About That California Thing

…you know, that 10-day waiting period before you can take possession of that gun you just purchased.

Let’s just hope you don’t need that shootin’ iron before then, is all.

Or if you are being robbed and you’re still stuck in that waiting period without a gun, I’m sure that if you explain the situation and ask the burglars / robbers nicely, they’ll go away and leave you alone till the end thereof.

That’s what the CalGov means by “tough shit”, I guess.

(My CA Readers — and why are they still there? — are probably not in that same boat, as I’m pretty sure they’re all, shall we say, adequately armed.)

Whose Country?

Eh, anyone could have seen this one coming:

The United Kingdom showcased its submission to mass immigration on Tuesday by flying the Pakistani flag above its most important Anglican church.

Footage shared across the X platform showed the flag of Pakistan flying above Westminster Abbey.

According to the Pakistan High Commission, the flag was hoisted to celebrate Pakistan Day, a national holiday commemorating the adoption of the first Constitution of Pakistan.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with flying a Muslim flag over a Christian cathedral… during Holy Week, the most important event on the Christian calendar.

FFS, I’m an atheist and even I’m offended by this blatant example of ummah.

You Don’t Say Pt. 2

Following on yesterday’s news from Denmark comes this new bombshell from Germany:

When it comes to crimes against life, 54 percent of cases of murder were committed by foreigners, while they were responsible for 64.8 percent of cases involving manslaughter.

Foreigners were also vastly overrepresented in robbery cases, including 65.5 percent of robberies, 75.6 percent of aggravated robbery, 93 percent of car thefts, 87.5 percent of handbag thefts, 93 percent of pickpocketing cases, 87.5 of violent burglaries, 80 percent of daytime burglaries, and 72.9 percent of street thefts.

Foreigners also committed 75 percent of money counterfeiting crimes, and 62.5 percent of sexual blackmail cases.

Foreigners were additionally responsible for 83.3 percent of human trafficking cases and the same amount of forced prostitution cases.

When it comes to serious sexual crimes, foreigners are also vastly overrepresented, with the data showing they were also responsible for 64.1 percent of all rape cases. In one of the most extreme data points from the new statistics, foreigners were responsible for 100 percent of serious sexual assault cases.

“But the Western whores were just asking for it”, the cultural relativists will wail.  “No wonder the pore Muslim- and African lads were led astray.”

Hang ’em all.  Yeah, the apologists as well as the rapists and murderers.

You Don’t Say

Looks like the Great Assimilation Project© has just discovered an unforeseen* consequence:

Back in 2020, Mattias Tesfaye, Denmark’s minister for Immigration and Integration, did the unthinkable and decided to create a category for criminals from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), mostly Arab and/or Muslim nations. Guess what Denmark learned? MENA immigrants have a higher tendency for unemployment and violent crime than any other ethnic group in Denmark.

Wait… you mean:  “Muslims commit violent crimes way more than people of Danish descent”?

And in other news, Nazis didn’t like Jews, apparently.

*“unforeseen”  to anyone who believes in the Brotherhood Of Man and unicorns;  for the rest of us, it was as predictable as January snow in Minnesota.