Not Buying It

Looks like ol’ Jim Treacher’s getting all bent out of shape about this story, but right out the box I’m not buying Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s story — and nor are others.  Here’s why I feel the way I do.

1) AOC is a habitual liar.  In her short career as a House Rep., AOC has lied, fabricated and exaggerated about just about everything:  her background, her home life, her campaign finances… the list is endless, because she lies every time she speaks, and she speaks constantly:  a nonstop barrage of bullshit.

2) All socialists lie, whether to conceal crimes (e.g. Hillary Clinton and her illegal email server) or to further their agenda (e.g. gun controllers using false data), or in service of their philosophy (“we protect the people against the bosses”), or for immediate political gain (the current border emergency).  AOC is just a poster-child for this lying.

When AOC says that Border Patrol officers threatened her, I don’t believe her.  It’s quite possible they made fun of her or made derogatory remarks to each other about her — but that’s not a threat.

What I think happened was that Representative Snowflake may have felt  threatened by having a bunch of armed officers standing around her — gun-fearing wussies often are — and they may not have given her the respect she felt she deserves — fair enough, considering that she wants to eliminate all their jobs — but none of that is threatening behavior.  The fact is that her “fact-finding” mission was a total bust:  she couldn’t find any evidence of bad stuff to buttress her absurd claims of “border concentration camps”, so she’s made up all these bullshit accusations to compensate (not to mention being overcome with grief at the sight of an empty parking lot).

This silly little girl’s fifteen minutes of fame are almost up, and I hope that the voters of her district show some sense and toss her skinny ass out of Congress next year.

And perhaps Treacher’s pearl-clutching is actually satirical, but it sure doesn’t read like that.

*If actual proof of threats and such become available — note the word proof  — then I’ll change my opinion.  I won’t be holding my breath.

Day 1

On May 28, 1986 I arrived in the United States to start my new life as a born-again American.  Of course, New York City was my initial port of entry:

I just knew that I’d fit right in…and then I went on down to Texas to stay with friends while my paperwork was being processed:

…and then I really  felt like I’d come home.


And people ask me why I never go out without carrying a gun.  Here’s a little fun and games for you:

A mob of eight to 10 males wielding hammers descended upon bystanders at the East Bank Light Rail station on Friday night injuring several.

Just so everyone’s clear on this:  all ten* of the “males” were Somalis.  And it happened in Minneapolis, where carrying concealed handguns is not common.

Curious that this doesn’t seem to happen much in areas where a lot of people do  carry guns, e.g. in my neighborhood.

Wow.  Looks like Minnesota’s policy of allowing thousands of Muslim “migrants” from Africa to settle there is working out just as planned, huh?

*Ten?  Looks like I need to start loading the 1911 with these bad boys.  Good thing I have one or two on hand.

Border Force

Now we’re talking:

At their talks in Budapest on Thursday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini agreed on the importance of strong nation states, on the need to give priority in Europe to European culture based on Christian values, and on border defence.
At a joint press conference held with Mr. Salvini – who is also head of the Italian government party Lega – Mr. Orbán said they both believe the following: that there will be no strong Europe without strong and successful nation states; that on the continent priority must be given to European culture based on Christian values; and that “Europe’s borders must be defended against the migrant invasion”.

I know it’s kinda unfashionable to talk about “European culture” and “Christian values” in this day and age, especially at the national level, but let’s hope they can do it.

Oh, and screw the EU, especially Old Commie Angela Merkel and Grab-A-Granny Emmanuel Macron.


Finally, someone in Germany has woken up:

Germany will become two ‘parallel societies’ if it does not demand integration from migrants, an expert has warned.
Professor Horst Opaschowski said Germany had ‘become a country of immigration overnight’ and said the refugee issue was likely to occupy German society for the next 20 years.
Mr Opaschowski, who describes himself as a ‘futurologist’ and political consultant, said the refugees and migrants who have arrived in Germany in recent years were likely to remain there.
Writing in Bild, he said the German government had to do ‘everything possible’ to ensure integration.

‘…if the state doesn’t do everything possible to integrate migrants and demand integration from them, the project will fail.’

Kinda like what the Danes are doing over in Danishland, where the children of (Muslim) immigrants are put into mandatory “culture” classes to aid in assimilation.

I know, I know… the Usual Suspect are going to start wailing about how this is “oppressive” and “cultural sublimation” (I’m guessing;  I have no idea what the current buzzwords are).

I have a simple statement for immigrants — to any country — and it’s the title of this post.

And no, it’s not an acronym for “First In, First Out” either.

Quote Of The Day

SOTI (commenting about the (post-Christchurch) KiwiGov’s reaction to people critical of the policy of welcoming “migrants”):

Multiculturalism is a such a runaway success that it requires a Big Brother police state to make it work.

Just like, errrr socialism: