Change — An Alternative View

In this article, Rick Moran worries about Orange County Going Socialist, and What That Means:

Orange County Is Reagan Country No More
They used to vote Republican in huge numbers in Orange County, California. The county used to be one of the most Republican in the country, but with Democrat Katie Porter unseating GOP incumbent Rep. Mimi Walters, Republicans are beginning to look nervously at 2020 and wonder where all their votes have gone.

And Moran’s take is:

Is Trump accelerating the GOP decline? There’s no doubt that Trump’s antics as president have energized his base. They are, if anything, more loyal and enthusiastic today than they were when he was elected.
The rest of the country? Not so much.
As leader of the party, Trump is responsible for its growth or decline. Right now, it’s declining across the board. The answer is not goosing Trump’s base supporters. The answer has to be broadening the appeal of the party.

I’m not so sure. I think that the answer to the Orange County change is simple:  I bet that Hispanic voters (i.e. Socialists) are moving in;  but mostly, Republican voters are leaving California.  And as Orange County has (or had) a huge number of suburban middle-class families — the people most adversely affected by California’s insane government — it’s a simple case of changing demographics.

I know that the plural of anecdote is not data, but not long ago I gave a lift to a one-time Orange County resident (a conservative Republican, by his own admission) who had moved to Plano because he was totally sick of California government’s effect on his small business.  He told me that he wasn’t the only one;  almost all his friends from his neighborhood (also Republicans) had either already left the state or were in the final stages of doing so.  And he admitted to me that he voted for Trump in 2016, as had all those same friends whether still in California or not.

I likewise suspect (also from anecdote) that this is happening in Ventura County as well.

I would love to see the population-shift statistics from Orange County by party affiliation to see if that, and not Trump, has been the reason for the change in voting patterns.  If that is the case, there’s nothing Trump (or any Republican) can do about it.

Oh, and one more thing:  I think I persuaded my ex-Californian passenger to buy a gun and get his carry permit — and I’m pretty sure he’s going to do it because when I gave him the names of a few of our local gun shops, he keyed them into his phone.  (I told him that he should do it just to stick it in CalGov Jerry Brown’s eye, and he laughed like hell at the thought.)

One at a time, folks;  one at a time.

Hyperbole — Or Is It?

So having taken back the U.S. House, the Socialists are starting to feel their oats:

WASHINGTON — A Democratic congressman has proposed outlawing “military-style semiautomatic assault weapons” and forcing existing owners to sell their weapons or face prosecution, a major departure from prior gun control proposals that typically exempt existing firearms.
In a USA Today op-ed entitled “Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters,” Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., argued Thursday that prior proposals to ban assault weapons “would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come.”
Swalwell proposes that the government should offer up to $1,000 for every weapon covered by a new ban, estimating that it would take $15 billion to buy back roughly 15 million weapons — and “criminally prosecute any who choose to defy [the buyback] by keeping their weapons.”

And when he got some blowback, the little turd went full Stalin:

It is a recurring fantasy of socialists that they can disarm Americans without too much difficulty.  Of course, we know that’s not true, and if the FedGov were ever to try it, the cost would be prohibitive (in so many ways).  And for the record, let’s forget all about nukes.  That’s just a wet dream on the part of socialists like Swalwell;  they want to wish the problem away with a wave of a magic wand — it’s a recurring fantasy of theirs for just about every issue — and “nukes” is just a shorthand.

Where this socialist scumbag and his ilk are dangerous is this bullshit talk of “common ground”.  Let me make this clear:  between gun owners and gun confiscators, there is no common ground.  It’s the same with the “commonsense gun control legislation” that they bat around:  there’s no such thing.  Every single piece of legislation suggested by gun controllers has one, and only one goal in mind:  the eventual disarming of the American people.  They can protest all they want, but we know the truth of the matter, which is that all gun control legislation is incremental, because they know that sweeping gun control (confiscation and disarmament) just ain’t gonna happen, dreams of the Swalwell types notwithstanding.

It is quite possible that gun confiscation might have some small success — e.g. in Swalwell’s own district (see below), where the incidence of legal gun ownership is probably quite low and the Democrat Socialist-majority voting population might even support the idea of giving up whatever guns they have.  (And I know what you’re thinking:  nuking the 15th district, and especially with the concomitant fallout, would actually solve quite a few problems, but let’s not go there.)

Also, Swalwell might have at his behest the loathsome assholes of the California State Police, who were so notably efficient in disarming households in New Orleans during the Hurricane Katrina floods.  So yeah:  it’s quite feasible that confiscation could work there.

In North Texas, not so much.  In the first place, the would-be confiscators would have to overcome Texas political sentiment about guns — good luck with that — and according to our last county sheriff, the confiscating force would first have to go through his deputies to get to our guns.  And I’m sure that north Texas isn’t alone in this attitude, not just in Texas but all over the U.S.

We don’t have to worry about gun confiscation, the wet dreams of pissants like Swalwell notwithstanding.  What we have to worry about is, as I said above, all the “reasonable” gun control legislation such as, for example, legislation that would limit the type of gun you can own, or equally bad, limits on things like the amount or types of ammunition you can own, or whether you have to register with government as a “gun owner” before being able to buy it.  (Don’t laugh;  that’s the situation that faces  Californian gun owners right now.)

Did I already mention that today is National Ammo Day?

Let me offer a little additional advice:  if you don’t already own a semi-automatic rifle (and we all know what I mean by that), you might want to improve your gun collection by buying an AK-47, AR-15/20 type, SAR-58 or HK-91 (to name but some options) — and buy it today (along with a “sufficiency” of ammo for the rifle, of course).  Send me an email if you want some more details.

Quote Of The Day

Here’s a statement by hapless KrautPM Angela Merkel (no link, it’s CNN fuck ’em):

German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned a “worrying” resurgence of anti-Semitism in Germany, including a rise in violence attacks, and appealed for a defense of liberal democratic values and institutions.

…and here’s Insty’s QOTD:

“Weird how when you import a bunch of anti-Semites you get more antisemitism.”

Coming Soon To Every Place Near You

Over at The Last Refuge, Sundance makes a few predictions now that the Socialists will be taking over the House:

First, any intellectually honest review must overlay the current political environment. In 2018 the scale of unchecked lawless behavior is a significant influence toward the differences we can expect from the last time Democrat/Marxists held congressional power.  The term “Democrat-socialism”, in essence a Marxist approach, is now the dominant fuel within the professional DNC political operations.

Secondly, it cannot be overstated how violent and confrontational the House of Representatives will be as soon as they are sworn in. They will work with an immediate purposeful intention.  All political violence will be approved to attain their objectives.  The recent behavior of Jim Acosta (CNN media), and ANTIFA toward Tucker Carlson, is now, and will be going forward, the new normal.
There will be extreme political violence.

In my opinion few reading this have any idea just how bad these next two years are going to be.  It’s not your fault.  We are the normal people who don’t spend every moment of our day scheming, conniving, and developing plans to dismantle the lives of your freedom loving community and rebuild it as a collective society.  For these Marxists who are about to take power that’s all they do.  Every moment of their existence they spend thinking about how to gain power and dominate, 24/7/365 that’s all they do.

For myself, I don’t see much to disagree with here.  What interests me more is how the Executive Branch, the Senate and the Judiciary — and the Republican Party — deal with the situation.

Let’s see how this starts to pan out.  In the meantime, I think you all know what to do.

Half Of All White Women Are Stupid

And no, it’s not the half referred to by this silly Brit tart in The Grauniad, it’s the half of all White women who stupidly continue to vote for the Socialists.  Here’s why I think this.

I’m always told that women have a built-in need for security (created by thousands of years of conditioning for being the — physically — weaker sex).  This, we are assured, is why women continue to vote for Big Government parties such as proposed by the Socialists — that women’s social safety is guaranteed by Gummint — despite all the evidence collected over recent decades that the Big Government parties provide anything but security.

As an example, I wonder how many of the millions of women who have fled the Big-Government paradises of, say, Venezuela or Cuba would vote again for a socialist government (assuming, of course, that said government would allow them to vote against the Party).

And with such evidence clearly apparent to all, why then would any White women even consider letting the socialists (or the Socialist Party U.S.A.) become the ruling government party?

Well, the simple answer is that despite all the evidence of socialist failures, half of White women are stupid enough either to remain ignorant of, or to willfully ignore said evidence, and continue to support the party which promises that Big Brother Government will take care of all security issues.

Rush Limbaugh is of the opinion that such stupidity can only come from having attended college, which pushes the “all Marxism, all the time” agenda through the various “-Studies” courses.  Using the Grauniad bint’s own words to illustrate the point, try this one on for size:

White women’s identity places them in a curious position at the intersection of two vectors of privilege and oppression: they are granted structural power by their race, but excluded from it by their sex. In a political system where racism and sexism are both so deeply ingrained, white women must choose to be loyal to either the more powerful aspect of their identity, their race, or to the less powerful, their sex. Some Republican white women might lean into racism not only for racism’s sake, but also as a means of avoiding or denying the realities of how sexist oppression makes them vulnerable.

Anytime a writer uses a scientific word like “vector” and applies it to a social situation, there is a 99.99% chance that this application was learned at a university.  (Donegan then goes on to worshipfully quote the late (and much-discredited) ultra-feminist harpy Andrea Dworkin, which of course should disqualify her entire thesis to any rational human being, male or female.  But try this stretch:

What is wrong with white women? Why do half of them so consistently vote for Republicans, even as the Republican party morphs into a monstrously ugly organization that is increasingly indistinguishable from a hate group? The most likely answer seems to be that white women vote for Republicans for the same reason that white men do: because they are racist. Trump, with his raucous rallies and his bloviating, combative style, has offered his supporters an opportunity to savor the pleasures of being cruel. It is likely that the white women who voted for him in 2016, and who will vote for him again in 2020, find this racist sadism gratifying. It is fun for them.

If I were a rational White woman — i.e. one who doesn’t buy into any of the lies of socialism any more — I’d be steaming with rage about now at having this race-guilt bullshit applied to them.

Because that’s all Donegan’s piece is:  a transparent attempt to shame White women to stay in the socialist mindset, or if not already there, to move into it.

What’s even more risible is Donegan’s characterization of the two American political parties, viz.:

There is a battle on for the soul of America, between the peevish, racist cruelty of Trump and his supporters and a vision of inclusion, justice, and decency forwarded by an increasingly diverse coalition on the left.

Let me be as succinct as I can, here.

The “increasingly diverse coalition on the left” is not inclusive (hence the demonization of White women as racist).  Nor does this coalition favor justice (“believe the woman and ignore the evidence”).  As for decency… fucking hell, let’s ask Brett Kavanaugh, Heidi Cruz, Elaine Chao, Nikki Haley and Kirstjen Nielsen how well the Left “forwards” that  behavior.

As always with the Left, it’s all a pack of lies — all of it, without exception — and what truly gladdens me is that at least half of all White women have realized that, are not fooled, and refuse to have any truck with them.

Long may that attitude continue, and grow.  For all our sakes.

Bring Him Over

I see that a bunch of Brit pantywaist MPs are shocked — shocked!  — that celebrity rightwinger Tommy Robinson wants to come over to the U.S. and they’re doing something about it:

Robinson, a founder and former member of the far-Right group the English Defence League, has been invited to speak at an event in Washington later this month.
He is understood to be waiting for authorisation under the U.S.’s ESTA system before embarking on the trip, which opponents fear could open up new sources of funding for his campaigns.
A cross-party group of MPs has now written to the Trump’s administration’s Mike Pompeo, head of the U.S. State department, insisting Robinson should not be allowed to use the trip to ‘promote his violent and extremist agenda’.

Once again, stupid fucking Brit politicians demonstrate that they know nothing about our political system.  You see [he explained patiently]  we have this thing called the “First Amendment” to our Constitution which explains quite clearly that if someone wants to suggest that allowing hordes of radical Muslim assholes into a country is not A Good Thing, then he can go right ahead and say it.

In fact, if Pompeo accedes to their pathetic little complaint, I would suggest that he needs a kick in the balls and should be given some remedial study of said Constitution.  (I can’t imagine that he would even listen to these morons let alone stop Robinson from coming in, but stranger things have happened.)

I can’t get up to D.C. to see Robinson in action, but I await the inevitable video of his speech with bated breath.  (I bet it turns out to be quite innocuous, in American terms anyway.)

Fucking Brit politicians are all a bunch of timorous neo-totalitarians, regardless of party — and if Pompeo is going to ban anyone from coming over here, it should be these fifty MPs, for attempting to stifle freedom of speech.  Now that I’d get behind.