So What, It’s Only Jews

It’s hard to see how much worse the situation could get:

More than 30 synagogues in Massachusetts were targeted with bomb threats on Sunday, just days after its largest city, Boston, rejected millions of dollars in federal anti-terrorism grant money.

Why did they reject the funding?

The city council rejected the grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in a contentious 6 to 6 vote, with the opposition arguing that giving more funds to law enforcement would “do more harm than good” to minority communities.

Oh well, that’s okay then.  After all, it’s only Jooz who’d be targeted by the terrorists, but of course Jooz don’t classify as a “minority” group anymore because White Rayciss Who Invaded Peaceful Gaza.  Or something like that.

Let Boston sink.

Thoughts On The Colorado Thing

As we all know, the Colorado courts have ordered Trump’s name removed from the Republican primary ballot of 2024 because he “encouraged insurrection” (yeah I know, he didn’t, there’s no proof, but that’s not gonna stop the Lefty craziness*).  You can’t even write his name in, because the court ordered those ballots to be counted as “spoiled” and discarded.

Of course, this idiocy is going to the Supreme Court, where it should be struck down (and the Colorado courts’ collective pee-pee as well, don’t get me started).

But it might not be, because if there’s one thing we’ve learned about the Supreme Court as currently constituted is that what seems blindingly apparent to anyone with a sentient brain, is often just a way for them to apply some tortured fucking legal logic to gainsay the obvious.


Here, however, is a way for the Stupid Party to do something not stupid.

Simply refuse to hold a primary in Colorado.  (They’re talking about doing the caucus thing — like Iowa does — but that’s not what I’m talking about here.)  Boycott the state completely.  Declare them “irrelevant”.

OR:  let all the Republican weenies who are desperately trying to achieve relevance in the election field refuse to have their names on the ballot as well.  Withdraw from the Colorado primary altogether.

Now of course that will never happen, because politicians are all greedy motherfuckers and all it takes is for one fat New Jersey politician to break the compact and the others would have to get back in.  One might suggest that breaking such a compact would be a clear indicator that the fat fuck isn’t fit to be POTUS, but Joe Biden seems to have made the “fit to hold the office” thing completely irrelevant.

Anyway, this may all be moot because SCOTUS might actually tell Colorado that what they’ve done is un-Constitutional, which it plainly is, but then see my statement above about the Biggest Lawyers’ reliability.

What a mess.

*We need remember only one Leftist quote to prove this statement:

To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail.” — Che Guevara

The Colorado court clearly thinks the same way.  Q.E.D.

Prime Candidate

Well, I’d vote for her.

Born into extreme poverty in Ethiopia in 1978 or ’79, Pilip emigrated with her family to Israel at the age of 12.  W

hen she came of age, served a stint with the IDF’s elite paratroopers. She told JTA back in January that as a college student, she headed up the Ethiopian Student Union for two years. “I was a voice of so many young kids who wanted equal opportunity and really my main focus was especially education, because I do believe through education, you can achieve a lot and you can integrate into the society.”

While at the University of Haifa, she met an American-Ukrainian medical student named Adalbert Pilip. He’s now a successful cardiologist, she’s in politics, and together they have a huge family.

Lefties are practically wetting themselves because Pilip is an Orthodox Jewish Woman of Color Onetime Synagogue Vice President Former Machine-Gun Toting Paratrooper Mom of Seven. Any two of those items together is enough to make their heads explode, and she has four of five of them going on.

My kinda African.  AND she’s Tribe, so there’s a double whammy for the Commies.

In what passes for conservative politicians in New York, she’s a mega.  And I bet, MAGA as well;  because like me again, she’s seen what happens when your society goes to shit — hell, in her case, always was in shit — and will no doubt work to stop it happening here.

We can only hope.  In the meantime, the Commies’ heads are exploding — which is always a Good Thing.

Reminder Of Earlier Predictions

Of course, this is about the Coming Ice Age Of 1970.

Then there’s this one, more trenchantly stated:

Five hundred years ago, no one was driving, flying, using plastic bags or gas stoves. Electric vehicles were not a thing yet. The only vehicle was a horse, possibly pulling a carriage. There was even less CO2 activity 5000 years ago or 5 million years ago. Yet the climate was changing back then. How does science explain that? Or are they making things up now?

I’ll take that last one for $400, Alex.

Fucking charlatans.

Quote Of The Day

Via Insty:

Global warming-obsessed climatologists and media told us back in 2020 that snow and frost would be rare – a thing of the past!

Now with the heavy, record snowfall, global warming astrologists are looking a bit foolish and embarrassed. Their predictions are wrong. Already in November snow arrived and record amounts have already fallen.

You had me at “global warming astrologists”…

Read the whole thing.

Numbers Matter

From the NSSF, relating to the latest gun ban foolishness:

There were nearly 25 million AR/AK-style rifles in circulation on June 21, 2022, at which time the National Shooting Sports Foundation observed there were more AR/AK-style firearms in circulation “than Ford F-Series trucks on the road.”

And that was over a year ago.  I personally know of four people who’ve bought themselves lovely new AR-15s since then.  One guy bought a matched pair for himself and his wife:

If that doesn’t give you the Warm ‘N Fuzzies, go stand in the corner.