Quelle Surprise

Here’s one little story that shouldn’t really surprise anybody, but apparently it has.

This man went to a Kamala event wearing a Trump shirt, and a Trump event wearing a Kamala shirt. The difference in how he was treated was stunning.

Look, the Left (especially in the Western hemisphere) has always been characterized by its boorish (and often dangerous) behavior when it comes to dealing with people who don’t share their loony little vision of a perfect world.

Of course, that boorishness extends to “Establishment” institutions as well.  I remember Brando’s immortal line from On The Waterfront The Wild One  where he is asked just what, exactly, he has got against the Establishment (or, in the modern idiom, the belittling term “normies”).  His snarled answer of “What have you got?” typifies the attitude.

“Whatever we want is great and wonderful;  opposition to that — no matter how well-founded or realistic — is not only wrong, but evil.”

Hence the vituperative reaction of Lefties to a Trump t-shirt at one of their rallies.

Conservatives, on the other hand, tend to be a lot more tolerant, even accommodating in the opposite scenario, which is probably one reason why the Left has been able to extend and indeed entrench its various little substitutions:  free love for morality, intolerance for opposition, and so on.

Taking just one comparison:  when the Left — in the shape of the loathsome Jerry Rubin, Tom Hayden and Abbie Hoffman and their cohorts — took over college campuses in the late 1960s and the decades which followed, conservatives allowed them to occupy campus administration buildings in the name of “Free Speech!”, only evicting them when their behavior became too extreme to bear.  Of course, that takeover had dolorous consequences, because those Leftists and their philosophical progeny took over campuses really took over universities and entrenched their foul little political philosophy by becoming lecturers and administrators.  (One has only to look at what the Ivy League colleges have become to see exactly how rotten this takeover has made them.)

Now, of course, as the Left occupies most of academia and the media, not to mention popular culture, any opposition to them is not treated with the same respect as they were accorded, but with feral hostility.  (One has only to see the reaction of the Left when Elon Musk turned Twitter from a Leftist organ into something more open-platformed to find evidence of such.)

One would expect such hostility from younger people, because young people are often passionate about their beliefs (even when, as is often the case, when they are demonstrably wrong).  But if there’s one unifying characteristic of the modern Left, it’s that even their older adherents are similarly intolerant, and often as violent.

The comments to the above post are quite telling, and mostly reveal the stark differences between conservatives and the Left, e.g.:


You see, we make jokes about tossing Lefties from helicopters (thank you, General Pinochet);  but the Left is the side which actually has the death squads, mass executions, gulags and “re-education camps”.

And if you think that such an outcome is impossible in the United States, you’re as delusional as they are.

Quote Of The Day

Here’s the background to the quote below.

This is as true in the U.S. as it is in the U.K.

“It is hard to avoid the conclusion that we are ruled by people who fear the anger of the masses following acts of inhumanity more than they do the acts of inhumanity themselves.”

Note the overreaction of the political class to the theater of Jan 6, 2020.  If what’s happening in the U.K. now were to happen in the U.S., there’s no telling how they’d react.

Oh wait;  something like that did happen, when the Antifa/BLM riots leveled whole areas of various cities and anarchy became the order of the day in places like Portland and NYC.

But those riots were virtuous riots, you see, riots that were actually supported by the ruling- and media elites.  If ever there’s a furious backlash by conservatives against — oh I don’t know, say massive and palpable vote fraud by the socialists which prevents Donald Trump from winning the November 2024 election — you can be damn sure that the Marines will be mobilized, posse comitatus  be damned.

This is going to be interesting.

Yeah, Whatever

It appears that the brand-new Brit Foreign Secretary doesn’t have too high an opinion of our next President:

Britain’s newly installed top diplomat [David Lammy] has refused to back down from his past comments branding Donald Trump as a “neo-Nazi-sympathising sociopath”.

Considering that he’s part of the Labour (a.k.a. Socialist) Party, that’s unsurprising.

What will be surprising (to him) is how Trump responds to this kind of non-diplomatic speech.

Because Trump is an Anglophile, he’s unlikely to expel the Brit Ambassador and freeze out the Labour Government — which is what I would do in similar circumstances — and to be frank, he’s heard worse from our own local Socialists.

Anyway, the real power in Britishland is not in the Labour government, but amongst the financiers in the City.

Kinda like the bond traders in Manhattan, really.

But understanding reality has never been a strong suit on the Left.  Just wait and see, for example, what happens when they re-nationalize Britain’s railways.
(Can you spell “C-A-T-A-S-T-R-O-P-H-I-C  F-A-I-L-U-R-E”, children?)

And the Izzies, of course, know exactly what side their bread is buttered on:

“Israelis and the prime minister remember very, very well the incredible support which President Trump, while he was in office, gave to this country,” said Israeli government spokesman David Mencer.

After the foreign policy failures of FJBiden’s administration, I suspect that more than a few countries feel the same way as Israel, and not like Britain.

No Chance, Assholes

Oh wow… all of a sudden the Left has realized that demonizing the opposition and calling for their assassination, not to mention trying to get them off the ballot and tossing them into jail on bullshit charges, has all backfired, and now want “unity”?

Not gonna happen assholes (and this guy agrees with me) .

Making the political the personal sometimes gets, well, personal.  And as far as I’m concerned, the only reason that we conservatives haven’t flipped the switch and started getting seriously personal is that up until now we’ve shrunk from using their own tactics against them.

And we’re probably not going to do so, either.

Unless they really go beyond the pale.

And that point is… for us to know, and for them to discover.

Vote Of Confidence (Part Deux)

The ascension of the Commies to the BritGov in Britishland caused people to start looking for places to get away from Commissar Starmer’s policies (as reported here). especially after when literally only a few hours into power, he unveiled all sorts of wickedness.

Over the Channel, then, there came this:

France’s leftwing parties have begun jockeying to lead the country’s next government after their unexpected parliamentary election victory thwarted Marine Le Pen’s efforts to bring the far right to power. Amid warnings from a former European Central Bank chief that their spending plans risked catastrophe, members of the hastily cobbled-together leftist Nouveau Front Populaire (NFP) jousted with each other over who to back for prime minister. The NFP won the most seats in the National Assembly after the second-round vote on Sunday, but is far short of a majority, although it ended ahead of both President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Ensemble alliance and Le Pen’s Rassemblement National (NR).

The results marked a success for centrist and leftist parties’ bid to form a common “front républicain” by pulling out of races to avoid splitting the anti-RN vote. It was also a stinging setback for Le Pen. But the leftist bloc — which ranges from the centre-left Socialists to Greens, communists and the far-left La France Insoumise, its biggest constituent party — will struggle to form a government.

“Within the week, we need to be in a position to present a candidate for prime minister and force the president to take this situation into account,” said Olivier Faure, leader of the Socialists, who made gains on Sunday. He also hit out at Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the LFI’s firebrand leftist leader, as “certainly the most divisive” figure within the NFP bloc and as lacking the consensus profile needed for the post of prime minister.

And to the surprise of absolutely nobody:

Prominent French Jews Urge Fellow Jews To Leave Following Left Dominating Elections

…because the Left in Europe (and especially in France) are virulently pro-Muslim and ant-Semitic (as are all French Muslims, almost by definition).

But even more telling is this:

Wealthy and Productive French Citizens Are Eyeing Escapes to Switzerland, Italy

…not all of whom are Jews, of course, but a good number must be.

Popcorn anyone?

Might as well sit and watch the bonfires Over There until the Socialists steal our own next election (again).