True Story

Apparently Rep. Frederica Willams (Communist-FL) was on her way to a speaking engagement when she discovered she’d forgotten to brush her teeth.  She stopped at a Walgreens on the way, and sent her assistant into the store to get her a toothbrush.

“Can I get a toothbrush for Congresswoman Williams?” she asked the clerk breathlessly.
The clerk thought for a moment, then replied, “Sounds like a fair trade.”

OMG — I think I’m going to be arrested for that.

Not Buying It

Looks like ol’ Jim Treacher’s getting all bent out of shape about this story, but right out the box I’m not buying Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s story — and nor are others.  Here’s why I feel the way I do.

1) AOC is a habitual liar.  In her short career as a House Rep., AOC has lied, fabricated and exaggerated about just about everything:  her background, her home life, her campaign finances… the list is endless, because she lies every time she speaks, and she speaks constantly:  a nonstop barrage of bullshit.

2) All socialists lie, whether to conceal crimes (e.g. Hillary Clinton and her illegal email server) or to further their agenda (e.g. gun controllers using false data), or in service of their philosophy (“we protect the people against the bosses”), or for immediate political gain (the current border emergency).  AOC is just a poster-child for this lying.

When AOC says that Border Patrol officers threatened her, I don’t believe her.  It’s quite possible they made fun of her or made derogatory remarks to each other about her — but that’s not a threat.

What I think happened was that Representative Snowflake may have felt  threatened by having a bunch of armed officers standing around her — gun-fearing wussies often are — and they may not have given her the respect she felt she deserves — fair enough, considering that she wants to eliminate all their jobs — but none of that is threatening behavior.  The fact is that her “fact-finding” mission was a total bust:  she couldn’t find any evidence of bad stuff to buttress her absurd claims of “border concentration camps”, so she’s made up all these bullshit accusations to compensate (not to mention being overcome with grief at the sight of an empty parking lot).

This silly little girl’s fifteen minutes of fame are almost up, and I hope that the voters of her district show some sense and toss her skinny ass out of Congress next year.

And perhaps Treacher’s pearl-clutching is actually satirical, but it sure doesn’t read like that.

*If actual proof of threats and such become available — note the word proof  — then I’ll change my opinion.  I won’t be holding my breath.

Quote Of The Day

From Bearing Arms, after the first round of Great Clown Car Debates:

“Pro tip to Democrats: If Elizabeth Freaking Warren sounds like the voice of reason, it might be time to reevaluate your life choices.”

This after she was slammed for not embracing “Australia”-type gun control.

Robbing Peter To Pay Someone Else (TBD)

Now that the dust has settled from the first of the Clown Car Debates featuring the complete (so far) slate of Socialist presidential candidates for 2020, one fact has emerged:  the Socialists want to give everything away:  education, health care, cash, transport, forty acres and a mule… I think I got it all.

To which everyone with an IQ higher than the average refrigerator setting will be asking, “But how are they going to pay for all this free stuff?”

As always, one looks across the Pond for inspiration because the entrenched socialists Over There are full of “new” ideas.  Here’s one:

The Shadow Chancellor said he was interested in replacing the current levy with a ‘lifetime gifts tax’ on cash or homes given to children.
He claimed the plan, which the Tories say would affect 10 million households, could ensure ‘wealth is more fairly distributed’. At present, the inheritance tax threshold is £475,000, or £950,000 for couples. Only 640,000 households end up paying the tax each year.
But a lifetime gifts tax (LGT) would see each child paying tax on everything their parents gave them – either during their lives or after their deaths – above £125,000. The two children in a typical family would, therefore, only be able to inherit an estate worth £250,000 tax-free.
Once an individual exceeds the threshold, any further gifts would be taxed annually at income tax rates.

And if you think our home-grown Marxists wouldn’t consider a scheme like this, think again.

And as Thomas Sowell (PBUH) just turned 89 over the past weekend, what better reason to post this:

When non-sequiturs become policy, you’ll find a Marxist.

Changing The Rules

We’ve all seen it:  Lefties, anarchists, so-called “liberals” and so on assaulting conservatives, whether on the streets, in restaurants, in gyms, whatever.

The toxicity of the resistance to President Trump has risen in recent days, with the nation’s most respected newspapers publishing rationalizations for denying Trump supporters public accommodation and for doxxing career federal employees, while a journalist found himself under physical attack from the so-called anti-fascist group Antifa, which has stepped up its violent activities since Trump’s election.
The justification for denying public accommodation came from the Washington Post in an op-ed by Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of a farm-to-table restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. Wilkinson became famous in June of last year, when she refused to serve White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders and and told Sanders and her family to leave the restaurant. Wilkinson’s staff then followed the Sanders group in protest as they tried to find another place to eat.
Wilkinson later told the press she ejected Sanders because the Trump administration is “inhumane and unethical” and because the Red Hen “has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.”


“If you’re an unsavory individual,” Wilkinson concluded, “we have no legal or moral obligation to do business with you.” Better to stay home than risk the spittle. (In her new article, Wilkinson discussed the case of The Aviary, a trendy bar in Chicago where a waitress recently spat on Eric Trump, the president’s son.)

Sounds like the stakes are getting a little more serious — especially when the so-called “law enforcement” agencies are looking the other way.

But the real enablers here are the politicians and journalists who’ve championed Antifa, such as the CNN presenter Chris Cuomo, as well as the Portland authorities who have consistently turned a blind eye to the criminal behavior of the group. Indeed, Andy himself was assaulted by an Antifa activist at his gym last month and the Portland Police took no action. And he was punched in the stomach while covering an Antifa May Day protest in Portland while a police officer stood by and did nothing.

And here’s the real take:

Antifa fighters beat up and milkshaked Ngo, apparently because he was there and he was not on their side.

So “if you’re not with us, you’re against us” ?  O-o-o-okay.  Powerline puts it this way:

Liberals act as though they are spoiling for a civil war, or at least a slow-motion approximation thereof. Is that really what they want? Fighting in the streets? And, evidently, the restaurants? Do they have reason to think they would fare well if they actually got what they claim to want?

Just remember, assholes, when some Pantifa Pussy gets a .357 Mag bullet in the face for tossing a concrete-laced milkshake at someone — you started this bullshit, not us.

Escalation can come from both sides, after all.