
So now we are faced with this line of bullshit:

…this, in addition to the attacks on Tesla dealerships all over the place.

I have two thoughts on this.

Firstly, I’d love someone to find out which organization, precisely, paid for these bumper stickers.

Secondly, there is a Tesla dealership in Plano — specifically, in the uber-trendy Legacy West strip — which, coincidentally, is literally less than a hundred yards from a Plano P.D. mini-station.  I think I’ll swing by said cop-shop in the next few days to see if they’ve increased surveillance of the dealership — there are cameras a-plenty already installed in the area — because if they have, they’d be able to nab any “protesters” (vandals) pretty much in the act.

What I’d really like to do is sit across the road in my parked car late at night with some kind of anti-goblin accessory* at hand, e.g.

…but I doubt whether New Wife would let me, and the Plano fuzz would probably also disapprove thereof.  Pity.

In general, it appears that as Trump and DOGE are becoming more and more successful in their attempts to MAGA, the Left are beginning to despair — which means that there’s an ever-increasing prospect of Antifa/anti-Israel/BLM/eco-terrorist-type violence in the offing.

In the above article, the author writes:

In a free country of hundreds of millions of people, bad and destructive ideas are bound to catch on among a few thousand lunatics. But we have a cure for anti-American and anti-Semitic criminal behavior: put the criminals who act unlawfully upon those ideas in prison, confiscate their funds, uproot their criminal networks, deter their would-be imitators, and give public spaces back to the decent Americans who deserve them.

He left out another kind of cure:  a contrary populace who are just as angry as these anti-Western terrorist wannabes and have had it up to here with their bullshit.  Just remember:  they fucking started it, and they should not be surprised if there’s a visceral, bitter reaction to their little reindeer games.

Just sayin’.

*Of course, I don’t actually own anything evil like that — may I remind you of that Tragic Boating Accident On The Brazos all those years ago? — but you get my drift.

No Surprises There

A couple of days ago, Rep. Rich McCormick (R) had a town hall meeting in his Georgia district and a whole bunch of citizens showed up to give him shit about Orange Hitler and Sturmbannfuehrer  Musk.

Well, of course, all was not quite what it seemed:

CBS included a quote from one of the protest’s organizers, Maggie Goldman, describing her only as a McCormick constituent.  Goldman does live in McCormick’s district, though she’s far from a concerned supporter of the two-term Republican. A self-described “Democrat & Political Activist,” Goldman coordinated volunteers for Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign in 2019 and 2020, according to her LinkedIn. Shortly thereafter, she ran for her local county commission as a Democrat seeking to enact a “more inclusive policy agenda.” Goldman has donated exclusively to Democrats and sent Kamala Harris’s campaign more than $1,500 last year, according to campaign finance records

Across the country, similar protests played out at House GOP town halls and district offices. The demonstrations drove mainstream media coverage of brewing backlash against the Trump administration as the lower chamber left Washington, D.C., for a week-long recess. Well-funded liberal organizations organized many of them.

The George Soros-funded groups Indivisible and MoveOn were at the center of the demonstrations. Both groups launched national “mobilization” efforts targeting the “Trump-Musk agenda” and “Trump-Musk coup” during the recess period. MoveOn said its “members and allies will show up at congressional-led town halls and congressional offices around the country, targeting House Republicans whose votes will be crucial in opposing Trump and Musk’s harmful policies.” Indivisible issued a “Musk or Us Recess Toolkit” that showed members how to find their local town halls and urged them to “take the fight to Elon.”

So much for the “backlash”.  But it just shows how much these feral Commie fuckers are prepared to lie and cheat just to try to stop Trump and Musk from doing what they promised to do during the campaign, and who were elected for those precise reasons.

Give it gooder and harder, boys;  we’re still backing you.

The Iron Lady

It’s been just over fifty years since Margaret Thatcher became BritPM, and ever since then the Left has been acting like rabid dogs towards her — once in power, doing what was necessary to reverse the tide of socialism that had essentially held Britain in its grasp since the post-WWII Attlee Labour Government and had led Britain right up to the edge of the abyss;  once out of power (stabbed in the back by the British Conservative Party’s equivalent of the RINO cabal in the U.S.), continuing to stab her over and over again;  and upon her death, vilifying her, spitting on her grave, rejoicing at her passing, and in general acting like the animals we all know they are and have always been.

So it’s been really good to see someone redressing the imbalance — in this case the brilliant publication TCW (The Conservative Woman) — in three fine articles, all written by Paul Horgan.  If you haven’t already seen them, go there now.

Fifty Years On:  Margaret Thatcher is still demonised by the left

If a lie is repeated long enough, it will become accepted by the less intellectually-endowed sections of the populace. We see this in the denial of the Holocaust. Some really awful people with a sick agenda know that their twisted beliefs are destroyed by accepting the truth of historic facts. So to further their immoral thinking, they will deny these events ever happened and were faked as part of some global conspiracy. The vindictively superstitious portions of our population will prefer the lie, especially after its repetition.

Here in the UK we are experiencing a similar phenomenon over the premiership of Margaret Thatcher, which started 40 years ago last month. Rather than a conspiracy to lie over this, numerous people who are separately working towards the same goal realise that it is vital that they distort the Thatcher years. Those vulnerable to their propaganda are people too young to have lived through them, or to have lived through the years prior to Mrs Thatcher’s premiership when this country was known as the ‘Sick Man of Europe’ whose government ran out of money and could not borrow any more from its usual creditors.

Fifty Years On:  The big lies about Mrs Thatcher

There are two main lies. The first is that Mrs Thatcher destroyed the ‘post-war consensus’. The second is that her policies devastated communities, particularly in the North of England. Both are false. Here I discuss the first lie.

All Margaret Thatcher did was to take action based on the objective reality of the situation which was that a state-shackled economy needed liberation from the chaos that was causing the country to be ungovernable amidst accelerating economic collapse. All that is happening now is that the people who could not oppose her then are rewriting history now to brainwash anyone born after 1990.

Here I deal with the accusation that Thatcher’s policies devastated communities, when corporatist governance and incompetent planning were actually to blame.

The reform of the economy forms part of the second lie, accusing Thatcher of this devastation, particularly of those who depended on employment by state-run businesses. In fact, these communities were already devastated, and had been for years. The corporatist post-war consensus model was based on centralised economic planning, epitomised by the saying ‘the man from Whitehall knows best’. There had been calls for more central planning from the 1930s onwards by political and economic commentators and the planning started in earnest with the return of the Attlee government in 1945. It is therefore reasonable to believe that by the 1970s, whatever condition these state-dependent communities were in was as a direct consequence of state planning. However, it is clear that the planning did not include the contingency that these planned businesses on which the communities apparently utterly depended might not be able to sell to customers at a price the customers were willing to pay.

There was also the issue of the strikes, where customers, faced with unreliable supply, would take their business elsewhere. Working in an uneconomic coal-mine or loss-making steelworks was still hazardous and unpleasant, perhaps made more so by the lack of funds necessary to improve conditions, since all the money had to come from an increasingly-burdened taxpayer. The poor working men in these state businesses in this case were being subsidised to take part in a pointless, monotonous, and dangerous kind of work-based theme park, all according to a central plan made in Whitehall. It was a failure of state planning not to cater properly for change and innovation, but then all socialistic planning has that fault at its heart.

Fifty Years On:  Mrs Thatcher was polarising, not divisive

THE third big lie about Margaret Thatcher’s term in office is that she was a ‘divisive’ figure. This lie really started to be propagated in 2013 when it became the main narrative of the BBC and elsewhere after the Iron Lady died. What these media outlets probably meant was not ‘divisive’ but ‘polarising’. Margaret Thatcher presented a stark choice between consensus socialism and reformist capitalism. The voters chose the latter in decisive numbers in four General Elections. Despite unemployment, inflation and the miners’ strike, Britain still kept voting Conservative, keeping the party in power for a record-breaking 18 years.

If Margaret Thatcher had been divisive, the response of her opponents would surely have been to form a ‘popular front’, where differences amongst themselves would be forgotten in an anti-Conservative electoral alliance. In fact the precise reverse happened.

The excerpts above do not really do the articles justice;  they are there merely to whet your appetite.

Why did I do this?  Why talk about some long-dead British politician?  Just to remind everyone that Shakespeare was right:  “the evil that men do lives after them;  the good is oft interred with their bones.”

In Margaret Thatcher’s case, the good — the truth of the matter — is that she almost single-handedly saved Britain from ruin.  The “evil” is in fact how the Left has demonized her, and that evil does indeed live after her.

More Savings

Ah, it’s okay if they do it:

Representative Val Hoyle (D-OR) said on Monday on CNN’s “News Central” that Democratic lawmakers will not vote to fund the government if Republicans are advancing President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Wait, does that mean that the entire Feddle Gummint will shut down and won’t be paid?  Including Congress?

Oh, please let it be so.

And by the way, you little pinko pustule:  maybe the voters in your Commie district didn’t vote for Trump’s agenda, but the rest of us sure as hell did.

Now get out of the way so the adults can do what we sent them to D.C. to do.

Bad-Mannered Guests

Speaking as one who was once and “admitted alien” myself, let me say that until I became a U.S. citizen I was very aware that I was a guest in this country, and you’d better believe that I was on my very best behavior.

“What’s this ‘admitted alien’ thing, Kim?”

Glad you asked.  Here’s POTUS on the topic:

The new executive order from President Trump specifies that the United States “must ensure that admitted aliens and aliens otherwise already present in the United States do not bear hostile attitudes toward its citizens, culture, government, institutions, or founding principles, and do not advocate for, aid, or support designated foreign terrorists and other threats to our national security.”

You know what?  Even though there’s a First Amendment covering this stuff, I never thought it applied to me as a non-citizen.  Ditto the Second, by the way:  only after the swearing-in ceremony did I visit a local Merchant Of Death (only to be confronted by the hated Illinois Firearm Owner’s Card — FOID — restriction, which meant I had to wait until the People’s Revolutionary Council had okayed me to own a gun aaaaargh).

Anyway, I was always conscious that as a non-citizen, I was in essence a guest in this lovely country — a guest, by the way, who was already paying an obscene amount of taxes despite having no citizen’s rights, but I just considered it a fair payment in return for being able to live here.

And as a guest, I had to mind my Ps and Qs, because if I didn’t, there was always a chance (I feared) that America would decide that I wasn’t worth the trouble, and kick my ass back across the Atlantic.

Which is what POTUS apparently plans to do, an action which I support wholeheartedly.  If these foreigners can’t behave themselves, send them back to Shitholia without hesitation.