Apparently Mexico has elected a Commie rat bastard [some redundancy] to be their next El Presidente. How nice. As if we don’t have enough of them ourselves in Congress, California, New York, Austin, Berkeley etc., now we’re going to be dealing with imports as well?
Needless to say, other Commies from all over are racing to offer their congratulations to Comrade Obrador. (I love the fact that BritCommie Jeremy “Shitbreath” Corbyn has hailed Obrador’s election as a “new beginning” for Mexico. Given Communism’s track record, it would be more accurate to call it the “beginning of the end” for Mexico.)
Oh well. Now we really need to build a wall (e.g. as it was in Cold War Germany, with machine-gun towers and minefields) to keep the desperate Commies from flooding over the Rio Grande in even greater numbers (see: Venezuelan refugees streaming into Colombia and Brazil). If you thought the illegal Mexican border-jumpers were desperate before, just wait till Obrador’s policies force Mexico even deeper into the shit than they are already.
I also love the fact that the dear comrade’s campaign was positioned as “anti-corruption”, when we all know that under every Communist regime ever installed, all the guys at the top get massively rich from… corruption. Mexico will be no different.
If this wasn’t happening so close to our borders, I’d just order up (and eat) a megaton of popcorn while watching the place implode. But ugh… the Mex/U.S. border is only a few hundred miles south of where I’m sitting, and this is not going to end well.
Maybe a moat, as well as machine gun towers and minefields…? How say you, O My Readers?