Too Late For That

From a Democrat:

Rep. Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) is leaving the party and becoming a Republican over the issue of impeachment, which he has long been opposed to.
Van Drew told CNN earlier this month that Democrats should “be careful what [they] wish for” because impeachment “is tearing the nation apart.”

Hate to tell you this, Jeff old cock, but your ex-buddies started the tearing a long time before impeachment was even mentioned.  Think back to labeling amiable people such as G.W. Bush and even Mitt Romney as “Hitler” and “fascist” — and not once being rebuked by party leadership for doing so — and I think you’ll see who started all this, and when.

Just don’t be surprised if in November, your newly-adopted party’s leader wins 45 states and you lose your seat.  (Think:  Stalin’s opinion of Trotsky, and you’ll get an idea of your party’s reaction.  Remember:  Marxists always reserve their greatest hatred for people whom they call “counter-revolutionaries”, i.e. party members who dare to go against the Party.)

Polls Apart

I see this from the Rassholes:

Voters are ready to jail or fire senior law enforcement officials who illegally targeted President Trump.

This is all part of the pussification of American society, because I’m pretty sure that if the polls were taken exclusively among my Readers and those of similar ilk, “jail” would disappear altogether and be replaced with “hanging, drawing and quartering”, “scourging” or “flaying”, with the tender-hearted among us (there may be one or two) favoring “tar ‘n feathers” and similar, more-humanitarian punishments.

We are, after all, talking about sedition if not treason.  And it was either started by, or actively condoned by, the guy at the top at the time.

And if you don’t at least smile grimly at the thought of Comey, Brennan, Clapper et al.  being the featured attractions at a noose party, I don’t wanna talk to you.

New Wrinkle

I remember listening many years ago to a discussion between Derek & Clive (Peter Cook and Dudley Moore respectively) about politics.  Margaret Thatcher was facing reelection, and Derek had a fairly novel suggestion:

“I think that Mrs. Thatcher should broaden her appeal to voters by giving us a brief — but tasteful — glimpse of her vag.”

Now it should be remembered that at the time, the BritPM was quite a babe (by politicians’ standards, anyway):

…and her wardrobe always managed to conceal a rather impressive bust, so Derek’s suggestion was not at all out of left field.

Now before I go any further, you may be thinking that I’m about to suggest that all  female politicians follow Derek’s suggestion, but of course, nothing could be further from the truth — as a simple illustration would show:

Clearly, this is not a vote-catching approach with universal application.

However:  if there is a reasonably-attractive female politician who, for various reasons cannot attract a significant number of voters for whatever reason, how could it hurt?

With that in mind, allow me to show you one such politician who, despite having some fairly decent policy positions (for a Democrat), is still trailing way back in the polls;  it’s the lady from Hawaii, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard:


Now granted, young Tulsi is of the Democrat persuasion, and their core constituency seems to be made up exclusively of rabid feminists and wizened lesbians (some overlap), Muslim sycophants if not actual Muslims (who would want the whore stoned if she revealed her pudenda), homosexual men (ergo immune to her charms) and political apparatchiks who, from all accounts, have no sex life outside the Party.  So maybe a quick vag-flash wouldn’t work with them.

Still, given that Rep. Gabbard has managed to garner maybe 1% support in the polls, my question remains:  how much could it hurt?

Or is the basement-dwelling neckbeard incel population too small to matter?

I think we should be told.

Ultimately, Margaret Thatcher didn’t take Derek’s advice but still managed a thumping victory in that election (largely because she organized a thorough thrashing of the Argies for invading the Falkland Islands — can’t go wrong, slaughtering Argies).

But Tulsi can’t even order a carrier battle group to launch attacks against a second-tier target such as, say, Honduras let alone a massive pounding of Iran — always a proven vote-getter (sadly among conservatives, not Democrats) — and in any event, she has gone on record as being against U.S. aggression in foreign lands, so all that’s a non-starter.

All the more reason, thinks I, for her to consider the Vag Option.

Next up:  Nikki Haley.

Snowflake Government

Yeah, this is going to end well:

Fortunately, this little experiment is taking place in Finland, so the fallout won’t be too bad.  (And I always thought the Finns were the sensible  Scandinavians…)

Can you imagine this bunch of ingenues sitting down to negotiate anything  with Vladimir Putin or that Commie asshole from China?

World’s gone fucking crazy.

Sempiterna Sinistra

So the Britishland elections are over, and Boris “The Babe” Johnson has absolutely routed the evil Communists and Europhiles who opposed him (see link for body counts).

Of course, the Left has responded to their loss in typical fashion:

Yup… anyone who opposes them and their Marxist dogma is eeevil, raayyycisss and shellfish.

Kinda like our Lefties Over Here, huh?

Fuck ’em, and the class envy they rode in on.  And to the Stout Bulldogs among my Readers:  wave buh-bye to the EU and their minions:

…and allow me to share some of our favorite 2016 vintage with you:

Clown Car Update

Sayonara  to Kamala Harris, you evil incompetent bitch.

Only a dozen or so more, then, who have to commit suicide errr fall over a cliff ummm slip on a bar of soap ehhh fall up a flight of stairs whoops drink a gallon of antifreeze I mean quit — until you-know-who decides to insert her foul presence back into the polity.