No Chance Totty

I see that some Republican tart ran for office earlier in the year:

Of course, she ran as a conservative “independent” (“Republican” is the kiss of death  up there in Minneapolis).  That didn’t fool anyone, so she duly lost 46-54% to some liberal “independent”.  Yeah, her background is kinda shady too, so that may have had something to do with it.

Too bad, because:

Rather toothsome, wot?  We need to see more of that kind of representation, methinks.

Popcorn Time

In last week’s Roundup, I posted this during the Republican convention:

And the reaction has not been long in coming (courtesy of indefatigable Reader Mike L.):

International Brotherhood of Teamsters Vice President at large John Palmer announced he is mounting a challenge to current President Sean O’Brien after he gave a speech at the Republican National Convention. 

Palmer laid out several reasons why O’Brien has shown he is not fit for his leadership position, including fear of retaliation among members and failing to support members in contracts.

“This [Teamsters] administration rode into power on a wave of excitement generated by our members’ desires and frustration. We were promised a more engaged leadership and a more militant union. What we have received so far is a PR blast furnace of misinformation and betrayal.” 

I guess we’ll just leave it to the teamsters to fight it all out.

Ordinarily, I’d encourage outsiders (i.e. Republicans) to stay away from this little imbroglio, but I have just one thing to say to the teamsters, and it’s only a few words:

Under the Biden administration, we’ve been seeing more and more non-union truck drivers, longshoremen and low-income workers coming into the country illegally and taking your jobs.  Trump is committed to bringing back American jobs to Americans.  Ask yourselves which (governmental) Administration will serve your interests better.

But hey… far be it for me to try to tell people how to vote.

Millions And Millions

There’s been a lot of harrumphing about Elon Musk setting up a “Super PAC” (political action committee) to channel tons of moolah into the Trump reelection campaign (here’s one take).

Of course, the Communists aren’t going to take this lying down, oh no.  Expect to see a lot of “Musk is evil” opinions emanating from the Left, and “a few people influencing and endangering our democraceh” wailing.  (Standard Left procedure:  if you can’t overcome the ideas, demonize the characters.)

Of course, when the Left does the PAC thing, it’s all well and good.  Zuckerberg spending millions to enable (possible fraudulent) voting drives?  No biggie.  Soros funding campaigns of other Commies in key state positions?  Why not?

But let a few conservative rich guys do the same for their candidate?  Oh no, that has to be stopped.

Fuck ’em, and the hypocritical horse they rode in on.

How Conveeenient

Well now this is an interesting development:

President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, the White House said as he was on the campaign trail out West.

Guess all those WuFlu inoculations he’s been taking didn’t work out too well, huh?

However, this news should be taken along with this little admission:

Biden actually said out loud what could make him drop out of the presidential race.

In a BET interview that was taped on Tuesday but wasn’t released until today, Biden said, “If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem…” (he kinda trailed off), that would be enough to get him to quit.

…in other words, putting his reelection campaign in the hands of the doctors… and then very conveniently catching an illness that would render him unable to stay in the race.

FJBiden isn’t smart enough to have gamed this scenario, but I can think of at least a dozen senior Democrats who could have.  (Not Hillary;  she’s not smart enough, and anyway, had she been in charge FJB would have slipped on a bar of soap or accidentally hanged himself in his White House bedroom long before now.)

Which doesn’t answer the question as to how, exactly, the Communists would replace him?  He could end his campaign and still remain President while his replacement tried to stave off the inevitable shambles in November.

Worst of all, an “illness” (me, skeptical? not at all) would turn FJB into some kind of victim and a sympathetic figure — whereas in fact this venal old bastard deserves anything but sympathy.

Quote Of The Day

Taki, on the British voting system:

“One-third of the vote gave Labour two-thirds of the seats in Parliament. And it gets better—worse, that is. The Reform party got 4.1 million votes and five seats in Parliament. The Liberal Democrats received 3.6 million votes and got seventy seats in Parliament.  If that’s democracy, I’m Kim Kardashian.”

I’m not a fan of “pure” democracy — popular vote decides parliamentary apportionment — and of course our U.S. electoral system isn’t that either, being a representative republic.

The problem with Taki’s idea of democracy is that it’s based (unsurprisingly) on the Classical Greek system.  Except that in that system, over three-quarters of the voting-age population were excluded from voting before the first ballots were cast.

But I have to say that the Brit system does seem to be a few too many steps in the other direction.