Once again, as with that tool Obama’s election, we’re looking down the barrel of a full-bore Socialist government: Presidency, Senate and House, all controlled by the Left.
We’re fucked.
You know, when Trump was elected, the Left screamed about how eeeevil he was and how he was going to send homosexualists into ghettos, how abortion was going to be made illegal, how People Of Other Nationalities / Races were going to be eliminated, etc. etc. etc. ad fucking nauseam.
And none of it came to pass.
However, we know exactly what happens when the Left comes to power because we’ve had a dry run already with Urkel’s presidency: nationalized health care, gun control, higher taxes, regulatory excess and a slumping economy.
And that will come to pass — just as it did from 2009 to 2016.
We’re going to get all that again, only worse because the Marxists have become increasingly more important in the Democrat Party, and if anyone can fuck up a country, it’s Marxists: East Germany, the Soviet Union, North Vietnam, Venezuela, pre-Pinochet Chile… the list goes on and on.
The only difference this time is that while Urkel was a slam-dunk for two terms, Biden/Harris won’t be. Unless the Marxists load the ballot boxes again.
Basically, we have to endure two full years of shit, and maybe — just maybe — the mid-term elections will shift the House back to Republican control and we can fight a holding action. Unless the Marxists load the ballot boxes again.
And that’s assuming we can find somewhere a decent successor to the Trump philosophy — and I have to say, I’m not filled with optimism that we can. If we do, however, then we have a slight chance of reversing the shit-show of the next four years.
Unless the Marxists load the ballot boxes again.