About Damn Time, Too

My boy Calvin Coolidge gets recognized.  By word:

“New arrivals should be limited to our capacity to absorb them into the ranks of good citizenship. America must be kept American. For this purpose, it is necessary to continue a policy of restricted immigration.
“Whether one traces his Americanism back three centuries to the Mayflower, or three years of the steerage, is not half so important as whether his Americanism of to-day is real and genuine. No matter by what various crafts we came here, we are all now in the same boat.”

And by deed:

Under Coolidge, the top income tax rate of 65% under Wilson was eventually cut to 20%. The stock market began its unprecedented ‘roaring 20s’ climb as it became clear through 1924 that Coolidge’s tax reduction bill would pass. In both his first and last year in office, federal receipts were $3.8 billion and expenditures were $3.1 billion, and in between, he cut the national debt from $22.3 billion to $16.9 billion.

Do we ever need him today.  Kudos to Ron DeSantis for bringing him back into the limelight.

Dept. Of Righteous Shootings – International Division

Here’s one Righteous Shooting that has had an unhappy ending:

Mario Roggero shot at three thieves in Grinzane Cavour on April 28, 2021 after they entered his store, bound his daughter’s hands behind her back, threatened to kill his wife and helped themselves to expensive jewellery and watches.

Fearing for his life, Roggero was seen on CCTV chasing them out of the shop and shooting at least five times.

Andrea Spinelli and Giuseppe Mazzarino died a few yards from the shop entrance, one in the street and the other on the corner with a side street. A third robber was injured and later arrested.

Of course, had this happened in, say, Texas and not in Yurp, there’d be parades in his honor and several attaboys from the police (and me, for instance) for ridding society of three violent assholes.  Instead:

Roggero has been sentenced to 17 years in prison.

Disgusting.  But not entirely unexpected in gun-hating Europe.

Also, in Texas the asshole prosecutors would be facing all sorts of anger from the voters and almost certain loss of office;  but in Yurp, they’re quite happy to lick the chains that enslave them.

Range time, Kim?  I think so.

Update:  And it gets worse.

Quote Of The Day

From Niall Ferguson:

“Henry Kissinger was a colossus who bestrode a century: he shaped politics like no other statesman and the world wouldn’t be in such a perilous state if more followed his wise and ruthlessly pragmatic approach.”

Amen to that.  If Kissinger had a fault, it was that his towering intellect, logic and pragmatism prevented him from fully understanding the attitudes of the fanatics on the other side of the negotiating table.

Of Kissinger it can truly be said that he was always — always — the smartest man in the room.  His enemies knew that, and it only added to their frustrated rage.

And you only have to see who hated him to realize that he was, mostly, correct in his approach to foreign policy — unlike the feckless and ignorant fools and children who are in charge of such things today.

Read the article.

Wasting Time

Whenever I read a headline like this one, it brings back memories:

What memories, you ask?

Back in the 90s, James Baker III (PBUH) was told that one of George H. Bush’s policies or campaign speeches (I forget which) was going to alienate a large number of East Coast Jews.

His immortal response?

“Fuck ’em;  they’re not going to vote for us anyway.”

And I can’t help but think that the Tories are in similar situation with young Brit voters — unless there is a “silent” bloc of Conservative youth who will vote for them and not the godless Commies of the Socialist Labour Party.

If such a bloc exists, they’re really silent, or else a tiny minority.  More likely, today’s yoot Over There can probably be written off completely, because they’re going to vote for the same foul socialism of their grandfathers of the post-WWII years.

I don’t wanna think about our young Murkin voters, although I’m fairly sure that our Red states may harbor a far larger number of right-thinking (in both senses of the word) young people.

I’m not convinced, however, that there are enough of them to overcome the many thousands of fraudulent socialist ballots that will no doubt play a huge part in the next, and future elections.

Political Snigger

First we had that “right-wing” libertarian (?) winning big in [Don’t Cry For Me] Argentina, and now the Dutch too seem to have come to their senses (and not a moment too soon):

In yet another sign of a global political shift, the right-wing populist Party for Freedom in the Netherlands is projected to win a large plurality. According to exit polling, the PVV will pick up at least 35 seats while the current ruling coalition will combine for 37 losses while only winning 41 seats total. That makes Geert Wilders, the founder of the Party for Freedom, the big winner.

Of course, this has the Left screaming hair-on-fire stuff:

The Netherlands will join an increasingly long list of West European countries (CH, FR, IT, SE) where the radical right has overtaken the mainstream right has the main party of the right.

Never mind that their definition of “radical right” would, in U.S. terms, make Wilders’s party more like centrist Democrats (anyone remember them?) Over Here.  (For those unfamiliar with the terminology:  that would be Switzerland, France, Italy and Sweden [!] who have recently moved to the “right”.)

Anyway, getting back to the Dutchies:

“It’s been enough now. The Netherlands can’t take it anymore. We have to think about our own people first now. Borders closed. Zero asylum seekers,” Wilders said in a television debate on the eve of the election.

Sounds kinda like Trump, doesn’t it?  Let’s hope that Wilders, unlike Trump, actually starts to do something about the situation once he’s sworn in.

Expect the lawyers to start sharpening their quills so as to try to stop in the courts any commonsense policy he implements — just like our leftist assholes do Over Here.

Let the mass deportations begin… and once again, not a moment too soon.

Quote Of The Day

From RedState:

Sunday night, Austrian school economist Javier Milei gave a figurative and political curb-stomping to incumbent Argentine President Sergio Massa, beating him by ten percentage points. Not only did Milei win, but he did it in an election in which judges did not arbitrarily change laws and without huge, unexplained tranches of ballots, with 99% marked for the favorite candidate of the political class being discovered after the polls closed.

It kinda sucks when one of the exemplars of the “banana republic” concept does the democracy thing more honestly than that beacon of freedom and democracy, the U.S. of A.

It may not last, of course:  the odds are good that the defeated party will just send in the tanks — I mean, the National Guard.

We’d never do something like that, of course.