Learn It Or Don’t Bother

Oh boo-hoo-hoo.  In his latest oh-so-Hitler initiative, POTUS Trump has caused massive heartache to immigrants:

In keeping with his March 1 order making English the official language of the United States, the president has directed the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to cancel a contract with a translation service provider, according to Government Executive magazine.

The translation service was offered to migrants calling the department for information about their status under E-Verify and other government programs.

The administration is also now directing agency call center employees to terminate any call from a caller who can’t make his needs known in English.

Yup:  as in most countries, if you don’t speak the country’s official language, you’re screwed.

Here’s the real deal.  The article linked above talks about audio translation services.  What is not discussed is the paper (and processing) cost of providing documentation to would-be immigrants — in multiple languages.

It’s complete bollocks.  Nothing screams inefficiency like having to do everything twice — or more times — which in essence is what’s being ended here.

As I’ve said countless times before, if you’re going to move to a foreign country, learn to speak its fucking home language before embarking on the journey.  Nothing is more irritating than having to deal with people from another country who insist that you speak their language in dealing with them.  It’s nothing less than a divisive and arrogant attitude, coming from people who have no right to be so in their adopted country.

As an immigrant, you’re here on sufferance, not entitlement.  And the sooner the huddled masses learn that lesson, the easier it will be for them in the long term.  Fit in or fuck off.

So Much For Compassion

Okay, you would truly have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at this one:

A theatre in Paris which is known for its radical shows and exhibitions has been occupied by more than 250 African migrants after they were let in for a free event five weeks ago.

The Gaîté Lyrique theatre in Paris staged the conference, entitled Reinventing the welcome for refugees in France, on December 10.

It involved talks hosted by academics from top universities and Red Cross officials, and saw activists welcome in the migrants.

But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mainly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

Still occupied, the leftist theatre now faces going out of business after weeks without revenue from ticket sales, and has had to cancel all performances until at least January 24.

Its management said in a statement last week that the number of people taking shelter in the theatre is ‘continuing to increase’ and has swelled to around 300 people.

Who could have seen this coming?  Raise your hands…

Oh… everyone, huh?  [exit, howling with laughter]

New Word

…and I like it:

Germany’s hard-right AfD party has vowed a total closure of borders for 100 days and signalled it would enact mass deportations if it wins power in the upcoming election.

Alice Weidel, the co-leader of Alternative for Germany, announced the party’s election manifesto, endorsing a policy ‘remigration’ for migrants, regardless of their citizenship status.

Not only is “remigration” a lovely description of the action, but the words that follow it are even more portentous:  “regardless of their citizenship status”.  (Cue:  screams of “racism” now.)

So if you’re a German citizen and drive your car headlong into a Christmas market while waving a Palestinian flag and screaming “Allah akbar” or whatever, expect to get your ass (and your entire family) shipped back to Shitholistan as soon as your prison sentence ends.  Sounds appropriate, dunnit?  And those mosques you’re so proud of and use to spread your loathsome 9th-century socio-political philosophy, and call “a spear into the heart of the infidels”?  Cue the bulldozers.  (Are those screams deafening, yet?)

And finally, a pro tip:  AfD are not even remotely “far-Right” — unless, of course, common sense, a demand for justice and national pride are rightwing principles.


So let’s be charitable and say that of the 450,00-odd dangerous scumbags of foreign origin that are roaming around the country (thanks to FJB and Heels-Up Harris), maybe half are still in Texas.  (As if we don’t have enough domestic dangerous scumbags already in situ.)

Now ask me again why I don’t ever leave the house without at least one gun close to hand… or why I’m seldom more than arm’s reach from another gun in the house.

Or why all my guns are somewhat more than the double-barrel shotgun (capacity: 2 rounds) as once suggested as “sufficient” by said FJB.

Fuck him and his gun-confiscating VP, and woe betide the scumbags foreign and domestic — the latter to include any official who wants to deny me my self-protection.  I’m in no mood to be charitable, if anything the opposite.

Enough, already.

Well, Well, Well

…now lookee here:

In line with the insurgence of far-right parties elsewhere in Europe, the Freedom Party has seen its popularity soar, fed by voter anger over migration, inflation and Covid restrictions. Its leader Herbert Kickl, 55, has vowed to transform the country into ‘Fortress Austria’, slamming the current government’s ‘failed migration policy’ as being to blame for the Islamist terror plot on a Taylor Swift concert. Mr Kickl and his party have promoted ‘remigration’, the controversial* concept which promotes the expulsion of immigrants of non-European ethnic backgrounds who are deemed to have failed to integrate.

Based on current projections, the conservative People’s Party, led by current Chancellor Karl Nehammer, is on course to become the second largest group, with 26.3 per cent of votes.

It’s about time some kind of reality slammed home — not for the people themselves, but for the “ruling class” who have perpetrated this nonsense on their people.

Of course, the Left reacted in the usual way:

…not that anyone cares.  In this case, at least, loudness does not equate to the popular will.

*doesn’t sound that “controversial” to me nor, I suspect, to many of my Readers and more than a few more million others in the United States.

Straining The Influx, Flushing The Excess

When it comes to immigration policy, there are a few options available to you as the host country if the floodgates have been opened too far and the influx starts to threaten the fabric of the settled society.

You can strain the influx of future immigration — not putting stress on — by tightening the restrictions, or setting higher standards for what constitutes an “acceptable” immigrant.  Many countries have done this in the past, whether the sieve was academic (minimum education standards such as eighth-grade-, twelfth-grade- or even graduate levels), skills (tradespeople or industry-savvy applicants such as carpenters, steelworkers, forestry specialists or computer programmers), and finally financial:  people who have been successful in their home countries and raised their standard of living to the point where their arrival into the host country will not require financial assistance from the government or charity organizations and may in fact become employment creators.  (One more is military service for younger men and perhaps women, too, but this approach is fraught with potential problems, which is why the .dotmil generally has fairly strict standards for foreign recruits, or else has a savage, no-nonsense approach to assimilation like the French Foreign Legion.)

When a nation like the Netherlands decides to apply tighter standards or even close entry altogether, you have to realize that even for the famously-tolerant Dutch, immigration has put too much of a stress on their society, both financial and more especially to their culture.  Which is what is happening over there:

Prime Minister Dick Schoof has promised to take a tougher line against illegal immigration. The Dutch four-party cabinet has pledged to establish ‘the strictest asylum regime ever known’ to curb immigration.”

The surge in the number of immigrants seeking asylum in the Netherlands, estimated at around 40,000 a year, has put severe pressure on public services from housing to healthcare, fueling growing concerns about the country’s ability to manage the influx.

The ruling coalition in the Netherlands, which includes Geert Wilders-led Freedom Party, has taken a tough stance on immigration. The party is known for its controlled immigration stances, and has been one of the key drivers behind proposals to tighten asylum laws in the country.

Measures on the table include limiting applications for international protection, speeding up deportations and restricting family reunification for refugees under much stricter conditions.

The Dutch government, by the way, is not doing this voluntarily.  Whereas the neo-socialist political parties had pretty much universal control of the polity in the past, the election of hardliners like the party of Geert Wilders has changed the political landscape, and government ministers now say things like “a clear mandate from the voters” when framing a tougher immigration policy.

The depth of feeling on this topic is that the Dutch, always the most quiescent of members of the European Union, are now stating quite bluntly that in order for them to enact these new immigration controls, they have to have control of their own borders — ditto the Germans, by the way — but the Dutch are even showing open willingness to leave the EU altogether if such control is denied them.

Note too that the Dutch government is framing this issue purely in terms of financial necessity, and are not touching the issue of non-assimilation.  But the Dutch, always cosmopolitan a nation, are undoubtedly looking northward to see what the (also famously-tolerant) Swedes are doing:

Sweden’s migration policy is undergoing a paradigm shift. The Government is intensifying its efforts to reduce… the number of migrants coming irregularly to Sweden. Labour immigration fraud and abuses must be stopped and the ‘shadow society’ combated. Sweden will continue to have dignified reception standards, and those who have no grounds for protection or other legal right to stay in Sweden must be expelled.

And that’s not a news organization speaking:  it’s from the Swedish government itself.

By “shadow society” they mean Muslim enclaves, who insist on setting up their own little state-within-a-state pretty much wherever they arrive, and whose establishment was made easy by Sweden’s traditional tolerance.  Ditto the many crime organizations and drug cartels, who up until now have had it relatively easy.

Well, it appears that this tolerance has reached its limits, and because the Swedes prefer orderliness over chaos, they’re prepared to do what has to be done:  reduce the influx, and expel the unwanted (being Swedes, they’ll pay these assholes over $30,000 each to leave, which gives you an idea of how much the unwanted immigrants are costing the government in terms of aid and policing).

It is in this light that we should look homeward, and think about Donald Trump’s promise that upon election, we’ll see the largest domestic deportation in history.

Let’s hope, and hope still more that when he reaches the Oval Office, this promise doesn’t suffer the fate of that “big, beautiful wall” from his last presidential campaign.