domestic violence statutes to cover dating relationships).

My suggestion to Cornyn:  start exploring your post-Senate career opportunities, because we will not forget this when your reelection time comes.

Also:  the NRA doesn’t mean spit in this state;  it’s the gun owners that matter.

As you will find out, you fucking squish.

Never Saw This One Coming

although I should have:

“The U.S. Military is actively considering shutting down the sale [of] M855/SS109 ammo from Lake City to the commercial market.”

Yeah, if you can’t ban the guns, strangle the ammo supply — the rationale behind National Ammo Day was never more appropriate than today.

You all know what to do.  Me, I’m going to lay in some more 7.62x39mm, because we AK guys are even more vulnerable.

No More Commies Needed

I see that KiwiPres and CommieSymp Jacinda Hardon (no man should) is visiting this country, and fellow Commie asshole President Braindead is fawning all over her.

I’d say more, but I have to go and puke for a few minutes.

Anyway [fresh gin in hand], I’d like to remind His Senilityness that what this loathsome Commie bitch did in her tinpot country (pop. 957) is impossible here, as we still have the tattered remnants of the First and Second Amendments standing in his way, even if she doesn’t.

The sooner this obnoxious little dictatorette leaves, the better.


Poor bastards.

A new national gun surrender will allow people to anonymously hand in weapons and ammunition including heirlooms, shotguns and antique revolvers, as well as illegal stun guns and gas-firing blank pistols bought overseas.

“They can do that anonymously and there will be an amnesty for them in order to transport that weapon or be in possession of that weapon at the point they surrender it.

“No-one needs to be concerned about walking into a station or contacting their local force.

“We don’t need to know your name, we don’t need to know how you came into possession of it, all we need you to do is give us the gun.”

Makes me sick.  Fucking totalitarian assholes.