Old Times, No Longer Relevant

Via Insty, David Bernstein has an interesting post about some Democrat asswipe coming to the assistance of serial anti-Semite / newbie Socialist House Rep. Ilhan Omar.  He makes the issue about “checking privilege”, but I have a different take.  Here’s the screenshot, with the part that interests me highlighted:

Okay, let’s agree with Clyburn’s statement, arguendo.  Here’s my take:

Can today’s Blacks, and the Democrats and Socialists who support their claims, just shut the fuck up about 19th-century slavery and forget all about “reparations”? 

And a footnote to Rep. Omar:  it wasn’t the Jews  who put you in a refugee camp either, so you can STFU as well.

Cutting Out The Middlemen

I think I can safely say that all who visit this here back porch are in agreement that centralization of the governmental kind is generally meant to create efficiencies, but seldom does.

The same is true of pretty much any organization which is dealing solely with collecting and disbursing other people’s money — and here I’m turning my baleful gaze onto the cockroaches known as “international aid societies”, who can skim money out of donations better than any dairy can skim the cream off milk.  And I have some support in this viewpoint, from the BritGov of all places:

Aid minister Penny Mordaunt has drawn up plans for the UK to take more control of how we help countries around the world.
The International Development Secretary has demanded a major overhaul so less of the UK’s £14.1billion aid budget is handed out through staff at international agencies.
She wants to use the cash to fund specific projects chosen by Britain with more oversight to make sure money is not wasted.
The proposal is part of this year’s comprehensive spending review, which will set the course of Government budgets for the next few years. Around a third (37 per cent) of the aid budget is currently spent as contributions to multilateral organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and European Commission.

Leaving aside the need for a minister for aid (the Brits love this Yes, Minister crap), what Mordaunt says is absolutely correct.  For those who know not who she is, by the way, allow me to enlighten with a  couple pics:




The Right Honorable Member from Portsmouth North sure makes a change from the dreary Socialist trolls who infest our body politic, doesn’t she?  And she makes sense — an even bigger change.

Same Old Shit Under The Shiny Wrapping

Well, well, well… it appears that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the sparkly little CommieNewGirl from the Bronx, is pretty much the same as all the other dirty politicians now infesting Congress:

Her Wealthy Chief of Staff used a PAC to Pay Her Boyfriend


Like other candidates, AOC paid Brand New Congress LLC for strategic consulting, in her case totaling $18,880.14. Unlike in the other cases, Brand New Congress PAC turned around and paid her boyfriend as a “marketing consultant”.
Indeed, while Brand New Congress PAC’s ten largest expenditures were paid to Brand New Congress LLC for “strategic consulting,” a sum that totaled $261,165.20 over the course of the campaign, its eleventh and twelfth largest expenditures were paid to Riley Roberts.

When AOC won, she then hired Chakrabarti, her strategist/patron, as her Chief of Staff. Taking money from a rich guy, trying to hide it by passing it through a PAC, and then giving her benefactor a government job.
That’s definitely unethical and potentially illegal. Chakrabarti may have made an illegal campaign contribution in excess of federal limits. Regardless, it raises questions about Chakrabarti’s hiring as AOC’s Chief of Staff after her election.


Afterthought:  as for the other CommieNewGirl, Kamala Harris?  Her own father thinks she’s an asshole.  Looks like the Socialist Class of 2020 isn’t faring too well.

Not So Fast

So there’s this poll result which says the following:

53 percent of Californians are considering moving out of state due to the high cost of living.  Millennials are even more likely to flee the Golden State — 63 percent of them said they want to.

Seeing as everyone’s all okay with using personal data these days, how about this thought:

Cross-reference all those Californians who want to leave California with their voting records in the last presidential- and /or mid-term elections.  If they voted Democrat in either, then they can’t leave to live in a red state.  If they voted Democrat in both, then they have to stay where they are.

Sound fair?

Dire Consequences

…in this case, what happens when you elect a Socialist asshole vegan from New Jersey [some overlap]  to Congress:

Sen. Cory Booker said in an interview published Tuesday that the continuation of meat-eating will destroy the planet.

“We will destroy our planet unless we start figuring out a better way forward when it comes to our climate change and our environment,” he added.
Despite his apocalyptic claims, Mr. Booker cautioned that he doesn’t want to ban meat-eating or even preach to people.

Of course  you don’t, you lying fuckwit.  You’re a Socialist:  your kind has a collective orgasm by banning stuff and preaching to people because — wait for it — you know better than we do what’s good for us (and in this case, the planet).  And vegans are even worse.

Go choke on a celery stick, Spartacus, and the sooner the better.

Are We There Yet?

From Stephen Green:

Now we have this bit of non-thinking from studious non-thinker Alexandria Occasional-Cortex.
• NYC was going to give Amazon a three-billion dollar tax break; i.e., not collect that much in taxes from Amazon’s new NYC HQ2.
• Now that Amazon has cancelled HQ2, AOC believes that NYC can spend that money they never collected, from a business which isn’t coming to NYC, on NYC’s favorite progressive causes.

As BidnessMan said:  

And please note the date on his post… so much more stupid has flowed since then.