Total Agreement, Total War

Try as I may, I cannot raise a single objection to anything in this article:

Debate and discussion with any of the manifestations of the left is a non-starter since the left does not debate or discuss. It adheres to a rigid orthodoxy that will allow no reconsideration or reflection on the putative axioms it regards as sacred. It is, in essence, the contemporary version of Bolshevism. The left will lie, slander, cheat and commit violence to further its goals. Its mind is deadbolted shut.

And unlike pontificators (like Z-Man) who do a great job of diagnosing the problem, but have no other answers other than vague nostrums of “organizing” — such as discussed here:

Remaining content with radio talk, podcasts, interviews, essays and articles that alert the public to the impending disaster, though not to be scanted, is only a necessary first step. Delivering an angry vote may stave off the brunt of the calamity for an interval, but will not significantly alter the dynamics.
In the present situation, the trouble is that Trump’s greatest virtue—arbitration, diplomacy, compromise, carrot-and-stick—is also his critical vice. He may be excellent on trade and the economy, but does not seem to understand that on the home front in today’s political and cultural climate, the art of the deal does not work. The Democrats in their current disposition are not interested in dealing. Antifa is not interested in negotiating. A totalitarian plutocrat like George Soros, who as a youth collaborated with the Nazis and is proud of it, is not interested in consultation. The media are not interested in reporting the truth.
The Democrats, for example, are no longer an established political party but a revolutionary organism bent on scrapping the Constitution. Antifa is a guerilla outfit reminiscent of Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the Red Brigade and Baader-Meinhof. The media have become outright propaganda bullhorns for the left. None of these are trading partners. They are not economic rivals. They are not foreign nations that have to take American military power and punishing tariffs into account. They are fifth columns that are irremediably corrupt, extremist by nature, and absolutely relentless.

David Solway has a plan.  

I have argued that Trump must bring anti-trust legislation to bear on the major internet platforms and search engines now practicing overt censorship on users they oppose and to redefine them as public utilities. He must go further. His initiative on the census citizenship question is laudable but insufficient. He must use the means at his disposal, as did Lincoln, to confront the domestic enemies of the republic with uncompromising force: to declare Antifa an enemy of the state and arrest its financial backers on grounds either of sedition or treason, to be determined by a military tribunal; to bring Democrat politicians who have betrayed the nation (selling 20% of Uranium One to the Russian firm Rosatom, promoting the Benghazi scandal that cost four Americans their lives, weaponizing official agencies like the IRS and FBI, spying on its political opponents, streaming illegals and Third World immigrants to camber the demographics in their favor, subsidizing Iran with pallets of cash, accepting donations and colluding with foreign nationals) before the courts; and to de-license journalists and their media organizations that are in clear violation of the SPJ Code of Ethics.

In other words, Trump has to become what the Left has been claiming (baselessly, of course) that he already is:  a ruthless foe of the Left and someone who does not compromise with those who themselves aren’t prepared to compromise.  In other words, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the nation needs to fucking do his job and direct the agencies that report to him to do their jobs.  And fire the ones who refuse.

We have all these laws that are supposed to protect us, protect the Republic and our way of life.  I would suggest that at this point, a failure to do the above would be the grossest act of betrayal by our elected President.

For the real and imminent threat to the republic comes not from Russia, China, Iran or North Korea. It comes from within: from the gatekeeper dot-coms, from the legacy media, from the Democrat Party, from billionaire tycoons laboring to dismantle the nation, from the social justice consortium, from political actors in the municipal and jurisprudential realms who support insurgency and do everything they can to thwart the president’s initiatives, from educators who have turned schools and universities into indoctrination camps, and from Guevara-like cadres growing bloodier and more frenzied by the day. If this is not a clear and present danger that portends the death of a nation and the eventual birth of a Marxist-like dictatorship, then nothing is.

The enemy is not at the gates;  he is inside the walls, and already well-entrenched.  We need — no, we insist on — massive and all-encompassing legal warfare against this virus that will destroy this country.

Only the President can do that.  Only this  President can do that.  And it’s time.

Not Gonna Happen

Over at PJM, ol’ Roger thinks our presidential campaigns are too long (I agree) and wants to do something about it:

How about postponing the campaign until Thanksgiving and allowing the country and Congress to go about their real business? The British manage their campaigns in only 60 days. Maybe we could squeeze it down to, say, 180.

While he makes some excellent points about the folly of long election campaigns, Roger falls into the liberal trap of wishful thinking.  Whenever some asswipe Lefty (i.e. all of them) makes some stupid proposal, the common response from conservatives is twofold:

  • “How are you gonna pay for it?” — OR —
  • “How are you going to do that, exactly ?”

To whit:  “Free health care for everybody” gets question #1 in response;  and “We’re going to come around to your house and take away your guns!” gets question #2.

The problem with trying to limit the length of presidential (or any) electoral campaigns is that we have that pesky Constitution, in the form of the First Amendment.

If it’s (say) a week before Thanksgiving and someone says, “When I’m president, I will…”, telling someone that “You’re not allowed to say that yet” would result in you getting your pee-pee severely whacked by the courts, and deservedly so.

The Brits get away with their 60-day election campaigns by simply banning election speeches and so on before the start date.  Try doing that in the U.S. of A., and a shit-storm will ensue.  We’re a free people, and if Governor Sextoy Butt-Plug (D) of Michigan wants to announce in 2019 that she’s going to run for the presidency in 2031, she’s perfectly within her rights.

I’m irritated by  the perpetual campaigning thing myself, but at the same time, the First Amendment is more important than my irritation.  Some people are frightened by guns, but the Second Amendment is more important than their trepidation.  That’s how the whole thing works, even if it is inconvenient sometimes.

True Story

Apparently Rep. Frederica Willams (Communist-FL) was on her way to a speaking engagement when she discovered she’d forgotten to brush her teeth.  She stopped at a Walgreens on the way, and sent her assistant into the store to get her a toothbrush.

“Can I get a toothbrush for Congresswoman Williams?” she asked the clerk breathlessly.
The clerk thought for a moment, then replied, “Sounds like a fair trade.”

OMG — I think I’m going to be arrested for that.

Not Buying It

Looks like ol’ Jim Treacher’s getting all bent out of shape about this story, but right out the box I’m not buying Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s story — and nor are others.  Here’s why I feel the way I do.

1) AOC is a habitual liar.  In her short career as a House Rep., AOC has lied, fabricated and exaggerated about just about everything:  her background, her home life, her campaign finances… the list is endless, because she lies every time she speaks, and she speaks constantly:  a nonstop barrage of bullshit.

2) All socialists lie, whether to conceal crimes (e.g. Hillary Clinton and her illegal email server) or to further their agenda (e.g. gun controllers using false data), or in service of their philosophy (“we protect the people against the bosses”), or for immediate political gain (the current border emergency).  AOC is just a poster-child for this lying.

When AOC says that Border Patrol officers threatened her, I don’t believe her.  It’s quite possible they made fun of her or made derogatory remarks to each other about her — but that’s not a threat.

What I think happened was that Representative Snowflake may have felt  threatened by having a bunch of armed officers standing around her — gun-fearing wussies often are — and they may not have given her the respect she felt she deserves — fair enough, considering that she wants to eliminate all their jobs — but none of that is threatening behavior.  The fact is that her “fact-finding” mission was a total bust:  she couldn’t find any evidence of bad stuff to buttress her absurd claims of “border concentration camps”, so she’s made up all these bullshit accusations to compensate (not to mention being overcome with grief at the sight of an empty parking lot).

This silly little girl’s fifteen minutes of fame are almost up, and I hope that the voters of her district show some sense and toss her skinny ass out of Congress next year.

And perhaps Treacher’s pearl-clutching is actually satirical, but it sure doesn’t read like that.

*If actual proof of threats and such become available — note the word proof  — then I’ll change my opinion.  I won’t be holding my breath.

Quote Of The Day

From Bearing Arms, after the first round of Great Clown Car Debates:

“Pro tip to Democrats: If Elizabeth Freaking Warren sounds like the voice of reason, it might be time to reevaluate your life choices.”

This after she was slammed for not embracing “Australia”-type gun control.