Quote Of The Day

“Leftist propaganda is usually split into two halves.  The first half invokes a victim group of some sort, for whom we are expected to feel sympathy for their plight.  The second half invokes hate towards a group that is portrayed as deliberately doing down, punishing or disadvantaging the first group.  This process is a kind of emotional dialectic – a thesis and antithesis of oppressor and victimhood.  Whilst the sympathy of the Left for the victim group sometimes comes across as strained, contrived or even hypocritical, the hate is expressed in a heartfelt and visceral way.  This technique is one of the reasons why a debate with a Leftist nearly always departs from any cool rationality and descends into emotional irrationality and contradiction of terms.  Emotions are used in this way because emotions are very, very powerful political tools for manipulation of peoples’ actions.  Whole revolutions have been justified using this technique.” — David Eyles, Country Squire Magazine

Read the entire article:  it’s magnificent.

“The Free Ride Is Over. It’s Time To Pack Your Bags.”

Thus spoke Italy’s new Minister of the Interior, addressing Italy’s migrant population.  I have to say that I’ve been fascinated by the recent elections in Italy — it’s been quite Trump 2016-like, with populism, anti-illegal immigration and all the pearl-clutching horror from all corners of the political establishment that the stupid voters could possibly have elected so monstrous a couple of parties, the Liga (League) and the 5-Star Movement.  Both parties campaigned hard against what they see as the ruin of Italy caused by “foreigners” (migrants and the EU).

Yeah, screwing up Italy should be left to the Italians.  Their track record in this regard has been exemplary.

In fact, the only difference between 2018 Italy and 2016 U.S. is the Italian voters’ outright hostility towards the EU’s control of the Italian economy (and they have a point) — which was only exacerbated by the outright threats of the EU government towards the new government (see below).

But support for the election results has been pretty much universal in Italy:

Offering the new government cautious support was Italy’s small, far-right neo-fascist CasaPound party, which held its own Republic Day commemoration on Saturday. Banners featured images of a crossed-out EU flag and ‘#exIT’ written underneath, a reference to calls for Italy to leave the 28-nation bloc.

That, in fact, was what caused the political establishment to end their attempts to overturn the election results:  a new election, from what I can understand, would have  turned into a de facto  referendum on continuing Italy’s membership in the European Union — and it’s quite clear that this scenario was frightening enough, and the “#exIt” outcome likely enough that the U.S.-style “Resistance” to the election outcome collapsed.  Here’s the background to all of this:

The latest manifestation of this battle of wills between an authoritarian Brussels and individual nations trying to uphold democracy came this week with a set of extraordinary events in Italy.
After national elections in March, Italian voters committed themselves to what to the EU elite is the ultimate heresy. They voted in their millions for politicians who said they were prepared to abandon the European single currency.
The result was that two populist parties, the League and the Five Star Movement, came together to try to form a government.
There is little surprise that the Italian people are increasingly fed up with EU membership. Italy has struggled since adopting the euro currency 18 years ago.
Deprived of the ability to manage its own economy, there has been no cumulative economic growth since then.
In recent years, Brussels has imposed unelected technocrats to run the Rome government with savagely austere economic policies. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their jobs.
Most outrageously, European commissioner Guenther Oettinger said the crisis would teach Italians not to vote for ‘populist’ parties next time.
Without a shred of evidence and in a manner akin to those behind Project Fear in the run-up to the EU referendum in the UK, he said menacingly that the financial markets would punish Italy and that votes for anti-EU candidates risked destroying the Italian economy.
In other words, if Italians do not vote the ‘right’ way the next time they go to the polls, they will be punished.

I’ve often thought that if the EU were to collapse, it would be because the Germans got sick of supporting the rest of Europe and went home.  I was wrong.  What started (and was crushed by Germany) in Greece has spilled over into Italy, and the Italians don’t seem to be in a mood to be bullied.  (I was also wrong about getting tough on illegal immigration.  I always thought it would be the French who would start — or at least threaten —  mass deportations.)

This is big news.  It’s the first time since the establishment of the EU — and all its forerunners — that a genuinely populist party (or coalition of populist parties, in this case)  has been elected in Western Europe.  (It’s akin to Britain’s UKIP winning a general election.)

Like the Italians, I don’t buy the threats of global financial collapse.  For one thing, the Italian economy isn’t big enough to cause it, and the only “downside” would be if Italy’s solo efforts cause the euro — the single currency union — to collapse because other countries (e.g. Greece) follow suit.

Someone pass the popcorn.  This will be interesting.  And Viva Italia!

Says It All, Really

Via Perry de Havilland at Samizdata, there’s a rather long quote by Tom Paine wherein he characterizes the Labour Party and Conservative Party respectively as the “Let’s Fuck It Up” and the “Let’s Fuck It Up More Slowly” Parties.

If anyone can think of a better description of the current Democrats and Establishment Republicans (GOPe), I’ll buy you a drink.


Ahhhh, it’s May 1st, the traditional Socialist holiday [sic] when the Party faithful and the Vanguard rejoice in the perfection of the Proletariat Paradise they’ve created for the grateful working classes.

It was also Karl Marx’s birthday a little while ago, and the New York Times rejoiced in that, too.

So how should we, we happy band of Deplorables, celebrate all this Socialism?

I’d suggest punching a random hippie, journalist or Democrat [some overlap; quite a lot, actually] but then I’d no doubt be accused of some hate crime or other.

Ah well, might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb (so to speak):

…and should anyone need reminding of the fundamentals:

Suggestions for the Hanging Tree will be accepted in Comments.

Happy May Day, everyone! Now go ye forth and enjoy yourselves, and don’t forget to clean yer bayonets properly before putting them away: blood is very corrosive*.

*don’t ask me how I know this.

Don’t Go There, Lefty Fuckwits

Apparently, this latest round in the saga of Leftists’ desire for general citizen disarmament has them yucking it up about gun owners’ “cold dead hands” mantra, as seen in this revolting video.

Just to make it perfectly clear:  we’re not joking.  And if your response is, “Nor are we,” then I guess I need to buy some more ammo, and your storm troopers will have to buy more body bags. Assuming you’d have enough storm troopers, by the way. (Because we all know that you’d never try to take away our guns yourselves, you braying cowards.)

This is no joking matter; this is deadly serious stuff we’re talking about. Too many Americans have died defending our Constitution for the rest of us to submit meekly to this kind of subversion. And all your bleating that “20% of Americans support our gun confiscation agenda” simply means that 80% of us don’t, which is why the Second Amendment will never be repealed.

Choke on it. And watch as our numbers grow.

When The Impossible Becomes Everyday

We are constantly being told by the Left that we need to adopt the stricter gun laws of other countries — the U.K. and Australia spring to mind — because their gunshot violence rates are so much lower than ours Over Here.

And yet

Two men in their 20s are taken to hospital after being shot outside Mile End Tube station as London’s crime epidemic continues

and this:

Mother of a student shot and stabbed to death on a night out says she is “completely heartbroken”. His death is one of eight murders in London in a week and has sparked warnings that the capital could see a record number of killings in 2018.

Technically, of course, with handgun ownership almost completely banned in the U.K., this kind of thing should never, ever happen. Technically, Britain’s gunshot violence rate involving handguns should equal zero — but of course, it doesn’t.

And if we take the spate of acid-tossing incidents in Britain — where young thugs simply use sulphuric- or hydrochloric acid as their weapon of choice, the violent crime rate is absolutely staggering. (Yeah, having acid thrown in your face is so much better than being threatened with a gun.)

But when confronted with these facts, the Left just shrugs because as with all things Lefty, the intent is what’s important; the outcome is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if people die or are horribly disfigured as long as the principle (of public disarmament) is laudable.

I wonder just how many of these British criminals would be so brazen if there was a good chance they’d be shot dead by lawfully-armed citizens… oh hell, we all know the answer to that. It’s only the Left who would be wailing about “pitched gun battles” and “Wild West shoot-outs” (when in fact, the violent crime rate in America’s Wild West days — where almost every man carried a gun — was considerably lower than today’s).

Which reminds me: it’s almost time to head off to the range.